Chapter 109
The weather in early June was very clear, Fang Zilan took A Wan and Shangguan Min to the countryside for a horse race, and stopped by Beiduhu Mansion to watch a theater.

Qi Yuming and Huangfuchen have been fighting openly and secretly since the completion of the Protectorate's Mansion last month, and she knows all about it.

Fortunately, Qi Yuming was neither humble nor overbearing and allowed Huangfuchen to make a fuss, which made the Duhu Mansion seem peaceful this month.

However, she knew in her heart that Qi Yuming was not a good person, and if Huangfuchen really made him anxious, she might not have to do this kind of protection.

After Fang Zilan watched the play and beat Huangfuchen, Qi Yuming sent her out of the Protectorate's Mansion, and he didn't forget to ask her if one day he and Huangfuchen had a hard fight, which side would she be on.

She smiled lightly and said: "Master Qi, I helped him to this position with my own hands, so much effort can't be wasted. As for Huangfu Chen, who is backed by Huangfu's family, why should I worry about it?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuming clasped his fists and saluted, "With Mr. Fang's words, Qi Yuming is relieved."

"Huangfu can't beat you in the morning, and Huangfu's family may not be able to beat me. Just keep your heart in your stomach and work hard as the head of the Protectorate Mansion. When the sky falls, I will support you." Fang Zilan got on the horse after finishing speaking, and led Then A Wan and Shangguan Min bid farewell to Qi Yuming.

After that, Shangguan Min went back to the army alone, while she and A Wan went back to Yanzhou City.

As soon as Fang Zilan and Awan returned to the mansion, they saw the raven sent by Ji Ningtian landed by the window of the study, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

Awan went forward to take off the wax pellets on the letter crow, took out the nine-petal flowers and soaked them in the potion, and after a while, words appeared on the flowers.

"What did you say in the son's letter?" Fang Zilan sat lazily on the main seat, letting Awan read the letter for a long time without saying a word, and she didn't ask.

After a long while, Ah Wan said in a low voice: "My son said in a letter that your elder sister—the second miss of the Xiangfu, Fang Zitong, is getting married."

"Fang Zilan, the third lady of the Xiangfu, is dead. The person in front of you is Fang Zilan, the lord of the northern border." Fang Zilan sat up straight, her voice was a little cold, "Which son is she going to marry?"

There was some hesitation on A Wan's face, but finally she said softly: "The Fang family belongs to the family, and the head of the family is Fang Liren."

"Is this going to marry my cousin?" Fang Zilan said as she tapped her fingers on the table, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

She knew the Fang Liren that Awan was talking about. It was said that he was an unborn business genius. He lost his parents at a young age, but he stood out among all his uncles and brothers. He became the head of the Fang family at the age of 20.

Such a character should not be underestimated. Fang Zilan vaguely remembered that when Fang Liren visited the prime minister's mansion in the early years, Fang Zitong liked to follow Fang Liren and ask questions.

In her impression, Fang Liren has a cold temperament, not as smooth as ordinary businessmen, and he treats people politely and thoughtfully, but with an indescribable alienation, he is an unpredictable person.

At that time, their father Fang Chongzheng commented on Fang Liren, saying that he was too sensitive and sensitive, and that he might not be the head of the Fang family for long.

Now Fang Liren has been the head of the Fang family for six full years, and now it is the seventh year, whether it is long or short.

But Fang Zilan's intuition told her that Fang Chongzheng has a profound experience and a vicious vision, and the people he sees are probably accurate, and I don't know how long Fang Liren, the head of the family, can last.

"Speaking of which, the head of the Fang family is already in his twenties this year, and he hasn't married a wife yet, which is a novelty." Awan said and handed the letter to Fang Zilan, pulling back her wandering thoughts.

She raised her head to take the letter in A Wan's hand, and said with a chuckle: "What's so novel about this, the young master is about the same age as him, isn't he also unmarried?"

"How can Fang Liren compare with the young master, but the young master is the one who has a marriage contract with Wu Qing..." A Wan suddenly stopped talking in the middle of her sentence, and looked nervously at Fang Zilan in front of her.

Seeing that she didn't respond and was still reading the letter, A Wan quickly changed the subject, "Don't talk about Fang Liren, just talk about Fang Zitong, but you've only grown up for a few months, and now you're about to get married."

"Twenty years old, it's time to get married." She responded casually, and Awan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Zilan burned the letter after reading it. She stared at the flames and frowned, "But why did you tell me this? Do you still think I am the daughter of the Fang family?"

"Probably so." A Wan sat next to Fang Zilan, but she saw her frown and her lips twitch slightly, smiling a bit ironically, "At the beginning, he asked Wu Qing to tell me that Fang Zilan, the concubine of the Xiangfu, was dead. , the only one alive is the killer Zixiu. Now, you have told me about this insignificant marriage, do you want me to congratulate you?"

"The marriage of the second lady of the Xiangfu is a major event in the capital. The young master will naturally let you know. Why do you think too much?" A Wan said and shook her arm, "It's a day when we can be free in the northern border. , irrelevant people ignore it.”

"A Wan's words are reasonable." Fang Zilan looked at the people beside her, and said, "Next month, I will go to the military camp for a promotion exam next month. Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course I want to watch this kind of excitement." A Wan became interested, and pestered Fang Zilan to ask about the content and process of the military competition, and the two quickly put the marriage behind them.

Unexpectedly, within half a month, before the two of them went to the barracks, they saw the letter crow newly sent by Ji Ningtian.

The letter brought by Raven still mentioned this marriage, but unlike last time, this time it was not good news.

The head of the Fang family, Fang Liren, escaped from marriage.

Holding the letter, A Wan frowned, and said with displeasure, "What is this? It's unheard of for a groom to run away from marriage. Young Master, is this asking us to help find someone in the northern border? Who knew that Fang Li Where will people flee to if they escape from marriage?"

Compared to Awan's irascibility, Fang Zilan seemed more calm and composed, "Fang Li would rather give up his status as the head of the family and escape marriage than marry Fang Zitong. This is interesting."

A Wan burned the letter with some puzzlement, and muttered while burning: "Fang Liren just ran away from marriage, what does it have to do with giving up the identity of the head of the family?"

Fang Zilan glanced at her lightly, "You, you are really too young to understand the twists and turns of adults. As the head of the Fang family, Fang Liren represents the entire Fang family in every move, and marriage is even more related to the entire family. It's a big deal. Right now, he's escaping the marriage privately, not just regretting the marriage, but also disregarding his family and life."

"It's so serious?" A Wan's eyes widened in disbelief, and she approached Fang Zilan, wondering: "Then you are still so calm?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan nodded her forehead amusedly, and asked, "Fang Liren escaped marriage, why should I lose my temper?"

 In this chapter, Fang Zilan: Fang Liren escaped marriage, what does it have to do with me?
  A few chapters later, Fang Zilan: Could this also be related to me?
(End of this chapter)

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