Chapter 110
"After all, you..." Awan got stuck on your words for a long time, but didn't know what to say.

She was struggling with how to speak, when Fang Zilan sighed quietly, "It should be Fang Zitong who can't hold her breath now, right? The groom fled the marriage regardless. I think she, the bride, is going to be seen as a joke, no How much better it will be."

Hearing what she said, A Wan couldn't help but also sighed, "That Fang Zitong is a bit pitiful. What should we do, help the young master find Fang Liren?"

"Young master's message is just to inform us. He knows that I can't get away in the north, so he won't ask me to find Fang Liren." Fang Zilan touched Awan's head and said softly: "Young master means, If we find any trace of Fang Liren in the northern border, remember to inform him."

Ah Wan nodded thoughtfully, but suddenly remembered something and pulled Fang Zilan back, "But we are going to the army tomorrow morning to prepare for promotion to the school."

"Yes." Fang Zilan patted the back of Awan's hand, "So little Awan will go to bed early tonight, so don't worry about these things."

"You too." A Wan shook Fang Zilan's arm, and said solemnly: "Although you have recuperated well in the past six months and the poison has not flared up, you should not take it lightly."

"Don't worry, Awan, I know it." Fang Zilan smiled and signaled her to rest assured, "I still have some things to deal with, Awan, go and pack things by yourself first."

"Okay." A Wan responded, turned and left the study, leaving Fang Zilan alone to look at the burnt scraps of letters with a gloomy expression.

The sun was shining brightly in the north at the beginning of July. Fang Zilan looked at the soldiers with high morale in the army, practicing hard and sweating on the school field, and she felt relieved and admired spontaneously in her heart.

It is these people who never let up even in the Taiping period. They used their backbones to prop up the sky above the heads of the people in the northern border, used their flesh and blood to build the strongest city wall in the northern border, and used their sweat to flow across the northern border. Every plant and every tree on a thousand acres of land is what makes the entire capital peaceful and peaceful.

Deputy General Qin followed Fang Zilan and told her about the daily life of the soldiers in the camp, "Everyone has worked hard for the school exams in the past two days, Mr. Fang, can you take a look at it?"

Fang Zilan couldn't help nodding her head and said: "It's very good, everyone has worked hard."

Deputy General Qin smiled honestly, "It's not hard work, it's all duty. Speaking of which, that kid Shangguan Min is particularly hardworking, and he is excellent in horseback riding and archery. It's really not bad. Even compared to the deputy general in the army, he is not inferior."

Fang Zilan agreed: "I also think Shangguanmin is good, and he must be promoted tomorrow."

"It seems that Mr. Fang has already made a decision?" Deputy General Qin looked a little curious, Fang Zilan smiled slightly: "That's natural, wait for Deputy General Qin, you and I go back to the big tent, and discuss it with Lao Li and Cao. , let’s finalize the promotion list.”

"Okay." Vice-General Qin nodded, and walked to the big tent with Fang Zilan.

The two hadn't gone far when they saw two horse-feeding soldiers with their backs to them whispering something head-to-head.

Fang Zilan signaled Vice General Qin not to disturb them by making a sound, and the two got closer together to hear the conversation clearly.

"You said Mrs. Fang is so partial to Shangguan Min, isn't it because Shangguan Min's father, Shangguan Jing, was killed by her?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, it would be bad if someone heard you."

"What's wrong, Shangguan Min is a brat, if Mr. Fang is biased, we will all have to be trampled under his feet in the future..."

"If you don't practice your skills when you have time, you will know how to gossip here. If you don't get trampled by Shangguanmin like this, do you still want to be generals?"

Fang Zilan's voice suddenly sounded, making the two soldiers tremble in fright, and they suddenly turned their heads to see that it was her and Deputy General Qin, and hurriedly knelt down in front of them with a plop.

Among them, he persuaded another soldier who was quieter to kowtow like garlic, "I didn't know Lord Fang and Vice General Qin were here, and I knew I was wrong. I hope the two adults will not blame me."

The other soldier was full of dissatisfaction, "Master Fang said this, we want to be generals, so you want us to have non-commissioned officer military status anyway? Why did Shangguanmin step on our heads? Isn't it because Mr. Fang, you are biased, did you give him the military status as a non-commissioned officer?"

"Dare to challenge me, you are a bit courageous." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Since you are not convinced, then I will give you a chance, you follow me to the school grounds."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Vice General Qin and said, "Vice General Qin, go and find Shangguan Min, take him to the school grounds, and say that someone wants to challenge him, and he must fight with all his strength."

"Yes." Deputy General Qin took the order to go, Fang Zilan looked at the two people kneeling on the ground, "Let's go."

The soldier who challenged him seemed not expecting things to turn out like this. He stood up after hesitating for a while, and followed Fang Zilan to the school field with a hesitation. Seeing this, the other soldier hurriedly followed, and the three of them arrived at the school field together.

Vice General Qin and Shangguan Min had already been waiting on the school grounds, and when they saw them coming, they went up to meet them.

Shangguan Min tentatively looked at the two people behind Fang Zilan, and asked, "From what Vice General Qin said, these two are the ones who want to challenge me?"

"That's right." Fang Zilan stepped aside and said in a deep voice, "What do you two want to compare with Shangguanmin? Why don't you come and listen, so I can make a judgment."

"Let's decide?" The challenger asked suspiciously, Shangguan Min nodded and said, "You can choose what you want to compete."

"Okay, since you said that, let's compare archery!" Fang Zilan couldn't help chuckling with the confidence of the challenger soldier, "Have you figured it out? Shangguan Min is best at archery."

"Master Fang and Shangguanmin want us to decide what to compare, and the rules are naturally determined by us." The soldier who challenged said it confidently, and Shangguanmin said without hesitation: "Tell me, how do you want to compare?"

The challenged soldier raised his voice and said, "Each person shoots three arrows, who hits the bull's-eye more times. The two of us have six arrows, and you, Shangguan Min, have three arrows. How do you compare?"

Before Shangguan Min could answer, Deputy General Qin reprimanded him lightly: "You guys are bullying the few with the more."

Hearing this, another soldier boldly asked, "Master Fang said that we want to make an appointment. Does Master Fang want to ignore what he says?"

Fang Zilan spread her hands and said, "I have no objection, what about you, Shangguan Min?"

"I have no objection either." Shangguan Min said as he took off the bow and arrow he was carrying, and handed it to the two of them, "Come on, please go first."

"Shangguan Min, your bow is too heavy, we can't get used to it." The challenger didn't take his bow, so Fang Zilan ordered someone to fetch another bow and arrow, "To be fair, Shangguan Min, you should use the same bow as them. "

Shangguan Min nodded without objection, "It's easy to say."

 Fang Zilan: If Shangguan Min loses, I am sorry for the name of the Shangguan family's excellent archer (subtext: if you lose, you will be punished
(End of this chapter)

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