Chapter 111
The news that Shangguan Min was going to compete with others in archery soon spread, and the school grounds were already surrounded by soldiers watching the battle.

Fang Zilan motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then let the two soldiers in the field shoot arrows.

These two soldiers had good arrow skills, and six arrows hit the bull's-eye, which made Vice General Qin couldn't help but sweat for Shangguan Min.

"It's your turn." Fang Zilan waved his hand without any reaction, and Shangguan Min walked to the center of the school field and took the bow and arrow from one of the soldiers.

After weighing the weight of the bow and arrow in his hand, Shangguan Min said, "Master Fang, please give me an order to arrange three targets in a row, and then add another six targets in a row. The last target in each row is placed against the wall. Immediately."

"Sure." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, soldiers stepped forward to line up the targets.

Most of the onlookers didn't know why, but Vice General Qin frowned, "This bow is much lighter than what Shangguan Min usually uses. Can he do it?"

The sun was too hot at noon, Fang Zilan squinted her eyes and said: "If you can't do it, you will learn a lesson. A real master will not be dragged down by the weapon in his hand."

Her words were neither light nor serious, but they just reached Shangguan Min's ears.

Without looking back, he raised the bow and arrow in his hand, aimed and shot the arrow without the slightest hesitation, as if flowing clouds and flowing water in one go, making the people around him involuntarily stare dumbfounded.

I saw that each of the three arrows passed through the first two bull's-eyes, and finally landed on the last third bull's-eye. The three targets were threaded into strings like candied haws and nailed to the wall.

There was a burst of applause from below the school grounds, and Deputy General Qin also heaved a sigh of relief, approving: "Shangguan Min is really amazing."

"Not bad." Fang Zilan nodded lightly and walked to the center of the school field.

Seeing Fang Zilan approaching, Shangguan Min was about to stand aside respectfully, but unexpectedly, Fang Zilan took the bow and arrow in his hand and asked someone to place three targets again.

Although they were also lined up, the difference from before was that the distance between the three targets was farther this time, and the last target was not leaning against the wall, but was separated by a stone's throw from the wall.

After the targets were set up, Fang Zilan took the bow and arrow and retreated outside the school grounds, and stopped when she reached the same distance as Shangguan Min was away from the first target.

She glanced at Shangguan Min, smiled and said, "It's a coincidence to use strength. Look after it, I'll teach you a lesson today."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her hand and raised her bow and shot an arrow. The arrow passed through the three bull's-eyes quickly and hard, and finally sank into the wall. However, the three targets still stood upright, as if nothing It didn't happen.

They looked around in a daze, and there was no sound for a while.When the reaction came, it was full of applause.

Fang Zilan casually threw the bow back to Shangguanmin, and was about to ask him if he had seen it clearly, when she heard a voice pass through the cheers of the crowd, and reached her ear, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Master Fang is still so extraordinary!" .”

The voice was as gentle as jade but with an air of aloofness, which made Fang Zilan involuntarily stunned for a moment, almost thinking that she had heard it wrong.

However, she soon recovered her usual indifference, looked back and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhuge, long time no see."

The crowd of onlookers around the school ground dispersed to both sides one after another, making way for Zhuge Yu and his entourage, and the group walked to the center of the school ground.

Only then did Fang Zilan see clearly that the person next to Zhuge Yu turned out to be Li Shengxuan.

She stared blankly, and just about to open her mouth to say something, she was stopped by Li Shengxuan's eyes.She understood it, then turned her head and told Vice General Qin to let people go, and do whatever she had to do.

After everyone dispersed and only Fang Zilan, Li Shengxuan and Zhuge Yu were left, Fang Zilan said, "Your Majesty is really interested. Is this Weifu's private visit to my northern border?"

Li Shengxuan smiled slightly, "Mr. Zhuge is here on business in the northern border, I'm just going with him to have a look."

Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "Go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, Mr. Zhuge is coming to the north this time, it shouldn't be as simple as running an errand?"

"Master Fang has been the Lord of the Northern Territory for almost a year, and he still speaks so straightforwardly, which really amazes me." The corners of Zhuge Yu's lips curled up slightly, and Fang Zilan just smiled, "Young Master Zhuge, please don't be sour on me."

Li Shengxuan looked at the two people who were coming and going, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Fang Zilan, you don't know that Zhuge Yu has spoken well of you in front of me."

"Really?" Fang Zilan smiled even wider, "I really don't know, it seems that I have to thank Mr. Zhuge well."

Thanks for the four words, she deliberately bit the accent.

Zhuge Yu smiled and shook his head, "That's not necessary."

"You two." Li Shengxuan glanced helplessly at the two people in front of him, smiled seriously and said: "It's rare to come to the northern border, you two can go for a run with me."

Fang Zilan picked two good horses for Li Shengxuan and Zhuge Yu, and the three left the barracks and headed north.

With a panoramic view of the desolate scenery outside the Great Wall, Li Shengxuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "The northern frontier is covered with white grass and yellow sand, Fang Zilan, you stay here, it's really not easy to keep a peaceful frontier."

Fang Zilan took the reins, reined in the horse and slowed down and said, "Didn't Your Majesty also guard the northern border for many years? I'm nothing."

"Lord Fang." Zhuge Yu reminded, Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Yes, before Your Majesty, you should be careful with your words."

Li Shengxuan looked at the two people who suddenly became serious, and said calmly: "It's okay, I probably know Fang Zilan's temperament, so I can say whatever I want, I don't blame it."

"Since Your Majesty said so, then I will speak directly if I have something to say." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes after speaking, wondering what she was thinking about.

After a while, she spoke again: "When I went to Zitai and Shuomo, I left the green mound alone to face the dusk. The capital is prosperous, and I don't know how many blue eyes have been lost. The northern border is desolate, and I don't know how many loyal bones have been buried. But whether it is Whether it is the capital or the northern border, it is an inch of the border of the Great Capital, and someone must guard it after all. The lonely smoke in the desert, the sunset over the long river, are no worse than those in the vermilion palace walls, green smoke and willow alleys.”

Looking at the expression on her face, Li Shengxuan couldn't tell the truth of her words for a while, but he was immersed in the momentum of her words, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

At this moment, selfishness overshadowed all suspicions and doubts, he only wanted her to be the only sword in his hand, it was his private possession and Dajing's sharp weapon.

However, in just a moment, he recovered the indifference and calmness that an emperor should have, and said in a deep voice: "If you can become the sword in my hand and fight for me in all directions, you don't have to stick to this land."

Fang Zilan smiled brightly, "But according to His Majesty's orders."

 Today's headline on the front page of the Northern Territory: Shangguan Min is one against two, a well-deserved archer!

  Today's Supplement: Surprise!Why did Zhuge Yu suddenly visit the place?The mysterious attendant looks like today?
  (Fang Zilan: Do you know what a microservice private interview is? The second half of the supplement is withdrawn!
(End of this chapter)

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