Don't ask where people go

Chapter 112 Elopement

Chapter 112 Elopement
"You must have heard about the fact that Fang Liren, the head of the Fang family, escaped from marriage." Li Shengxuan's voice became a little lower, "I want you to go to the western region."

"According to Your Majesty, did Fang Liren flee to the west because he escaped marriage?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Your Majesty wants me to bring him back?"

"No." The person who answered Fang Zilan was Zhuge Yu, and he slowly explained: "Everyone in the world knows that Fang Liren escaped marriage, but they don't know that he actually eloped."

"Elope?" Fang Zilan frowned even tighter, Zhuge Yu nodded and said, "That's right, he eloped with the daughter of a wealthy Persian family, Warners."

"Persia?" Fang Zilan couldn't hear it, and asked with a questioning face: "Mr. Zhuge, please explain clearly."

"The Fang family has been doing business for generations, and Fang Liren, as the head of the Fang family, is no exception. Nearly half of the Fang family's business is related to the Persians. There are many mines in Persia, and gold, silver and precious stones flow into various countries. It can be said that it is the richest man in the vicinity of Dajing Among them, the Sassanid family where Warners belongs is known as the No. [-] wealthy family in Persia. Fang Li often does business with the Sassanian family, and during their contacts, he and Warners have mutual affection and have an affair."

Zhuge Yu paused for a while, and then continued: "After Warners' father found out about this, he asked Fang Liren to join the Sasanian family, and threatened that only in this way would he marry Warners to Fang Liren. You also know that Fang Liren He is the head of the Fang family, and if he joins the Sasanian family, he will have to give up his status as the head of the family, and from now on, nothing in the Fang family will have anything to do with him."

After hearing Zhuge Yu's words, Fang Zilan nodded and said, "I understand now. But I still don't understand. Even if Fang Liren is the head of the Fang family, he doesn't have the ability to make His Majesty worry about him, right?"

"If it's just Fang Liren, it's really nothing to worry about." Zhuge Yu sighed, "The key is that Warners is the only daughter of the Sasanian family, and she is extremely precious. If this matter is not handled properly, it will become a diplomatic incident between the two countries. "

"What does His Majesty want me to do, bring Warners back or send him back to Persia?" Fang Zilan understood, but Li Shengxuan shook his head, "This matter is not as simple as you think."

Fang Zilan had just figured out what had happened, but was confused by Li Shengxuan's words, "So what happened on the way Fang Liren and Warners eloped?"

Zhuge Yu explained again: "The two of them ran into the bandits from the western region on their elopement road, and Warners was robbed. Fang Liren ran back to the border of Dajing and told the matter to General Dugu who was stationed in the western region. General Dugu knew this The matter is no small matter, I sent a letter to Beijing overnight to report to His Majesty, and His Majesty decided to ask you to go after thinking about it."

"I don't understand." Fang Zilan's face became more puzzled, "The Dugu family in the western region has been stationed for so many years, and nothing has happened. Your Majesty sent General Dugu to lead the troops to bring Warners back. Why do you want me to go?"

"That boy Fang Liren said that he only trusts the Fang family, and he insists on seeing the Fang family leading the army before he would tell the story of being robbed." Li Shengxuan looked displeased, "If it weren't for the fact that Warners is still alive and dead , I must kill him."

Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan with some amusement, "Could it be that Your Majesty is confused? I am not from the Fang family."

"Anyway, your surname is Fang." Li Shengxuan snorted coldly, "Fang Liren only said that he wanted the Fang family, but he didn't say which Fang family it was. Among all the people with the surname Fang in the Manchu Dynasty, you are the only one I trust the most."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help chuckling, "Your Majesty, there are only two people with the surname Fang in the whole court. Besides me, the prime minister is Fang Chongzheng."

"Fang Zilan, don't be arrogant because of favors." Li Shengxuan's expression turned a little cold, Fang Zilan quickly suppressed his smile and said seriously: "Your Majesty trusts me so much, I will definitely live up to the entrustment and return to Beijing."

Li Shengxuan looked relieved, "Be careful when you go here, if you need help, just tell me."

"Since your majesty said so, then I will not be polite." Fang Zilan tentatively said, "I am going to the western region, and I want to invite Mr. Zhuge to accompany me, and I hope your majesty will allow it."

"Oh?" Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, Fang Zilan flattened his lips, "I heard that everyone in the Dugu family in the western region is lonely and difficult to get close to. I'm afraid that my temper will offend others, so I ask Mr. Zhuge to reconcile."

Li Shengxuan nodded and said, "I'm sure."

Zhuge Yu smiled slightly, "It's rare that Mr. Fang has favor, Zhuge Yu can't refuse."

"I can handle the others, and I won't take away many people from the northern border." Fang Zilan blinked flatteringly, and Li Shengxuan said with a smile: "You, if you get a bargain, be good. If you need to dispatch troops, go Even if Xijing speaks to Dugu Xin, he will not embarrass you with my handwriting."

Li Shengxuan's tone contained a hint of imperceptible pampering, but Zhuge Yu still heard it, and said: "If Mr. Fang has a lieutenant general who can make it easier for you, you might as well bring two of them, so as not to delay the matter when you arrive in the western region and you are not familiar with the place." gone."

"What Mr. Zhuge said is that I will go back to the army and choose two." Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, and Li Shengxuan also nodded and said: "You go back to the army to clean up, and go to the western region with Zhuge Yu early tomorrow morning."

Fang Zilan still understood the reason why soldiers are expensive and fast, so she responded immediately, "Okay." After she finished speaking, she clasped her fists and saluted, turned around and returned to the barracks, leaving only Li Shengxuan and Zhuge Yu standing where they were.

Seeing her leave, Xia Houzhang, who had been following them all the time, quickly followed her, got off his horse and saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhuge."

Li Shengxuan signaled Xia Houzhang not to be too polite, "How's the investigation going?"

"There are no people who don't know their background in the military camp and the Northern Protectorate's Mansion, let alone Fang Zilan's cronies. But..." Xia Houzhang hesitated for a moment, but continued, "But in the Northern Territory, no matter whether it is the bell of the Zhizhou Mansion, My lord, Lord Qi of the Protectorate, as well as the lieutenants in the army who joined the army, respect Fang Zilan very much."

Li Shengxuan was not surprised, and said in a low voice: "She really has some skills."

Xia Houzhang asked cautiously: "Does Your Majesty want me to investigate further?"

Li Shengxuan shook his head and said: "Forget it, Zhuge Yu checked her for more than half a year and found nothing. What can you find out in just a few days in the northern border?"

Zhuge Yu at the side straightened his sleeves, lowered his eyes and said: "Zhuge Yu is not talented, and he has not been able to share your majesty's worries."

"There is no need to say such polite words between you and me." Li Shengxuan looked indifferent, and said in a deep voice: "Now go to the western region, you have taken care of Fang Zilan for me, and there will be no mistakes."

"Your Majesty's so-called inability to make any mistakes, is it about Warners or Fang Zilan?" Zhuge Yu's eyes were full of inquiry.

Li Shengxuan's face turned a little cold, "What do you think?"

 There are no difficult jobs, only brave workers.

  Congratulations to Fang·Senior Migrant Worker·Zi Lan, who unlocked the map of the Western Territory and started a new part-time job task!

(End of this chapter)

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