Don't ask where people go

Chapter 113 Departure

Chapter 113 Departure
"I think it's a combination of both." Zhuge Yu said without hesitation, "Your Majesty treats Fang Zilan differently from others, and it's a bit special."

Li Shengxuan looked at Zhuge Yu with a more aggressive aura, "Let's hear it."

"Your Majesty suspected Fang Zilan, so he did not hesitate to investigate for so long. Although Your Majesty knows that if something is found out, the country and the country will be affected, but he has never really given up on her." Zhuge Yu said suddenly. Sighing, "Your Majesty is good at the battlefield, and has always been extremely decisive in killing and attacking. However, when it comes to Zilan above, His Majesty is indecisive every time, and he has to use others to say something as an excuse before making a decision."

Li Shengxuan snorted coldly, "Zhuge Yu, are you dissatisfied with my decision?"

"I don't dare." Zhuge Yu was still calm and composed as usual, and said word by word: "Zhuge Yu only hopes that in the future, he will no longer be an excuse for His Majesty to add fuel to the flames, and hope that His Majesty will obey his own wishes. Or, Your Majesty Fang Zi Lan, have you given birth to other thoughts that you shouldn't have?"

"Zhuge Yu, you talk too much today." Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "Fang Zilan is a useful chess piece, I must hold her in my hands."

"In that case, Zhuge Yu will do his best." Zhuge Yu lowered his brows and bowed his head, showing a bit of indescribable respect and a hint of determination: "In the western region, Fang Zilan is well-preserved."

"As for Warners, it would be the best if he could return to Dajing. If not..." Li Shengxuan's eyes flashed fiercely, "There is no need to return to Persia."

Such a smart person as Zhuge Yu, naturally understood Li Shengxuan's implication, and immediately took orders to go back and prepare.

Although it was accidental that Fang Zilan asked him to go to the western region with him this time, in fact, if Fang Zilan did not ask Li Shengxuan for an order, he would ask for an order to accompany him.

He was very curious, first, why Fang Liren insisted on going with the Fang family, second, how Fang Zilan would react when he saw Fang Liren, and third, he wanted to see what method Fang Zilan used to rescue Warners.

On the second day Zhuge Yu saw Fang Zilan who was Hou outside his door early in the morning, and brought Vice General Cao and Awan with him, saying that he was looking for him to say goodbye to Li Shengxuan.

"Master Fang only takes these two with him?" Zhuge Yu's face was obviously inquiring, but Fang Zilan nodded without any reaction: "Lao Li can't get away from the army for me, Lao Cao can follow. A Wan is My personal doctor, I can't live without her."

"Alright." Zhuge Yu nodded and said, "If there are too many people with me, I'm afraid the Dugu family will think that Mr. Fang is going to demonstrate."

"Young Master Zhuge is joking." Fang Zilan's mouth turned up, and he said with a smile: "It's just to save someone, and it doesn't need a lot of battle."

Zhuge Yu also raised the corners of his lips, "Master Fang has extraordinary abilities, I'll just wait and see."

Fang Zilan quickly waved his hands and said, "Young Master Zhuge is absurd. When I get to the western region, I still have to rely on Young Master Zhuge for help."

Before the two of them had a few words of courtesy here, Xia Houzhang brought Li Shengxuan's oral order over there, saying that it was not appropriate for His Majesty to make a fuss about his incognito tour this time, so he would not come to see you off, and wished you all a safe and successful journey.

After thanking them, they mixed in the caravan under Li Shengxuan's arrangement and left Yanzhou City quietly.

Not long after leaving Yanzhou City, Awan approached Fang Zilan and said in a low voice, "It's so mysterious, what is the origin of this Warners?"

"Wanas is the only daughter of the Sassanian family, the most wealthy family in Persia. She is extremely precious..." Fang Zilan paused as if to tell a joke, and then said: "Actually, I don't know very well, and I have to trouble Mr. Zhuge to explain it to us." confused."

Zhuge Yu on the side had already noticed the whispering between the two, and seeing her say it outright, he couldn't help chuckling, "I guess Miss Fang wanted to ask, but she is a daughter of a merchant family, even if she is rich But where can the enemy's gold go?"

He changed his address calmly, Fang Zilan heard it, smiled slightly and thought of teasing him, "I really think so, so what does Ayu say?"

Zhuge Yu was obviously stunned when he heard the word A Yu.

Awan tugged at Fang Zilan's sleeve, shook her head and frowned to indicate that her words were inappropriate.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan bit her lips lightly, and when she was hesitating whether to apologize to Zhuge Yu, she heard him whisper: "It's okay, it's just that no one has called me like this for a long time. If Sister Lan is easy to call, so be it. "

Sister Lan?Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu dumbfounded.

In this way, you come and I change names, as if the relationship between the two people has suddenly become intimate.

She simply stopped carrying it and nodded in agreement.

Zhuge Yu smiled, and turned to the topic: "Persia is a country built on gold and silver treasures, so it is very different from my capital. The Persian royal family has no right to speak, and all power is in the hands of Persian wealthy families. Among them, the Sasanian family is The No. [-] wealthy family in Persia, Warners’ father, Patriarch Sassan, holds more than half of the mines in Persia, not only has he accumulated unparalleled wealth, but he has also accumulated the power of life and death.”

Fang Zilan was amazed, "So powerful?"

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Zhuge Yu added: "It's not an exaggeration to say that you can cover the sky with your hands. A few years ago, the daughter of another wealthy Persian family was ruined because of her insults to Warners. Money is very important to Persia. As far as human beings are concerned, there is supreme status.”

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan wondered: "It is said that people die for money and birds die for food. The Persians pursue money to the extreme. Is life not as important as money in their eyes?"

Zhuge Yu sighed faintly, "I'm afraid it is."

"Do you want money but not life?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly: "But if everyone is dead, what's the use of having money?"

"Sister Lan is right." Although Zhuge Yu said so, there was not much agreement in his tone, "But it is also because Persians value money so much like faith that there are Persian beggars. That said, this has never happened anywhere else."

After hearing Zhuge Yu's words, Awan couldn't help asking: "Since Persia is so rich, why didn't Dajing annex Persia without sending troops?"

"Annexing Persia is tantamount to killing a chicken and taking its eggs." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully, "How many countries in this world don't want to take Persia's wealth for themselves? The mines are just sitting on the mountain. After all, the money of the Persians does not come from mining alone."

A Wan was stunned for a moment, then said clearly: "You mean, the Persian business mind?"

"That's right." The person who made the interface was Zhuge Yu, and he said seriously: "What Dajing wants is not instant wealth, but a steady flow of money. To ask Persia to pay tribute every year, to do business every year, is far more important than Dajing to open up borders. It is much better to expand the soil with a small piece of land."

 How easy is it to get close to people?Fang Zilan: It's really simple and plastic...

(End of this chapter)

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