Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1091 Closing

Murong Qing was in a trance for a moment, and Fang Zilan calmed down, and her voice became darker, "Your Majesty, I promised King Zhongzheng that I would protect your life. But if you have evil intentions, don't blame me for being ruthless. Next time, I will Kill you."

After she said that, she turned around and was about to leave, but Murong Qing called out to her, "Master Fang, you said that I have evil intentions. Then you worked hard to reach the position of Duke of Yue. Don't you have other plans?"

Any other plans?Fang Zilan chewed on these four words repeatedly, then looked back at Murong Qing, "I have other plans, but they are different from the prince's ambition."

"Ambition?" Murong Qing laughed out loud as if he heard something funny. After a while, he stopped and said word by word: "Master Fang, if you have the prophecy of destiny, will you fight for it? If so? If we don’t fight, where can we settle down and live?”

Fang Zilan laughed and said coldly: "There are many people in this world who do not have the prophecy of destiny. Don't they need to settle down and settle down? Your prince has come this way. Whether it is for the sake of settling down and establishing destiny or the prophecy of destiny, only you know best in your heart."

"No matter what Mr. Fang thinks, I will not stop here." Murong Qing clenched his hands into fists and said with a fierce expression: "I will never let Mr. Zuo's blood flow in vain."

When she heard Mr. Zuo, Fang Zilan was stunned. She pursed her lips and whispered: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought that Mr. Zuo's so-called help for you may be just to satisfy his own god-making?"

"What did Lord Fang say?" Murong Qing didn't seem to hear it clearly. Fang Zilan shook her head, "It's nothing. Your Majesty just needs to remember what I said today and stay safe. Otherwise, forgive me for not being able to fulfill my promise to your father."

After she said that, she walked out without looking back. Murong Qing looked at her back and felt a helpless and dejected feeling in his heart.

It wasn't that he didn't hear the last sentence he just said clearly, but he didn't dare to hear it clearly.

If Mr. Zuo is really like what Fang Zilan said, and he only helped because of the destiny prophecy, what does the friendship between teacher and friend in those years mean... and who does he mean?A tool to fulfill destiny prophecies?

Fang Zilan's heart-wrenching words were truly more cruel than killing someone.

Thinking of this, Murong Qing staggered a few steps and finally managed to stand steady while holding on to the table.Panting heavily, he stretched out his hand and swept all the utensils off the table. There was an endless clanging sound and fragments were scattered everywhere.

"King Yuning is indeed the master of the ghost sect, his methods are treacherous and terrifying." Fang Chongzheng looked indifferent as usual, but his sarcastic words still exposed his emotions.

"Prime Minister, are you in a hurry?" Ji Ningtian raised his hand, and Wu Qing poured a cup of tea for Fang Chongzheng with a wink.

Fang Chongzheng didn't even look at it, and Ji Ningtian wasn't annoyed, "As long as the third lady in the Prime Minister's Mansion stays in the boudoir, what does the fate of Yue Duke Fang Zilan have to do with the Prime Minister?"

"Why does Your Majesty ask questions knowingly?" Fang Chongzheng's voice sounded unreal through the steaming tea mist, but it hit people's hearts every word. "If Your Majesty doesn't have her, even if he gets into trouble in the future, it will be unfair."

Hearing this, Ji Ningtian's hands hidden in his sleeves suddenly clenched into fists, "What do you mean, Prime Minister?"

"The prince knows it well, why do I need to say more?" Fang Chongzheng said, leaning back slightly, "This tea is good, but it's a pity that the heat is too high, and there is no tea fragrance anymore, so don't drink it."

"Prime Minister, even if she dies, that is the path she chose." Ji Ningtian's eyes were heavy, "What can you do?"

"Nothing can be done about it." Fang Chongzheng straightened his sleeves unhurriedly, "I have never interfered in her past, and I will not do so in the future. As the prince said, everything is her choice." He paused. After a pause, his voice became sharper, "But no matter how she chooses or what she chooses, as long as she speaks, the Fang family will help."

Help?Ji Ningtian sneered, "Prime Minister, do you take the Fang family too seriously..."

"Your Majesty." Fang Chongzheng stopped Ji Ningtian's words, his tone seemed to be talking about the most ordinary trivial matter, "If Your Majesty doesn't take the Fang family seriously, why would he go to such trouble to erase her memory? Even used poison?"

Ji Ningtian looked stern, and Fang Chongzheng continued talking to himself, "Everything in the world can be bought and sold, and the constant exchange of goods is the way of business. This principle is applicable to all countries. Others don't know what poison is, can they account for it?" Would the Fang family, which is doing all the business in the world, not know?"

"Occupy all the world's business?" Ji Ningtian sneered, "Master Prime Minister, you are too confident in the other party's family."

"What I say is somewhat credible, the prince's heart is like a mirror." Fang Chongzheng said quietly: "The Jingzhao Yin Mansion is investigating, and the Fang family has drafted all the witchcraft and Gu techniques they know into a document, which will be submitted tomorrow. "

tomorrow?Ji Ningtian's heart tightened, but his face remained calm, "The death of Princess Erya involved the diplomatic relations between Dajing and Di Rong, and the murder of Princess Rongan caused an uproar among the people in the southeast. Such an important case, the illusory witch How can the art of Gu be explained clearly?"

"Whether we can explain it clearly is a matter between the Jingzhao Yin Mansion and the Fang family." Fang Chongzheng looked solemn. "As for how to bear the consequences, I'm afraid it is not a matter for one person or one family."

The door closed with a clang, and Fang Zilan turned back to look at Ah Shi, only to see that he seemed to have taken off all disguises, his chest was rising and falling, the end of his eyes and the tip of his nose were red, and his delicate face was filled with happiness.

"It's you..." Fang Zilan froze on the spot, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Ah Shi took her into his arms, "This is not a dream. It's great that you are still alive."

"What are you talking about?" Fang Zilan flicked Ah Shi's forehead with her fingers, but he still held her tightly and refused to let go, "So, Miss Fang San is also you?"

Fang Zilan remained silent and pushed Ah Shi away, "Some things, the less you know, the better."

"I may not know anything, but I can do things for you." Ah Shi suppressed his emotions and said word by word: "Whatever you want to do, I will do it for you."

"Ah yes, don't wade into muddy waters for me." Fang Zilan shook her head and took a step back, "Although I don't know why you appeared in Zuiyue Tower, the importance of the Spring Festival to the Fang family is self-evident. This This is your opportunity, you can’t ruin it because of me.”

"I have a sense of propriety." Ah Shi held Fang Zilan's shoulders, "If you want to act in Zuiyue Tower without anyone noticing, going through me is the best way."

"I know." Fang Zilan met Ah Shi's clear eyes and said decisively: "But I don't want to."

Ah Shi took a deep breath and said, "I can't stay for a long time. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time." He said and walked away.

Fang Zilan's expression was dark and unclear, but she heard someone knocking on the door and chuckled: "Your romantic debt is more than I thought."

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