Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1092 The Past

"Has Your Majesty decided to ask Di Rong's delegation to question Princess Erya in the letter of credence?" Zhuge Yu got straight to the point, and Li Shengxuan did not beat around the bush. He nodded and said, "Yes, the letter of credence has been drafted. When Di Rong's delegation leaves, When it comes to Beijing, it will be made public."

"I'm brave, there may be something wrong with the credentials." Zhuge Yu said seriously: "Although Di Rong's tribe is only a small place, its geographical location is special, right at the junction of the three kingdoms of Dajing, Miluo and Persia..."

He did not continue, but Li Shengxuan knew clearly in his heart that if he turned against Di Rong's tribe due to the question of credential questioning and forced him to form an alliance with Miluo or Persia, he would probably lose more than he gained, and the situation would not be optimistic.

However, the relationship between the two countries has always been getting stronger from strength to strength. Once they bow their heads, it will cause immeasurable consequences.If Di Rong is allowed to pour a basin of dirty water on Fang Zilan, the world will feel that the capital is in the wrong, and hidden dangers will be laid from then on. No matter how he responds, he will be easily criticized.

"I have made up my mind regarding the certificate of credence." Li Shengxuan said firmly, but Zhuge Yu refused to give in. "In this case, how will your Majesty decide the murder of Princess Rongan?"

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, remembering Fang Chongzheng's almost heartfelt words that day——

"Even if there is indeed witchcraft in the world, it would be extremely difficult to prove that someone uses it to control other people's behavior. Moreover, if such claims are allowed to spread in the world, people will definitely panic. If things go on like this, if someone has ulterior motives, If people take advantage of it, the art of witchcraft will become popular, and whether it is true or false, it will easily become an excuse for committing crimes."

"Therefore, I believe that the precedent of using witchcraft to clear away the name of murder must not be set."

Even though Li Shengxuan had always been wary of the Fang family and didn't like Fang Chongzheng very much, he had to admit that Fang Chongzheng had been in the position of prime minister for several dynasties and was far-sighted and far-sighted.

Even Fang Chongzheng has said this, and others are probably even worse and will not believe that witchcraft can control people's hearts.In this case, Fang Zilan must die.

"What are you hesitating about, Your Majesty?" Zhuge Yu's voice suddenly sounded, pulling Li Shengxuan back from his thoughts. His expression was dark and unclear, "If I said that I wanted to save Fang Zilan's life, would you think I was crazy?"

"Since everyone has no objections, then I, Fang Lihui, am the current head of the Fang family." Fang Lihui wiped away his cynical and dissolute appearance before, with a sharp expression, "effective immediately."

Fang Zilan said nothing, and the elders who enforced the rules did not dare to object. They exchanged glances with each other and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, before they even got up, they heard Fang Zilan say: "The tea at Mr. Fang's house is good. It's a pity that you haven't tasted it yet."

After saying that, she lowered her head and glanced at Cong Rong, who was still kneeling in front of her. She stretched out her hand to help her up and motioned her to sit back down. Then she said, "Miss Cong's matter has not been resolved yet. Please be patient." , wait a little longer.”

"This..." the leading elder said hesitantly: "Miss Cong has already said that she was coerced by others and slandered Li Hui. What she said before is not credible, why do you still..."

"You can't believe it?" Fang Zilan interrupted him coldly, "Isn't this elder curious that there are so many young men from aristocratic families in the capital, why does Miss Cong insist on slandering Young Master Fang?"

Seeing that the elders who enforced the law did not respond, she asked directly, "Qingshui Village on the outskirts of Beijing is the Fang family's village, right?"

Although it was a question, she had no doubt about it, and her determination made several elders who were enforcing the rules look frozen.

After a while, one of them said: "Yes, I think this matter is caused by the village head oppressing the villagers. We will definitely find out and give an explanation to Miss Cong." "It's too late." Fang Zilan took some time to straighten her clothes, " Since I have intervened in this matter, it is not your turn to answer to anyone. When my people find out, they can handle it as they should. It doesn't matter if it's a lawsuit."

The leader of the law enforcement elders lowered his voice and said angrily: "Master Fang, your business in the north is now in the hands of the Fang family!"

Fang Zilan glanced at him sideways and asked, "So what?"

"If the Fang family's reputation is damaged, the business will also be damaged." The leader of the law-enforcement elders said sadly: "If there is prosperity, there will be loss, and there will be loss. Don't you understand, Mr. Fang?"

"It is precisely because I understand this truth that I want to get to the bottom of it." Fang Zilan sat back in her seat with a tired look on her face. Yan. The Fang family has been in business for so many years. Could it be that they have learned to cheat and cheat? No wonder it has gone downhill in recent years and is not as good as before. "

"Master Fang, be careful what you say!" Several elders who enforced the law were very angry, but Fang Zilan remained calm and calm, "There is a knife beside the word sharp. The Fang family must be careful not to hurt themselves. It is too late to regret. ."

Fang Lihui took a deep look at Fang Zilan, who looked indifferent, and said in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Fang has said so, this matter is related to our Fang family, so we cannot just sit idly by and ignore it. Please wait patiently, uncles."

Cong Rong heard what they said and was about to stand up to thank Fang Zilan, but she stopped her first and said, "Let's get over it now. Miss Cong will thank me again."

Cong Rong nodded and whispered: "Master Fang, the child in my belly..." Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the boy who rushed in, "Third Young Master..."

Just as the boy was about to say something, he heard the butler accompanying Fang Lihui shout sternly: "How unbecoming a distinguished guest is in this hall!"

Hearing this, the young man trembled like chaff, and knelt down by the door with a plop, "Young man didn't know that an honored guest was in the hall. He lost his etiquette and deserves death."

The butler looked a little relaxed. He walked over to the boy and dragged him out of the front hall. He whispered outside, "Why are you coming to the front hall if you don't just follow Mr. Yuhan and serve him well?"

The young man hurriedly replied: "Master Yuhan saw several elders who were enforcing the rules and regulations coming. He was afraid that something happened in the house that would disturb his wife's pregnancy, so he sent the young man over to ask."

"Go back and tell Mr. Yuhan that there is nothing going on at home." The butler looked unkind, "Don't ask around if nothing happens, it will break the rules."

"Yes." The boy nodded and left quickly as if he was amnesty.

Although the two of them deliberately lowered their voices to talk outside the door, Fang Zilan still heard her, and she asked casually, "Fang Yu, Mr. Han, also lives in the house?"

Fang Lihui nodded and said: "Yu Han has always lived in the house. However, after he married the daughter of the Wang family, he felt that it was inconvenient to have so many people in the house, so he proposed to live in separate houses. But it happened that the daughter of the Wang family was pregnant. , I will wait until she gives birth before moving out. Now I am counting the days, and I am almost giving birth."

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