Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1094 Domestication

"Three years as a state official, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "It's hard to say whether Yin Quanzhang's financial resources are comparable to those of the Gongqing family, but at least they are comparable to the frugal Majesty in the Qiankun Palace."

Li Shengxuan, who was suddenly mentioned, couldn't help coughing, "Your Majesty joined the army when he was young and was strictly controlled by General Xiahou. He has always been frugal. But when it comes to financial resources, as the lord of the world, no one can compare with him." "

"Really?" Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan with a half-smile, "You should treat such a tattered wallet as a treasure. This frugality is really unmatched by others."

"Purse?" A Wan's face was full of suspicion, and his eyes wandered back and forth between Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan, thinking to himself, could there be a follow-up to the purse on the mountain?

Seeing this, Mingxiang asked in confusion: "Miss Awan, why are you looking at the master like this?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious about what kind of purse your Majesty uses." Awan quickly waved his hand and changed the topic, "What did you say just now? Lord Yin is rich..."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows helplessly, and Awan said with a smile: "You guys keep talking..."

"It's one thing that Yin Quanzhang is rich, but it's another thing whether he is willing to reveal his wealth." Fang Zilan became more serious, "If there is news that he spent a lot of money to buy Qianjinfang at the Fang Family Spring Festival, it would be tantamount to telling the world that he is rich. , and some of it is money from unknown sources. Unless he is tired of living, why would he expose his crime? "

"Yes, they say wealth should not be revealed, let alone wealth with unknown origins." Awan nodded and agreed: "Master Yin will definitely not leave such a big clue waiting for someone to catch him."

After she finished speaking, her face fell, "That's not right. Mr. Yin won't pay for information even after all, so what should we do?"

"Yin Quanzhang won't buy it, so we have to find a way to get him to buy it." Fang Zilan's eyes showed a hint of determination, "Qianjinfang will release a total of three news as the grand finale, one news for each buyer, and everyone is blind when bidding. out."

Awan was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"It means putting three messages in the same box and randomly selecting them for bidding. The buyer won't know which one they bought, and we don't know which one we sold." Ming Xiang explained, but still frowned. Browsing, "But even if the number of messages is large, the price is sky-high. Will Mr. Yin be willing to take the risk?"

"The so-called blind selling, you are only half right." Fang Zilan added: "The buyers who are willing to bid will hang a lamp next to their seat, and then write the price on paper. After the emcee collects it, they will only quote the price. The identity of the buyer is not stated. In addition, the bid is not limited to money. It can be used as collateral or as a pledge, but we must be satisfied before the transaction can be completed. "

"In this way, no one will know who bought the news except us." Awan said in surprise: "I didn't expect that there is such a way!"

Li Shengxuan nodded slightly and praised: "It is indeed an ingenious idea."

"I'm afraid that I will be too dependent and I won't be able to let go. I always think that if someone is blocking the front, I can hide behind and be a helpless shadow. But I don't know that the shadow can also be seen." Fang Zilan replied lukewarmly. After saying this, Zhuge Yu stopped and said, "Fang Lihui is not a shadow." Fang Zilan also stopped, but did not look back at Zhuge Yu, "He is not a shadow, he is just a shadow who willingly retreated behind others for Fang Liren. "

She turned around suddenly, with a hint of imperceptible self-mockery in her tone, "Ayu, don't you think people are weird? Obviously she can live as dazzling as the sun, but for some so-called feelings, she is willing to become The gems that decorate other people's crowns only wish to add luster to others..."

Her voice became deeper and deeper as she spoke, with an inexplicable astringency hidden in every word, "But I forgot how much pain it took to cut myself into such a glorious appearance."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, who had a haggard face but eyes that were as bright as stars. The sadness and sadness in his face seemed to be outlined by this sentence. He had mixed feelings but felt extremely unashamed.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, with the same light smile on his face as always, "If Zhuge Yu can become the jewel on the crown of the capital, it will be worth it even if he is shattered to pieces. If Fang Lihui can become the jewel on the crown of the Fang family, even if it comes to it, it will be worth it." He is also willing to fight with all kinds of swords and axes."

As if involuntarily, Fang Zilan heard her own voice, soft and sad, like a flower blooming in the snow, it would disappear without a trace the next moment.

"Fang Lihui is different from you, A Yu. He doesn't have your broad-mindedness but is much more stubborn than you. He is not the jade in the crown of the Fang family, he is just a jade carved by Fang Liren alone. If Fang Liren leaves the Fang family today, I'm afraid that he I would rather have beautiful jade covered in dust than have the brilliance of being alone and admiring myself."

"What about you, Sister Lan?" As if he was out of control, Zhuge Yu asked this question, his tone filled with doubts, curiosity, and more expectations, but even he himself didn't know what he was expecting.

But he knew that no matter what it was, he wanted to hear her answer.

"I am not anyone's gem, and I will not refract light to add luster to others. Nor am I a moon or star, which relies on the light of others to shine. Nor am I a shadow behind someone, hiding in the dark and shrinking." There seemed to be a bright light in her eyes. , said with great determination: "I want to be my own sun."

Zhuge Yu stared blankly at Fang Zilan, who was almost absent-minded. After a long time, he slowly said: "No wonder Fang Liren said that Fang Lihui is stubborn, and no wonder Sister Lan understands Fang Lihui's paranoia so much. In fact, you are all the same in nature. You think you are obsessed with it." I wanted to live like the sun to warm others, but I didn’t expect that it would eventually become my own obsession.”

His words were like a sharp blade, piercing through the last disguise on Fang Zilan's face and peeling off the obsession buried deep in her heart.

Was it just obsession?A wry smile appeared on Fang Zilan's face. She closed her eyes and felt that her whole person was in chaos. It was so thick that she couldn't see where she was coming from, and she couldn't tell the way forward. Did she end up in such a situation?
She clenched her fists subconsciously, and there was uncontrollable sourness in her eyes.Even if it is an obsession, as long as it is firmly in your own hands, what's the problem?
Opening her eyes suddenly, she seemed to be a different person, turned around, changed direction, and left Dugu Mansion.

Awan hesitated for a moment, then followed suit with a stamp of her feet.

Zhuge Yu looked at the backs of the two of them and couldn't help but smile to himself.He said that Fang Lihui was stubborn and Fang Zilan was paranoid, but who hasn't been obsessed?
Fang Zilan staggered into the Yingchun Tower. Her expression was cold and full of chills, and no one dared to stop her for a moment.

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