Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and Hongtai followed her gaze and looked over, "That's... Yucheng Wang Li Qiyou?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan's voice was a little softer, "Your Royal Highness is about to take over the fiefdom of King Rong'an."

"It's such a big mess..." Hongtai sneered, and frowned as if thinking of something, "But why haven't I received any news?"

"Because no one is willing to let him do this except His Highness himself." Fang Zilan reached out to Hongtai and pulled him up from the ground.

"Aren't you willing too?" Hongtai hooked Goufang Zilan's finger, and said with a half-smile: "If that's the case, I'll help you kill him, okay?"

"I've said that I can't bear it." Fang Zilan withdrew her hand and laughed dumbly, "Can I still bear to watch him lose his life in vain?"

Hong Tai nodded clearly and said: "Understood, do you want me to protect this noble and precious His Royal Highness?"

Although it was a question, he took it for granted, even Fang Zilan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "You... don't you ask me why?"

"It's nothing to ask." Hongtai changed back to his usual appearance of killing bandits, "If you want him to live, I'll protect him. If you want him to die, I'll kill him. It's as simple as that."

"With your status, it will be inconvenient to follow him." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "But the southeastern land..."

She didn't say anything, but Hongtai smiled and said, "Don't worry about me."

Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but did not make any sound. Hongtai said: "Just give the orders. I will take care of everything else."

"Thank you." Fang Zilan bowed, lowered his eyes and said, "I know, with my current status..."

"Mrs. Crown Prince?" Hongtai shouted in a drawl, and said thoughtfully: "This identity is indeed not as good as Mrs. Yazhai, and it is not as good as Miss Fang San. It has a different charm."

"Are you serious?" Fang Zilan put on a serious face, and Hongtai stopped as soon as he saw the good news, "It doesn't matter if it doesn't sound good, just let people call you less. You are not a silly girl like Xiao He, you will be called upon. What does it look like to come and go as soon as possible, hanging all your wealth on a man?"

His expression of hating that iron could not be transformed into steel amused Fang Zilan, making her laugh out loud, "Does she know that you said that about your sister?"

"Of course I know." Hongtai said confidently: "Am I the only one who can talk behind your back in the little beauty's mind?"

"Who knows." Fang Zilan pretended to be confused: "Are we familiar with each other?"

"Little beauty, your ability to cross rivers and burn bridges is really improving day by day." Hongtai clicked his tongue, "But if you want to escape after taking advantage of me, you can't do that."

"I won't escape." Fang Zilan seemed to have made up her mind, "If I can risk it once, I can risk it a second time. Isn't that just a loss? One more time doesn't matter."

"What if I win this time?" Hongtai stared at Fang Zilan intently, as if there were stars flowing in his eyes, and there were thousands of colors in them.

"Winning?" Fang Zilan curled her lips, "Sounds good."

A Wan said dissatisfied: "I didn't need to worry about these things last year. This year is good, only Vice Admiral Cao is busy, I am embarrassed to take some time off."

As she said something, she suddenly thought of something and changed her voice, "It's strange to say that it's already the Chinese New Year, but our house didn't receive a congratulatory letter from the North. Forget about others, why didn't even Vice General Li and Master Qi... There's no news, it's really strange." After hearing this, Fang Zilan suddenly remembered what Pei Xiaoze told her when they were in the palace. There was a major corruption case in the north recently, and the person involved was none other than Qi Yuming.

There were many things during the day, she turned her head and forgot about it, but now that A Wan mentioned it, she became alert.

Based on what she knew about Qi Yuming, she would never do such a thing as being corrupt and accepting bribes. Presumably, someone framed her as a frame-up.

But if it was just planting the blame, with Qi Yuming's means, and his friendship with Zhong Yao, it would have been clear long ago, and he would definitely not make a fuss in front of the emperor in the capital.With such a big commotion, could it be that something happened to Zhong Yao too?
A Wan bandaged Fang Zilan's wound, and waved her hand in front of her, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." She said with a solemn expression: "Awan, go quietly and call Deputy General Cao over. Don't attract the attention of other people in the house."

Seeing that she was so serious about her matter, Awan did not dare to neglect, and immediately found an excuse to call Deputy General Cao over.

As soon as Deputy General Cao entered the inner room, he saw Fang Zilan's cold face and was puzzled, so he heard her ask: "Has Lao Li written with you recently?"

"No." Vice-General Cao shook his head, "The last correspondence was when Lao Li sent a congratulatory letter to Beijing when he moved the residence, and he hasn't sent any letter since then."

Fang Zilan remained silent, and Deputy General Cao felt a thump in his heart, "Boss, could it be that something happened in the northern border?"

Hearing what Vice General Cao said, A Wan was also surprised, "Just now, is your Majesty staying with you to talk about this matter?"

"No." Fang Zilan's voice sank a bit, "I heard in the palace today that there has been a major corruption case in the Northern Territory, and the person involved is Qi Yuming..."

She was only halfway through when she heard Vice General Cao anxiously say, "Lord Qi will definitely not do this!"

"How could I not know?" Fang Zilan sighed, "Qi Yuming was single-handedly promoted by me, and this matter is probably aimed at me."

A Wan interjected puzzledly: "But even if this matter is aimed at you, a corruption case must have evidence of property transactions. What kind of capital do you have in the northern border for them to say..."

However, she stopped abruptly before she finished speaking, and finally murmured, "Could it be Huo Sanniang's business?"

Her voice was very soft, but it still fell into Fang Zilan's ears verbatim, and she subconsciously asked, "What did you say?"

A Wan's complexion changed, and he said anxiously: "Didn't Fang Lihui send someone here a few years ago? He said that there was something wrong with the business in the northern border. At that time, the visitor hesitated and couldn't explain why, but I wanted the Fang family to do it." The business has been in business for so many years, it is always reputable, and I didn't ask too much, now I want to come..."

She dared not speak any more.Fang Zilan listened to her words, the corners of her lips were pursed into a straight line, her expression became colder and colder.

Her business in the northern border was originally owned by Huo Sanniang, but later she gave it to Fang Lihui in order to help Fang Liren leave the Fang family.

That said, it all makes sense.People with a heart take advantage of her business to make a big fuss, and when she is not in the north, she drags everyone related to her into the water one by one, making her unable to stay alone, and can only be dragged into the deep pool in the end.

But what role did Fang Lihui play in this?Was it the insidious murderer who helped the mastermind behind the scenes stab her in the back, or was it the gang of innocent people who were in the same boat as her?

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