"My right hand is injured." Fang Zilan tried to take his hand out, but Li Shengxuan held it tighter, "So you practiced the sword with your left hand."

"So what?" Fang Zilan met Li Shengxuan's gaze, "If your Majesty wants to find someone who can practice the left-handed sword, just look for him, I..."

"Fang Zilan, do you really not understand what I am talking about?" Li Shengxuan used force on his hands to bring Fang Zilan in front of him, closing the distance between them.

"I don't understand." Fang Zilan said without hesitation, the look in his eyes was obviously unruly and extremely cold.

"You are the most risk-taking person I have ever seen." Li Shengxuan changed his name and said sincerely and sincerely: "If you help me, this situation will be successful."

"Your Majesty made a mistake." Fang Zilan shook off Li Shengxuan's hand and said coldly: "The person who can risk the most is not me, but your Majesty."

She paused for a moment, then tightened her hand on the plum sword a little, "Your Majesty can use your body as bait, but I can't. Please ask your Majesty for someone else to do it."

After hearing this, Xia Houzhang seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and shouted: "Fang Zilan, if you hadn't killed Master Xu Youtong and wiped out the whole family of Xu Mansion, why would your Majesty be like this?"

"If Mo Han is safe, why would I kill everyone in the Xu family?" Fang Zilan's eyes were like daggers, piercing Xia Houzhang, "If Mr. Xiahou is angry, you might as well take me back to the capital and hand me over to Mr. Xie Yanping. "

"You..." Xia Houzhang was speechless for a moment, and Li Shengxuan calmed down, "Fang Zilan, you said at the beginning that you wanted to replace Xu Youtong."

"Yes." Fang Zilan admitted graciously, "But His Majesty said, I can't do it. If that's the case, then I don't have to be brave."

"You do hold grudges very much." Li Shengxuan laughed dumbly. Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and said nothing, so he continued talking to himself, "It's just some angry words, you don't need to keep them in mind."

"I can tell if you are angry or not." Fang Zilan raised the plum sword in her hand and pointed at Li Shengxuan: "Whether His Majesty admits it or not, at that moment, you wished that I had never appeared, right?"

Li Shengxuan's expression was calm, but Xia Houzhang's expression changed. Even though the scabbard was separated, it was disrespectful to point the sword at the emperor...

"Yes, that's not right either." Li Shengxuan reached out and grasped the sword in front of him, "If I have time, I would like to explain it to you in detail, but right now..."

He did not say any more, but with lightning speed, he pulled Fang Zilan and the others into his arms, "Someone is coming."

Fang Zilan gave Li Shengxuan a hard look, but he was indifferent, hugging her and hiding, and Xia Houzhang also hurriedly hid his whereabouts.

Fang Zilan listened quietly for a while and said softly: "He is from Jiangnan Camp."

"Shh." Li Shengxuan pressed his fingers on Fang Zilan's lips, signaling her to be silent. However, the warm breath wrapped around his fingertips made him a little uneasy.

"Report, I've searched everywhere, but I can't find your majesty or Lord Xiahou." After a soldier finished reporting, the man who looked like a deputy general asked the leading general: "General Yao, your majesty is so blessed that he has left on his own accord..."

Fang Zilan asked: "Is he your father, Mo Bin?" There was a vague murderous intention in his casual tone.Mo Han looked at her and saw a smile on her lips, but there was an obvious look of fear in her eyes.

In his daze, he almost thought it was his imagination.

Perhaps he was overwhelmed by the surprise of their first meeting, or perhaps her tears and vulnerability on the tower were so distressing that he completely forgot about her identity.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the person in front of him was not only his sister Lan, but also the Duke of Yue who was decisive in the empire's killing spree.

"Yes." Mo Han nodded numbly. Before he could say anything, Mo Bin rushed out of the hall and glared at Fang Zilan angrily: "Are you the woman who claims to be Han'er's cousin? I don't know Han'er." When did you get a cousin!"

"Dad, please listen to my explanation..." Mo Han tried to defend, but was cut back by Mo Bin's eyes, "Bad boy, it's all your fault. After I take care of this woman, I can settle the accounts with you." !”

Fang Zilan glanced sideways at Mo Bin and chuckled, "I wonder how Lord Mo plans to treat me?"

She asked casually, and her posture was calm and composed, as if the person Mo Bin was talking about was not her, but an unrelated outsider.

"You!" Mo Bin was shocked by her aura, and his voice lowered involuntarily, "How to treat you depends on your relationship with Han'er. If you and Han'er secretly do something that exceeds the rules, you will destroy my son. Qingyu, it is not an exaggeration for me to kill you. If you are shameless and seduce Han'er, I will kick you out of Mushan Pass with a stick, and you will not be allowed to enter my Mushan Pass again."

"General Mo is so considerate of Mo Han. It's really touching." Fang Zilanyun lightly clapped her hands and said in a sarcastic tone, "It's a pity."

The mocking look on her face made Mo Bin angry. He took a step forward and asked sharply: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan looked at Mo Bin leisurely and said coldly: "Regardless of whether I am as unbearable as General Mo said, let's talk about Mo Han. Doesn't General Mo still know?"

After hearing this, Mo Bin's anger dissipated a little, and he heard her continue to talk to herself, "Mo Han is a gentleman, and he is the most upright person. How could he be as dirty as General Mo said? What's more, Mo Hanruo If you really like a woman, you must be open-minded and marry the matchmaker. How can you talk about doing things that exceed the rules? Mo Han is pure and clean. I can’t bear to let any dust stain his pure body. Of course, I can’t tolerate anyone with red lips and white lips. Slander him with teeth."

As she spoke, she exerted all the coercion on her body, and her every word was cold and cold, "Even if that person is you - General Mo, you can't do it."

Mo Bin was so aroused by her words that he took a step back, and then he felt a sense of shame in his heart.Not to mention the origin of this girl, just say that she defended Mo Han in every possible way, which was stronger than his father.

As a father, he did not believe his son, but vented his anger on him indiscriminately...

Mo Bin sighed secretly in his heart. He was not an ignorant and reckless person. After thinking about it carefully, the anger in his chest had already disappeared, leaving only a feeling of shame and nowhere to go, which made him stay in place.It is difficult to advance, and it is difficult to retreat.

"Sister Lan." Mo Han gently tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeves, the warmth in his eyes clearly visible, "I don't care."

However, Fang Zilan had no intention of giving up when things got better. She had a stern look on her face and said calmly and confidently: "Most of the rich families put good face before their family members, and in turn criticize people for being cold-blooded. This is what happens in the world, and it seems that General Mo is not immune to this. ."

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