Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1098 Consequences

Fang Zilan went to visit Deputy General Cao, and happened to meet Shangguan Min on the way. He walked over quickly and called "Master Fang".

Fang Zilan looked at him and said with a slight curl of her lips: "Shangguan Min, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you have grown taller again."

Shangguan Min felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, and Fang Zilan nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, it seems that you are living a good life in the army."

"Well, Vice General Li and Master Qi took good care of me." Shangguan Min looked at Fang Zilan up and down as if he was remembering something, and said: "Master Fang, how are your injuries? I heard Miss Awan say , you are seriously injured."

"That girl Awan likes to make a fuss, you don't know." Fang Zilan smiled, "Look at me, am I not standing here properly now?"

Shangguan Min opened his mouth but said nothing. Fang Zilan glanced at him and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Master Fang, please take care of yourself, we are all worried about you..." Shangguan Min stumbled over his words, and Fang Zilan couldn't help but chuckle, "Who taught you to be such a mother-in-law?"

Shangguan Min coughed lightly and muttered in a low voice: "I just said I shouldn't tell you this..."

"Let me guess." Fang Zilan deliberately drawled: "Neither Lao Li nor Qi Yuming is so nagging, and Lao Qin doesn't talk much. As for Mr. Zhong, you probably don't see him often... Then only Xu Canjun is left. Is it him?"

Shangguan Min turned his head and said nothing. Fang Zilan reached out and patted his shoulder, "You are taller than me, why do you still have a temper like a child? Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's go visit Lao Cao together."

"Okay." Shangguan Min followed her and chatted with her, "Master Fang, when we entered Qiluo City, we found that several places in the city were burned down. I heard that the wounded soldiers tried to When I was using brimstone, fire, and saltpeter to kill the Miluo people, I accidentally caught fire..."

"It's not accidental." Fang Zilan interrupted him quietly, "It's my order. It's better to be broken than to be destroyed."

Shangguan Min was stunned, "Master Fang, you have been... from the beginning..."

He didn't say anything further. Fang Zilan hummed calmly, "I didn't plan to live in the first place."

"No wonder..." Shangguan Min finally understood why everyone in the northern border was so worried. Vice General Li and Lord Qi not only ordered troops overnight, but also gave him numerous warnings before leaving. It turns out that they already knew that Mr. Fang was guarding Qiluo City with the determination to die. If it was too late...

Fang Zilan turned around and looked at Shangguan Min, who was standing there blankly, frowning slightly and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Master Fang!" Shangguan Min rushed to her and grabbed her sleeve tightly, "Fortunately, fortunately you are okay."

Fang Zilan was angry and funny, "What did those people in the north teach you to have such a moral character?"

"I..." Shangguan Min grabbed her sleeve for a moment, and she said with a look of disgust on her face: "Let go."

Shangguan Min was still frightened and refused to let go. Fang Zilan frowned and suppressed his temper and said patiently: "What's wrong with you kid? Why are you still so energetic? You've seen it. I'm fine. Let go quickly."

"Are you really okay?" Shangguan Min looked at her steadily, his helpless look making her less angry, "Can't you tell if something's wrong with me? What have you learned in the military over the years? At least Do you have good eyesight? You are now half a grown man, please let me go."

Shangguan Min let out a low voice and reluctantly let go of Fang Zilan's sleeve. Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves, snorted and stopped talking to him.

The people on the street knelt down and kowtowed with sincerity, which made Fang Zilan stunned. "What is going on?" Li Qiyou raised the corners of his lips and said with joy in his eyebrows: "The evil spirits are eliminated, and auspiciousness comes from the sky. A good harvest. Snow is auspicious. It’s a good sign.”

"God bless the capital." Zhuge Yu said solemnly, and all the princes and dignitaries present saluted Li Shengxuan on the tower. Even Wei Subaru, who had always been arrogant and aloof, was rare and solemn.

Fang Zilan looked around, and the word "Shengshi" came directly into her mind.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what Zhuge Yu said -

"If you can become the jewel in the crown of the capital, it will be worth it even if your body is broken to pieces."

The mountains and rivers are eternal, the family, the country, the world, if we can do something in this prosperous age, this life will not be in vain.

The enthusiasm and ambition that arose spontaneously came to an end with the roar of the crowd, and finally came to an abrupt end when Xia Houzhang, who was beside Li Shengxuan, said his Majesty's purpose.

"Your Majesty has decreed that Zilan, the Duke of the Northern Kingdom, who is both loyal and righteous, has many plans and good decisions, has been granted the title of Duke of Yue, and his position as Duke of the Northern Territory has been handed over to King Quan of the Northern Territory. In addition, the commander of the capital, Wei Piaole, has fulfilled his duties and is brave and brave, and has been promoted to Duke of Wei. . Admire this.”

After the imperial edict was read out, Fang Zilan stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time. It wasn't until Wei Subaru walked up to her and patted her shoulder that she came back to reality as if she was waking up from a dream.

Wei Subaru took a few steps forward, turned back and looked at Fang Zilan, who was still in a daze, "Master Fang, it's time to receive the order and thank you."

"Here we come." Fang Zilan nodded hurriedly, and walked up to the tower with Wei Subaru and walked in front of Li Shengxuan.

Fang Zilan was dressed in torn red clothes and looked a bit embarrassed with her long hair disheveled. However, she still stood upright with her head held high and her chest held high. Amid the envious or contemptuous looks of the people around them, she and Wei Subaru calmly accepted such an imperial decree of reward.

After the two of them received the order to express their gratitude, Xia Houzhang announced on behalf of Li Shengxuan that the social drama was officially over.

It was getting late, and the people watching the social opera dispersed like a wave, and the streets in the city returned to their original bustling appearance.

There were people in twos and threes, including those visiting the night market and those meeting to enjoy the lanterns. It was bustling and lively.

The red lanterns hanging high on the towers were lit up one after another, reflecting the smoke in Miyagi Juwa Street, making it look particularly festive.

Fang Zilan wanted to go back home first on the pretext of being disheveled, but she stopped showing up at the New Year's Eve palace banquet. Unexpectedly, Li Shengxuan saw her thoughts before she could speak.

When everyone was going to Wanfu Palace one after another, he asked Xia Houzhang to take her to the imperial study room in the name of tidying up her clothes. She had no choice but to send A Wan and Vice General Cao back to the house to wait for her.

The charcoal fire in the royal study room was burning as brightly as ever, and the room was as warm as spring. Fang Zilan couldn't help but relax her tense nerves, and then she had time to check the wounds on her body.

In addition to the cut on her palm by the blade when she grabbed the sword, her forearms and legs were also cut several times by the sword, but the wounds were hidden by her red clothes and were not conspicuous. In addition, it was dark, so no one noticed that she was injured.

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