Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1099 No extreme

"In the third year of Tai'an, the Baiyue Xia family returned to Xiahou, changed their surname to Xiahou, and sent his daughter Yu to Dajing as a noble concubine." Li Shengxuan said quietly: "When passing through Feiling Mountain, I saw a fire on the top of the mountain, so I came to help. However, for It was too late, and most of the people in the mountain were killed in the flames."

"Sir, you know a lot." Hong He said coldly: "Do you know, sir, who are the people who died in the fire?"

Li Shengxuan was silent and did not answer, and Hong He continued talking to himself, "Those people are all bandits. That fire was started by my eldest sister. She endured all the humiliation for That’s the day.”

"General Xiahou has always found it strange that the fire was so huge, why a pregnant woman could escape." Li Shengxuan's eyes darkened, "It turns out that your sister had a premeditated plan."

"What, sir, do you still want to complain about those bandits?" Hong He snorted coldly, "Although the eldest sister escaped, she died in childbirth. In the end, only my brother and I were left to depend on each other."

When Fang Zilan heard this, she couldn't help but ask: "After that, you and Hongtai took over Feiling Mountain and took over..."

"The Hong clan is a minister and the Wolf Army is a soldier. How can we be bandits?" Hong He interrupted Fang Zilan sharply, "Miss Zixiu, you underestimate us brothers and sisters."

"If we follow what Miss Honghe said, the Hong family is not a bandit." Li Shengxuan said meaningfully: "Then why do you appear here today? And why is Hongtai the leader of Feiling Mountain?"

Hong He's expression froze, "If we were not forced to do so, how could my brother and I..."

She paused suddenly as she spoke, looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Miss Zixiu, you have done so many things for him. You should know the reasons best."

he? Fang Zilan reacted instantly, thinking that the Hong brothers and sisters were instigated by Ji Ningtian, and then they turned into bandits and became bandits sitting in Feiling Mountain.

Later, it continued to grow and develop, and became the leader of many mountain bandits, and also became the most distinctive banner of resistance to the imperial court.

"Miss Zi Xiu didn't speak, but she felt guilty? She didn't dare..." As soon as Hong Hefu started to speak, Fang Zilan stopped her, "I don't have any fear, it's just that I took the medicine and I can't remember many things."

She spoke in an understatement, but Li Shengxuan's expression changed on the side, and he tightened his hold on her hand, as if he was afraid that if he let go even a little bit, she would disappear.

Fang Zilan bowed and said, "Thank you for your hospitality today, Your Majesty. I'm a little tired, so I'll take my leave first."

"Lord Fang, wait a minute." Murong Xun didn't care about the rules, and walked up to Fang Zilan suddenly, "I invite Master Fang to come here today, in fact, I have something to ask for."

"Are you asking for something?" Fang Zilan's eyes were deep, and Murong Xun bowed solemnly: "I also ask Mr. Fang to agree."

Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves slowly, "My lord, tell me, what do you want to ask for?"

"I have two things to ask for." Murong Xun said solemnly: "First, when we are in the capital, I will let Qing'er do as the Romans do in the country, follow the etiquette and rules of the capital, ask Master Fang for help, and don't let anyone use the Miluo's etiquette and rules are very demanding on Qing'er. Secondly, no matter what happens in the future, I want to ask Mr. Fang to save Qing'er's life." Fang Zilan thought over Murong Xun's words in her mind, and said with amusement: "First, the prince is of noble birth. , I think he is a person who observes etiquette and etiquette. Secondly, our capital is a people-friendly government, and it is not a place of tigers and wolves. Why did the prince say this?"

"Your Excellency Fang does not know that Qing'er has a wife who was bestowed a marriage by the late emperor. This lady has always been very courteous, and she will accompany her when she enters the capital, so I have this request." Murong Xun bowed his head slightly, talking Said: "Qing'er is not in good health, some rules are really tossing, I..."

Fang Zilan looked at Murong Xun, who had graying hair on her temples but was still shy and worried about her son, and couldn't bear to refuse.With the title of Miluo God of War faded away, he is just an ordinary father.

"You don't have to be like this, I will play the rules to your majesty, whether it's from my Dajing or Miluo, if you can avoid it, try to avoid it for your son." Fang Zilan said frankly: "As for the safety of your son, I might as well discuss it with you." The lord opened the skylight to speak frankly. If something goes wrong with the prince in Dajing, there is no guarantee that Miluo will not use this as an excuse to turn against Dajing, and even send troops to attack. So and so, even if the lord does not say anything, it is still possible. There will be someone to protect the safety of the son."

"Master Fang misunderstood me." Murong Xun said seriously, "My request is to ask Master Fang to save Qinger's life, not anyone else."

"Ask me?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "As the Duke of Dajingyue, I will not take orders from anyone except my Majesty. Even if it is a request, the prince has crossed the line."

"I know, but in Dajing, besides Master Fang, I really don't know who I can entrust Qing'er to." Murong Xun showed a little anxious look on his face, "Master Fang, this is my deputy general Meng Tingyang, I will let him Protecting Qing'er personally will not cause Mr. Fang any trouble. But after all, Dajing is beyond my reach. If anything happens, I'm really afraid that Qing'er is a child..."

His voice was tainted with a hint of astringency, and finally said: "As long as Mr. Fang is willing to agree to my two requests, I will die."

"If you don't want to die, what do you have to do with me?" Fang Zilan smiled coldly, "My lord, you are begging the wrong person."

"Lord Fang, my lord's words have come to this point, if you still refuse to agree..." The deputy general named Meng Tingyang was interrupted by Fang Zilan as soon as he spoke, "Why, if I refuse to agree, what will you do to me? "

"Ting Yang, please don't be rude." Murong Xun bowed and said, "How would Mr. Fang agree to agree, you might as well just say it."

"Can I do whatever I want?" Fang Zilan said casually: "Even if you want the prince to kill the king of your country, is it okay?"

"Presumptuous!" Meng Tingyang took a step forward, Fang Zilan didn't even look at him, but asked the pale-faced Murong: "My lord, if you don't do anything and let it go, in the end not only will you get nothing, but you will lose everything." .”

Murong Xun's pupils trembled, and he suddenly said: "As long as I don't violate my kindness, I would like to promise to do one thing for Mr. Fang, no matter what the price is."

Fang Zilan didn't expect him to say that, she was silent for a while, "Why me?"

"Fighting Master Fang is a testament to the righteousness." Murong Xun still maintained his salute posture, "Only by entrusting Qing'er to Master Fang can I feel at ease."

"Forgive me for not being able to promise the prince." Fang Zilan watched helplessly as the figure in front of him swayed, and said without any emotion: "But I can promise that as long as I am in the capital, I will do my best to protect the prince. "

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