Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1104 Decay

Huo Chun'er sneered, "Everyone in the world knows that Zi Xiu wields a plum sword and causes a bloody storm, but has anyone really seen it?"

She said with a serious smile, "Aren't all the people I've seen dead?"

"Chun'er!" Mr. Liu quickly grabbed Huo Chun'er's wrist and checked her pulse. There was no difference, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "You can't stand the stimulation, and don't use such words to stimulate yourself."

"It doesn't matter to me." Huo Chun'er shook his head, covered his heart with his hand, and seemed to mutter to himself: "I will always remember that my grandfather's family, as well as my mother, all died under Zi Xiu's plum sword. . And the senior brother also disappeared in pursuit of the Wheel King who was related to Zixiu."

Mr. Liu opened his mouth, but hesitated. Huo Chun'er walked back slowly under the moonlight, her back looking extremely tired.

Zixiu, plum sword. The past events repeatedly appeared in Mr. Liu's mind like a revolving lantern, disturbing his peace of mind.

Speaking of which, Zixiu has been quiet for several years. Except for the recent case of cheating on Mr. Xu Youtong's house, which is suspected to be her fault, there has been no news.

If, as Guimen said, the Wheel King defected and Zixiu disappeared, why did Qianjinfang suddenly appear here? Why did Miss Zhen react like this when she heard the news?
It's like being in a fog, and you can vaguely see the outline of the hidden truth, but you can't always touch it.

The same was true for Fang Zilan. Seeing that the Spring Festival was about to begin, but Ah Shi had not been released yet, she was unable to come forward directly and could only rely on Ming Xiang and A Wan to find out the news.

According to the two of them, there was no evidence in the Jiangnan camp, and the Fang family had reported the matter to the state government, but for some reason, the Suzhou government did nothing, as if they had never known about it.

It stands to reason that since the Jiangnan Huafang fire incident, local officials in the Jiangnan area have been inextricably linked with the Fang family. Even if they are not close, they are by no means alienated.

In addition, among the Fang family, there is a prime minister Fang Chongzheng who is an official in Beijing, and a queen empress Fang Ziqin who is the master of the harem. Officials from all walks of life have to be somewhat disrespectful and ignore them and pretend that nothing happened. Yes, this is the first time.

The Fang family obviously realized that something was wrong. The head of the family, Fang Lihui, had an unclear attitude, so they stopped moving, as if as long as the spring party could be held as scheduled, it would be okay even if he became an abandoned son.

"Ah Shi, can you see him in person?" Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly. Ming Xiang glanced at A Wan next to her and said softly: "With the help of Miss A Wan, I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Ah Shi." .”

Fang Zilan's eyes wandered over the two of them, and she quickly guessed the general idea.

Fang Zilan chuckled lightly, "Awan, what do you think about Cong Rong's matter, how it affects the Fang family, and what does it matter to the Wang family?"

"No matter how you say it, Fang Yuhan is in the wrong. For the Fang family, it is a family scandal, so it should be covered up as tightly as possible. As for the Wang family..." Awan pondered for a moment, then considered: "The daughter of the Wang family is Fang Yuhan. There are many wives in wealthy families. Even if she knew about this matter, she would have nowhere to complain about the pain in her heart. She could only knock out her teeth and swallow her blood, but she was afraid that she would be upset by Fang Yu and Han Han. "

"You're right." Fang Zilan looked at her approvingly, "Then why do Awan think I should take Cong Rong in?"

"Buying people's hearts?" Awan pursed her lips and said while thinking: "After all, the Fang family is our source of wealth, so there is nothing wrong with covering it up for them. But you just asked about the Wang family..."

She didn't say any more, and Fang Zilan said: "Wang Quanzhi has tricked me into the Northern Case, and I have to return it sooner or later. If anyone who knows about the child in Cong Rong's belly keeps silent, then why not keep it secret? Keep her, as long as Used just right, it is enough to make the daughter of the Wang family lose face. With both prosperity and loss, the Wang family will naturally not be much better." "You..." Awan looked at her blankly, only to hear her continue: "As for Fang family, I am not just trying to win people's hearts. Regarding Cong Rong, the Fang family must admit that my favor is true, but what I want is the Fang family's handle. Once the Fang family has doubts about my identity, Cong Rong is Hush money.”

After she said that, a touch of jade appeared in her hand, which was the jade pendant that Cong Rong took out when she was at Fang's house just now.

She neither returned the jade pendant to Cong Rong nor to Fang Lihui, but kept it in her own hands.

A Wan stared at her dumbfounded, and saw her casually put away the jade pendant, smiled slightly and said: "A Wan, I am not a kind person. Since someone bullies me, I will always return it. This is the rule. , isn’t it?”

Awan turned her head away, her expression a little more unbearable, "Do you not hesitate to use her to hurt innocent people?"

"Use?" Fang Zilan chewed these two words softly and said softly: "It's more of a transaction than a use. I protect Cong Rong, and she is used by me, that's all."

Awan stared straight at the person in front of him, opened his mouth, and finally couldn't help but ask, "What about me?"

"You are my relative." Fang Zilan answered without hesitation. Awan still met her eyes and asked relentlessly: "Can you also use me?"

"I said no, do you believe me?" Fang Zilan still raised the corners of her lips, but her smile was more helpless, "I can only promise that if there is such a day, I will definitely make it clear to you."

Awan remained silent and did not speak. Fang Zilan raised his hand and patted her shoulder, "Awan, you can use me if you need."

"What did you say?" Awan's eyes suddenly opened wide, and Fang Zilan held her shoulders, "I am willing to be used by you."

"But..." Awan suddenly realized that she had led her astray, and quickly changed the topic: "It's not about taking advantage of it or not, I mean that the Wang family's daughter is innocent, and you shouldn't use Cong Rong to hurt her..."

"Aren't all the people in the north innocent?" Fang Zilan interrupted her abruptly, "Awan, since there is no way to escape, you might as well go all the way to the dark side. There is no one who does anything unscrupulous."

Awan sighed softly, "I understand. It's just that there are many big families in the capital, and you are dealing with them all by yourself, I'm afraid..."

"Little Awan is worried about me?" There was a hint of teasing in Fang Zilan's eyes. Awan glanced at her and said angrily: "I issued a military order in front of the young master to ensure that you are safe and sound. If it fails, I will I will pay my own life to the young master to apologize. Do you think I should worry about you?"

Fang Zilan propped up her cheek with one hand and looked at her with a look that made Awan restless, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"Little Awan bet her life on mine. I will remember this love." Fang Zilan said casually, but the look in her eyes was sure, "We will all live a long life."

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