Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1105 Impermanence

"The prince is fine. I think he hit his head when he fell down..." Hongtai was interrupted by Fang Zilan in the middle of his explanation, "Is this a water prison down here?"

Hongtai lowered his eyes and said nothing, seeming to acquiesce. Seeing this, Fang Zilan gritted his teeth and said, "Where is Fang Lihui?"

"Inside." Hongtai's voice was very soft, and Fang Zilan immediately abandoned Fu Congnan and rushed into the deepest part of the water prison regardless.

The people who were guarding along the way were all put down to the ground by Fang Zilan, one by one with a knife, and they lost their breath in an instant.

Fang Zitong quickly chased after her, but when she saw the river of blood, her whole body couldn't stop trembling. If Pei Xiaoze hadn't followed her and held her arm, it would have been difficult for her to stand firm.

"Second Miss Fang..." As soon as Pei Xiaoze started to speak, Fang Zitong stopped her. She pushed Pei Xiaoze's hand away, "Master Pei, please respect yourself."

After she said that, she bit her lips and walked towards the deepest part of the water prison without looking back.

Fang Zilan turned a deaf ear to all the sounds from the outside world. She stood in front of the water prison door and looked at Fang Lihui inside.

His eyes were closed tightly, and half of his body was soaked in water. All the wounds, large and small, had festered, and his whole body was swollen like a steamed bun. But the only thing that can be confirmed is that there is still half a breath.

The sound of clattering chains was not uncommon in the water prison. Fang Lihui even had no strength to open his eyes to see who was coming. There was only one thought left in his mind. He didn't expect that he would die so ugly in the end.

The next moment, all the shackles on his body fell off, and Fang Lihui felt indescribably relaxed, but still unable to hold on.

He fell forward uncontrollably, and what awaited him was not the cold stagnant water or the suffocation of drowning, but an embrace filled with pure and bitter medicinal energy. Not warm enough, but very secure.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Fang Zilan's voice trembled so much that she even trembled a little, but soon a hand came over her, and the temperature was just right, which made her feel at ease for no reason.

Fang Zitong and Fang Zilan supported Fang Lihui together and said warmly: "Cousin, I'm here to take you home."

In an instant, Fang Zilan seemed to understand the reason why Fang Zitong was here - Fang Lihui had brought her out of Pei's house, but this time, she took Fang Lihui home.

"Mei Lan...Mei Tong?" Fang Lihui was so angry that Fang Zilan said in a deep voice: "Fang Lihui, if you don't want to die, just save your energy and go out first."

Fang Lihui seemed to want to laugh, but his chest vibrated and he coughed several times, accompanied by a broken word "good".

Fang Zilan didn't speak any more, but she and Fang Zitong took Fang Lihui out alone.

When Pei Xiaoze, who came after him, saw the person in front of him, he almost didn't dare to recognize that it was Fang Lihui. He was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear, "Mr. Fang? It's really you..."

"Master Pei, you are blocking our way." Fang Zilan said impatiently. She was filled with a murderous aura, forcing Pei Xiaoze to take a few steps back and give way.

A Wan, who originally checked on Li Qiyou's injury with Zhuge Yu, heard the noise and rushed over quickly. However, when he saw Fang Lihui, he couldn't help but gasped, "How could it be like this?"

"At least he hasn't died yet, so he can be saved." Fang Zilan said coldly, and Awan had long been accustomed to it, "Of course, with me here, who can't be saved?"

A flash of worry flashed in Awan's eyes, but Fang Zilan said indifferently: "Our little Awan's fragrance is enough to knock down an elephant, let alone a few jailers?" "But..." Awan wants to say something else. , was interrupted by Fang Zilan's faint smile, "Don't worry, little Awan. With me here, even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I can always find a way for you."

"Yes!" Awan nodded seriously, "But you just said that you would let Vice Admiral Cao test the pirates. Is this really feasible?"

"Eighty percent is not feasible." Fang Zilan said matter-of-factly, and Awan couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Then why did Mo Bin agree?"

"Because he doesn't want to let us out. My proposal just gave him the steps, and of course he has to come down." Fang Zilan crossed her arms and looked a little lighter, "And I don't want to go out at all, so that's why I said this .”

Awan thought for a moment and asked, "Then do you think Mo Bin's statement that nothing has been proven is true or false?"

"Most of the pirates are not tough, what do you think?" Fang Zilan did not answer the question. Awan did not answer, so she continued, "And according to Mo Han, the Southeast Camp who came to Mushan Pass to investigate the situation before People were also imprisoned without trial. By acting like this, it’s not like Mo Bin knew anything."

"It's more like knowing something..." A Wan answered, then shook her head violently: "No, it should be to hide something."

Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "It seems that the pond in the southeast is deeper than I thought."

A Wan remained silent, but looked up at the narrow window on the top of the cell wall.

It was getting late and the light was getting darker, and she felt uneasy in her heart. That side was dark and unclear, just like the situation between her and Fang Zilan.

"It's time to eat!" After an unknown amount of time, the jailer's voice interrupted Awan's thoughts. She was shocked to realize that she had stood for too long and her legs were numb. Just when she wanted to move, she felt her center of gravity was unstable. She couldn't help but exclaimed.

The next moment, Fang Zilan, who was originally sitting by the wall with her eyes closed, suddenly appeared beside A Wan, and stretched out her hand to firmly support her waist.She grasped her arm subconsciously, and met her eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Our little Awan has been watching for so long, can we see anything?"

"No..." Awan moved a little, but Fang Zilan chuckled, "Then look up now."

"What?" A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in a daze, only to see her raise her chin, motioning her to look at the small square window.

The jailer who came to deliver the food happened to hear their conversation, and couldn't help being curious, looking through the fence to the small window in their cell.

A little bit of starlight poured in from the small window, although it was dim, it still cast a tiny ray of light.

"I remember someone once said that no matter how low the eaves are, you can always see the world." Fang Zilan's voice was firm and clear, and said word by word: "Even the dim stars can always illuminate a window. "

So, don't be afraid of the unknown.

She didn't say the last sentence, but A Wan suddenly smiled, "I saw it."

As long as the belief is firm, even if you can't see it now, you will eventually see the moonlight in the future.

Only the jailer was stunned for a long time, and then sighed quietly: "This girl can see it." He squatted down, put the food outside the fence, turned and left.

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