"Your Majesty, Master Zhuge, we have tried our best..." The older of the several doctors couldn't help but said: "The prince and his wife were stimulated and overly sad. I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to get over it..."

He carefully considered his choice of words and retained the statement about preparing for the funeral, but it still annoyed Li Qiyou, "That's nonsense!"

King Yucheng, who was always known for his honesty and kindness, threw down the tea cup in his hand and glared angrily, "You can't cure the prince and his wife, so you want to fool me with these words?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down, I don't dare..." Several doctors knelt down in unison, "It's just that the prince and his wife really can't stand it..."

"What can't you stand?" A voice of tenderness came, and Awan rushed in angrily, "Miss Fang San has never seen anything, how can she be here? If you don't know how to treat a doctor, please get out of my way. !”

Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The soldiers who were chasing A Wan behind them said: "Your Majesty, Lord Zhuge, this girl has the Queen's token in her hand. We really can't stop her... "

Li Qiyou raised his hand and signaled the soldiers and doctors to retreat, leaving only Awan in the hall, "Miss Awan, how could you..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Awan stopped him, "I've been waiting here for two days, you guys are too slow."

She had a look of disgust on her face, and Zhuge Yu coughed lightly, "The prince and his wife are seriously ill, so we have to..."

"I know, otherwise what would I do?" A Wan was not angry. She neither gave Li Qiyou face nor accepted Zhuge Yu's politeness.

So Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu looked at each other, and without waiting to say anything, Awan said: "You two, it's not that I'm better than Giotto, I'm just afraid of being late. Even the Great Luo Immortal can't save Miss Fang San." .”

"Mo Bin, the guard at Mushan Pass, rebelled. His Majesty asked me to quell the rebellion." Fang Zilan's concise and concise words made both Deputy General Cao and Awan panic.

"Rebellion?" Awan was dumbfounded, and Vice Admiral Cao looked solemn, "Why isn't there any news in the capital?"

"This matter is strange, and I can only know the inside story when I get to Mushan Pass." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "It hasn't spread yet, so we can't alert the snake. Without further ado, I will take Lao Cao to the southeast camp tomorrow."

"What about me?" Awan grabbed her sleeve, "I want to go with you."

"Miss Cong is here at home. She will give birth in two months. You can stay here to take care of her." Fang Zilan said matter-of-factly, but Awan was reluctant, "I have already found a doctor for her, why do you still need to take care of her?" Should I stay and take care of her?"

"Be obedient." Fang Zilan held Awan's hand, "I don't know how long it will take to get there. Not to mention the chaos and danger. If you stay in the capital, there will be..."

She stopped talking, swallowed the word "Wen Ya" forcibly, and said softly: "I feel relieved that someone in the family will take care of you."

"No." Awan shook off her hand, "If I stay, who will take care of you? What if..."

"Nothing unexpected." Fang Zilan interrupted her, "Awan, I said, we will all live a long life."

Awan looked at her steadily and said seriously: "Okay. Fang Zilan, if you can't come back alive and well, I will die with you. Even if you become a ghost, I will not let you go."

She spoke so harshly every word that even Lieutenant General Cao couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine after hearing this. He calmly said in a dry voice: "Miss Awan, don't worry."

"And you." Awan looked at Vice General Cao, "You must come back alive and well, I will wait for you at my house." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, "As long as little Awan is thinking about us, we will return safely."

Awan turned away, her expression dimmed a little, and she muttered: "You also said you wanted to go to the outskirts of Beijing with me to enjoy the flowers..."

"You can't enjoy spring flowers." Fang Zilan tilted her head and gently scratched her nose, "But there are still summer lotus, autumn osmanthus and winter plum. The future is long. Awan, wait for me to come back."

Awan was silent for a while, then reached out and hooked Fang Zilan's finger, "We agreed, I'll wait for you to come back."

Fang Zilan hummed solemnly, "I'll go see Miss Cong and talk to her."

"At this time, Miss Cong is probably asleep, right?" Awan frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows lightly, "Who knows, I'll go and have a look. If Miss Cong is asleep, you can only tell her tomorrow and let her know. He said that I would go to the village outside the city to handle some matters and it would take a while before I could come back."

Awan nodded and said, "Okay."

Fang Zilan frowned and thought, then added, "Awan, you go to Zhuge's house tomorrow to see Ayu, and tell him that I am going to clean up the village outside the city. It will take a while before I can return to the capital. He needs to worry more about the government affairs." .”

"You want to hide this from Mr. Zhuge?" A Wan looked puzzled, and Fang Zilan sighed softly, "I can't hide it from him, but I just want to talk nicely to him so as not to arouse others' suspicion."

"Okay." Awan nodded and said, "I will go to Zhuge's house in person tomorrow and I will definitely bring the message to you."

Seeing that everything was almost settled, Vice General Cao turned to Fang Zilan and said, "Boss, I'll pack my bags first."

"Go." Fang Zilan said and stood up, "I'm going to see Miss Cong."

After saying that, she left the house with Deputy General Cao, then went directly to the wing and knocked lightly on Cong Rong's door. After a while she heard footsteps approaching from far away, came to the door and opened it.

Cong Rong was neatly dressed and looked like she had not yet fallen asleep. When she saw Fang Zilan standing at the door, she quickly invited her in.

Fang Zilan walked to the table and sat down, and said politely: "Miss Cong is pregnant, why haven't you rested yet?"

"I heard that Master Fang entered the palace, and I felt uneasy and couldn't sleep." Cong Rong sat next to her, with a worried look on her face, "Master Fang entered the palace late at night, but what happened?"

"It's not a big deal. Due to the previous case of Qingshui Village Zhuangtou, His Majesty asked all governments to clean up Zhuangzi. However, I have been too busy recently and have put it aside and ignored it, and then I was summoned into the palace by Your Majesty." Fang Zilan said. He said lightly, "It's just a routine inquiry, Miss Cong, don't worry."

"It'll be fine if nothing happens." Cong Rong looked relaxed and asked softly: "Then I don't know why Mr. Fang came here? If there is anything I can do to help, I will definitely be happy to help."

Fang Zilan smiled faintly, "I came here to tell you that tomorrow I will go to a village outside the city to stay for a while. Since His Majesty asked, I can no longer sit idly by and ignore it. I must go there myself. .”

"Master Fang is busy with official duties, so I don't dare to say anything." Cong Rong said calmly: "Just counting the days, I am about to give birth. If there is no one I trust by my side, I will be really scared. "

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