Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1107 Invasion

Fang Zilan took out the document in her arms, unfolded only one corner, and showed it to Master Ranzhu, "Master has good taste."

Although it was only a small corner, it was enough for Master Ranzhu to see the "Hong" surname on it. He was stunned for a while, and then said clearly: "It seems that the prince's wife and Lao Na have different choices."

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head, "Since I didn't choose the Zhuge family, I naturally wouldn't choose the Hong family."

A flash of suspicion flashed in Master Ranzhu's eyes, "Then what do the Crown Prince's wife and Lao Na mean by looking at this land deed document?"

"I have burned all the land deed documents and account details in Zhongling Temple." Fang Zilan said quietly: "My Fang family will take the initiative to cancel all the past events."

Master Ranzhu's eyes fell on the document in Fang Zilan's hand, "If everything has been destroyed, the Crown Prince's wife should not keep this document."

"I kept this document because gangsters these days are not good enough to hold office." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "I don't favor anyone, I just want the Hong family to protect themselves."

"Leave a clue to protect yourself? Madam Shizi's method is really novel." Master Ranzhu said meaningfully: "I wonder what the relationship between Madam Shizi and the Hong family is?"

Fang Zilan curled her lips and said, "Since we are both old friends from the previous dynasty, if I say it has nothing to do with it, will Master believe it?"

Awan shook his head irritably, "You were walking in a hurry at that time, and you fought with some ghost faces in the door, which worried Master half to death. I still remember Master said that your poison was not stable before you were healed, and you could easily use force. It will definitely hurt the roots. Unfortunately, I was too young at that time and I can’t remember anything else clearly.”

"I walked in a hurry, and I also fought with the ghost faces in the door, which means they want to stop me. The ghost faces who can stop me will either take orders directly from the young master, or take orders from the King of Hell in the Tenth Palace..." Fang Zilan's expression changed imperceptibly Changed, "Where was the Tenth Palace of Hell at that time?"

"You also know that they are the Tenth Palace of Hell. There are ten of them, how do I know?" Awan counted on his fingers, "What's more, at that time, I had only been in the ghost gate for a few years, that is, I was eight or nine years old, how could I know How many?"

Fang Zilan didn't say anything, but Awan's mind started spinning rapidly, "Do you suspect that the destruction of Hidden Sword Villa was caused by the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces?"

"It took me more than half a year to come back, and it also made Wen Ya worry about half-death injuries. It can't be a minor injury." Fang Zilan looked solemn, "Hidden Sword Villa is famous, even if I don't know the heights of the sky, I don't dare to be seriously injured. Before I recover, I will do things like exterminate the whole family. And my plum branch symbol can only be made by people from the ghost sect."

"That's right. Zhen Mingxuan, the last owner of Hidden Sword Villa, was a well-known figure in the world. He had many guests in his house. How could he be wiped out by someone casually?" A Wan put her chin on her hand and looked at Fang Zilan intently, "But your plum branch is nothing." The symbol, although the powder used for painting is unique to the Ghost Sect, the painting method is only known to you, right?" "That plum branch was not my original creation, but was painted by the Young Master." Fang Zilan's expression was cold, "I and the Tenth Palace of Hell King As old as the Wheel-turning King, when he reached the age where he could kill people, he drew two symbols for us. Mine is a plum branch, and that of the Wheel-turning King is a sun wheel. Therefore, apart from me, there are other people who know how to draw plum branches. The Young Master and the Wheel-turning King.”

"The King of Wheels is far inferior to you, otherwise he wouldn't still be the last of the ten kings of hell." Awan shook his head, "No matter whose hands the Hidden Sword Villa is buried in, that person will definitely become infamous and become a legend in the world. You know that the Ghost Sect has always prided itself on making people in the world tremble with fear. If it was really the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace who did it, why would they give you such an opportunity to become famous?"

Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, "Does Little Awan think that I have the ability to kill Master Zhen and everyone at Hidden Sword Villa?"

"It's not just Master Zhen and the people at Cangjian Villa?" Awan sighed, "I heard that Wan Jun, the young master of Wanhua Villa, was proposing to Master Zhen at Cangjian Villa, intending to marry Master Zhen's only daughter Zhen. Mi'er was his wife. Therefore, he was also buried in that fire. A few days later, Wanhua Villa was also wiped out, and the symbol left was your purple plum branch. After two consecutive massacres, You have completely become a big devil that everyone in the world is shouting about and beats up, a once-in-a-hundred-year-old devil, and no one can surpass this reputation."

Fang Zilan smiled and frowned: "Wanhua Villa, Wan Jun?"

"Although Wanhua Villa is not as famous as Hidden Sword Villa, it can still be regarded as a legend in the world." A Wan started talking and couldn't control it. "Wan Jun, the young owner of Wanhua Villa, lost his father when he was young. His mother took care of it. He was brought up. However, all his martial arts and medical skills came from his master, Xu Yaoshi, who was known as the god of medicine in the world. Xu Yaoshi was also a strange person. He was a wandering doctor at first, and later learned martial arts in the army. By chance, he met thousands of people. Huashan Villa has actually become the facade of Wanhua Villa.”

She paused for a moment, stood up and brought tea over, handed one to Fang Zilan, drank one herself to moisten her throat, and then continued: "But Pharmacist Xu has an eccentric temperament and lives in seclusion. He only accepted Wan Jun in his life. Apprentice. There are different opinions from the outside world. Some people say that he owes Wanhua Villa a huge favor, while others say that he has an affair with Mrs. Wan. Otherwise, how could he treat Wan Jun as his biological son."

As she spoke, there was a hint of disgust in her eyes, "If you ask me, those people just don't like others, and they only feel comfortable if they say a few slanderous words and step on them. Can't people with weird temperaments be noble and righteous? Orphans and widowers in Wanhua Villa In the past few years, my mother had been bullied a lot, and none of the heroes she had always been friends with came to help. If it weren’t for Xu Yaoshi, Wanhua Villa would probably have ceased to exist. It’s a pity that Xu Yaoshi passed away early, although Wan Jun was like this The young master of the Villa is very promising at a young age, but once he dies, the entire Wanhua Villa will lose its heart, and it will be a matter of time before it is destroyed. It’s just..."

"It's just that Wanhua Villa was destroyed after Hidden Sword Villa. It looks more like innocent people were implicated." Fang Zilan continued and said thoughtfully: "Zhen Villa Master and Wan Jun, I can kill them at the age of fourteen or fifteen. ?”

"Although I was young at that time, I had also heard how scary you were." Awan sat upright, far away from her, "You kill people based on instinct, and there are no tricks or skills in front of you. And everyone knows this You have a habit of cutting grass and roots, killing the whole family at once. It is said among the ghost sect that you have probably killed more people than the ten kings of hell combined."

Fang Zilan couldn't help but clicked her tongue, "I didn't expect that I would be so cruel and ruthless at such a young age."

"Don't say it's none of your business, okay?" A Wan was furious. "You are very likely to kill your savior with your own hands. Don't you feel scared?"

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