Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1109 The World

"Looking at the way the Crown Prince's wife looks like this, she must have known what happened back then." The monk looked at Awan steadily. Seeing her panic, he forced himself to say: "So what if I know?"

The monk did not answer A Wan's words, but changed his voice and said: "I just heard what Zi Xiu said, escorting the Crown Prince's wife is one of the purposes of her trip."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Awan clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, listening to the monk calmly speaking, "If there is something wrong with the Crown Prince's wife, will Zixiu still be alive?"

"Master?" The monk looked at Master Ran Deng in front of A Wan in disbelief, and suddenly stopped his hand, "Why are you..."

"Amitabha." Master Ran Deng remained motionless, while A Wan stood behind him and chuckled, "Master, back then you saved the Yue family, Bai Mo Ci, and smashed Zi Xiu's sign. Why? Now that things have happened, you want to help Zixiu and guard her sign again?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" The monk said angrily: "How could Master help Zixiu..."

However, midway through his words, he stopped as if he had suddenly come to his senses, and said in surprise: "Master, you don't really want to help Zixiu, do you?"

"Amitabha." Master Randeng clasped his hands together. Awan had some concerns in his mind and said bluntly: "Master, you can't avoid what is coming. Even if you recite Amitabha [-] times, it won't help."

"I know." Master Ran Deng sighed, "I also know why Mrs. Shizi came here. If Zhongling Temple can survive this disaster, those things will be taken away by Mrs. Shizi..."

"Master, you must not!" The monk interrupted Master Ran Deng. Master Ran Deng was not annoyed and just raised his hand to cover his shoulders, "Silly boy, you can't hide."

The monk seemed to be frozen in place, stunned in place. Awan followed his gaze and saw three large boxes placed in the only open space outside the hall.

"That's..." Awan had a vague guess in her mind. She walked over and opened one of the boxes, which contained land deed documents.

The candlelight was dim and unclear. Although Awan couldn't see clearly, she knew clearly in her heart that her guess was correct. These were Fang Zilan's real reasons for going up the mountain.

"Master, do you think that by handing over these, everyone in Zhongling Temple can survive this disaster?" Awan put the documents back, turned to look at Master Ran Deng and said, "Who is the initiator?"

Hearing this, Master Ran Deng said quietly: "People's hearts are full of desires. How can we explain it more clearly than the one who created the figurines?"

Awan pursed her lips and said with a sudden thought: "There is no wind without waves. Even if people's hearts are full of desires, they will not make waves for no reason."

"That's enough!" The monk's eyes turned red and he glared at Awan and said, "Now that the matter has come to this, why is Madam Shizi still so aggressive?"

"Why?" Awan looked coldly and said word by word: "For the people who are still fighting for your life outside the door at this moment, even if they die, they can die in a worthy way, not in an unknown way."

After she said that, she looked around——

The temple is full of people who don't know the truth and only seek protection. The monks who talk about Amitabha without asking the truth are inexplicably matched to the wood carvings and clay sculptures that don't know the truth all over the wall. They even match each other in a creepy way.

Tonight's Zhongling Temple seems to have echoed Fang Zilan's words, "It's hard to live up to its great reputation."

Yun Qinghan stared blankly at the token in front of him, unable to react for a long time, "Miss A Lan..." Wang Shen pulled Yun Qinghan who was staying in place and suddenly knelt in front of Fang Zilan, "Master Fang , I didn’t expect it was really you!”

After saying that, he straightened up and shouted to all the people in the town: "Look, it's really Mr. Fang! Dajing has not given up on us, Mr. Fang has come to save us personally!"

As soon as he said this, the hesitant people behind him knelt on the ground in twos and threes. Su Yun, Vice General Cao and a few soldiers reacted and bowed respectfully. Even Awan bowed.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan held the token and said solemnly: "I assure you in the name of the Duke of Yue in Dajing that Dajing will never give up on anyone. Now the plague in the town has been brought under control, and the lockdown will be lifted in less than ten days. "

The people who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads and looked at her, "Master Fang, are you really going to lift the seal?"

Fang Zilan looked at the lanterns meandering around, glowing against the dark night. The eyes of the lantern owner are brighter than the firelight because they are full of hope.

So she bowed solemnly and said: "If the seal cannot be lifted, I will advance and retreat with you here. I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day."

Her last words were so serious that Deputy General Cao couldn't help but raise his head and look at her, but he couldn't even say a word of dissuasion. In the end, it turned into a firm "Boss, I'll accompany you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people kneeling on the ground all echoed:
"Yes, Master Fang is with us, what should we be afraid of?"

"Master Fang has helped cure so many people in the town these days, we believe in Master Fang!"

"Dajing has not given up on us. The lockdown will be lifted. The lockdown will definitely be lifted!"

The crowd was roaring with voices, one wave after another, like a sudden thunder in the darkness, causing a great sensation.

That night, everyone in the southeast knew that Master Zilan, the Duke of Yue State, had been with them all along. This news spread from one person to another and became a new legend in the southeast.

As for Fang Zilan himself, after dismissing everyone that night, he called Wang Shen and said, "Master Shen, please stay."

Wang Shen stopped, turned around, bowed to her and said, "Master Fang, just call me by my name. The title of Young Master Shen, coming from Master Fang's mouth, is really embarrassing to me."

"Young Master Shen, there is no need to be humble. You deserve it." Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of him steadily and said solemnly: "You have guessed my identity a long time ago. It is a good idea to make my identity public tonight in the name of searching for someone." .”

"Sure enough, we can't hide it from Mr. Fang." Wang Shen's lips curled up slightly, "Since Mr. Fang is willing to risk his life for us, then naturally we can't let Mr. Fang down. What I did tonight was just to let Mr. Fang know that from this moment on Starting from now on, all the people in the southeast are Lord Fang’s backing and swear to live and die together with Lord Fang.”

"How do you count what you say alone?" Fang Zilan asked in a leisurely manner. Wang Shen smiled and said, "How about I collect the books of all peoples and show them to Master Fang?"

Fang Zilan relaxed and said in a drawl: "You still have so much free time, why not..."

"Master Fang was joking." Wang Shen quickly waved his hand, "I suddenly remembered that there was something else at home, so I left first." After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, but heard Fang Zilan's voice coming from behind, "Master Shen, Thank you."

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