Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1110 Constraints

"Everyone, I'm going too far." The leader of the law-enforcing elders coughed heavily, "The top priority is to determine the next head of the family, and then take care of the family's funeral and his wife's affairs."

"The next head of the family?" Everyone came back to their senses and began to discuss it. Originally, according to the custom, before the death of the family head, a suicide note designating the next family head would be sent to the ancestral hall, which would be witnessed by all the elders of the clan.

However, this time the head of the Ouyang family was poisoned, and Mrs. Ouyang was the mother of the murderer, so the suicide note left behind seemed unreliable.

However, the next head of the family designated in the suicide note is Ouyang Juncheng. Although this child is not as noble as his legitimate son, he has always been stable and down-to-earth, and has high hopes. It makes sense for him to succeed him as the head of the family.

But if Ouyang Juncheng was allowed to succeed as the head of the family, he would be reluctant and difficult to convince the public.

Fang Zilan watched with cold eyes, secretly thinking that people's hearts are really unpredictable. If it hadn't been for this, even if there were ten Ouyang Zongrui standing nearby, this group of people would not hesitate to believe that Ouyang Jun would be the next head of the family. But now Mrs. Ouyang's life is not enough to make this group of people firm in their belief.

There is no other reason than that Mrs. Ouyang is dead. Her suicide was like a confession, causing people to panic, and even the family head's suicide note was no longer credible.

She could have surrounded the ancestral hall just like the soldiers who surrounded the Ouyang family, settled everything and then committed suicide. Unfortunately, she felt too guilty and thought too well of the Ouyang family. Little did she know that behind the power, there were always unscrupulous tigers and wolves.

Someone suddenly shouted, and everyone suddenly had an idea - Ouyang Juncheng could succeed as the next head of the family, but Mrs. Ouyang must be driven out of the house to prove her innocence.

Fang Zilan just found it funny. What do you mean by being kicked out of the house? Everyone is already dead, so how can we drive away? Should we just leave their bodies in the wilderness?

Facts have proved that she was too simplistic. The so-called rush by these people was actually a divorce letter.

Hearing this, Ouyang Zirou couldn't bear it anymore. She shook off Huangfuxin's hand and wanted to say something, but suddenly found that she couldn't make any sound.

Huangfuxin grabbed Ouyang Zirou's wrist, pulled her back, and allowed her to be punched and kicked without moving.

"Aphasia will not be cured in a while." Fang Zilan glanced at Ouyang Zirou, and this explanation seemed to be addressed to her as well as to Huangfuxin.

Huangfuxin was stunned. He wanted to ask but heard Wang Lingyuan say: "Master Fang, don't we care?"

"How do you care?" Fang Zilan spread her hands, "Zi Rou is speechless. Your husband is in a dilemma and he is also a Clay Bodhisattva. We are all outsiders and can't say anything."

"But..." As soon as Wang Lingyuan opened her mouth, someone said, "What if the divorce letter makes Mrs. Wei angry?"

Fang Zilan shook his head, "I think this matter is strange. No matter who looks at it, the rebellion is unlikely to succeed. In this case, Wei Changtai's move, apart from risking his own life and dragging the Wei family into the water, what is the use? "

All the generals present were military generals. Even if they were not under the Wei family, they were closely related to the military department controlled by the Wei family. Therefore, few people want to drag Wei into this level. Now that Fang Zilan directly exposed it, they couldn't help but look at Li Shengxuan.

Li Shengxuan thought thoughtfully, "What do you think? You might as well express your opinions."

No one spoke for a while. After a while, Xia Houzhang stood up and said: "If there are people like this in the Wei clan who commit rebellion, they will inevitably be implicated. It is an oversight to say the least. However, everyone in the Wei clan is different. , Duke Wei is the first to bear the brunt, as for the others..."

He didn't go on, and Fang Zilan's heart trembled. According to Li Shengxuan's temper, except for the principal and accomplices, the other people involved would not be punished too severely. If Wei Yi takes this opportunity to suppress Wei Subaru and compete for the position of head of the family, it is not impossible. "Master Xiahou is wrong." Huangfu Xin said, neither humble nor arrogant: "Even though Wei Changtai's rebellion this time will undoubtedly be defeated, if Duke Wei had not discovered it in time, there might have been a disaster. Even if Duke Wei had not noticed, The merits outweigh the faults."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Huangfu Xin, and no one seemed to have thought that he would stand up and speak for Wei Subaru.

"Although General Huangfu's words are reasonable, His Majesty has always had the final say on merits, demerits, rewards and punishments. Don't overdo it." Fang Zilan made a point without taking it seriously, but Huangfu Xin was unmoved at all, "Does Master Fang think that Is it the fault of Duke Wei?"

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Why did General Huangfu say this?"

"I heard that someone in Mr. Fang's house was involved." Huangfu Xin said calmly: "I thought Mr. Fang wanted to accuse Duke Wei of the crime so that he could get away with it."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and before she could say anything, she heard a general next to him say suspiciously: "There are actually people in Mr. Fang's house who are involved?"

"Yes." Huangfuxin nodded and said, "Shangguan Min from Mr. Fang's residence also went to the camp on the outskirts of Beijing."

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into fists, completely suspecting that she was in love with Huangfu Xin. Before he spoke, no one knew that Shangguan Min was camped in the suburbs of Beijing. So how did he learn about this?

The situation is still unclear, but Huangfuxin jumped out to disrupt the situation, which just shows that he is also involved. But his move was too deliberate. He deliberately mentioned Shangguan Min, deliberately pointed the finger at her, and deliberately aroused her suspicion...

Fang Zilan felt that she had more and more doubts. Why did Huangfuxin want to wade into this muddy water? He could obviously say nothing and completely ignore himself, Huangfulin, and even the entire Huangfu family.

"Shangguan Min? Shouldn't he be in the north?" "Yes, why did Shangguan Min go to the camp on the outskirts of Beijing?"...

Sure enough, the sound of discussion instantly filled the entire palace. The people who heard the news were like boiling water exploding in a pot, almost overflowing.

"Quiet." Xia Houzhang suddenly raised his voice and suppressed everyone's voices. "What's the point of making noise?"

Everyone fell silent, but they still looked at me and me at you without stopping eye contact.

Li Shengxuan looked calm, looked at Fang Zilan steadily, and asked: "Is what Huangfu Xin said true?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan said frankly: "I believe in Shangguan Min. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that he would participate in the rebellion."

"You know Shangguan Min's identity better than anyone else." Li Shengxuan asked: "If he is indeed involved, what do you want?"

"If Shangguan Min is indeed involved, I will kill him myself." Fang Zilan said with a stern face, "Then I will apologize to His Majesty again."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another burst of discussion. After all, her words were equivalent to confirming that Shangguan Min was not in the North and was related to her. The meaning of that was self-evident.

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