Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1111 Blessing

"Zhen Mi'er of Qianjinfang, I'm here to pay a visit to the high priest of Miluo." Zhen Mi'er's clear and calm voice seemed even colder on the rainy night.

The high priest stood up and turned to look at Zhen Mier, "Miss Zhen, I have been waiting for a long time."

There was no expression on Zhen Mier's face, "The high priest has a clever plan, otherwise my journey to this place would not have been so smooth."

The high priest didn't comment, so Zhen Mier continued, "In that case, the high priest might as well make some further calculations, why am I here?"

"Even if I don't deduce, I can guess the purpose of Qianjinfang's visit." The high priest raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Since the owner is here, please feel free to welcome him. Can you sit down and have a cup of tea?"

Zhen Mier unceremoniously sat opposite the high priest and said quietly: "I am not the master of Qianjinfang, she is."

Although they didn't say it explicitly, both of them knew it. This "she" is the reason for coming.

"So, Miss Zhen." The high priest poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Zhen Mi'er, "What do you want from your late night visit for her?"

"The poison on her body." Zhen Mi'er got straight to the point and said directly: "Qianjinfang has found out a lot of information over the years, and it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false. I came here tonight just to ask the high priest if he can tell the truth. untie?"

The high priest's hand holding the teapot paused for a moment, but her voice said without any hesitation, "No."

"I just wanted to seek confirmation, but I never thought that the high priest would not even tell the truth." Zhen Mier snorted coldly, and the high priest was slightly stunned, "What truth?"

"The poison on her body is divided into primary and secondary. This is the way of yin and yang." Zhen Mi'er picked up the tea cup and shook it casually, "Yi Zhenmu, this is the art of the witch clan."

She said and put the tea back intact, "Now that the deputy Gu is dead, she has suffered backlash. Without the help of the high priest, it will be difficult to survive."

Hearing this, the high priest nodded slightly and motioned for Zhen Mi'er to continue speaking, but she heard her say: "However, if the mother Gu dies, the child Gu on her body will lose its effectiveness. From then on, she will no longer be tortured by it and can be herself." Ordinary people.”

"What Miss Zhen said is good." A flash of admiration flashed in the high priest's eyes, "But it's not entirely correct."

She took a sip of tea and said, "Miss Zhen, have you ever thought about why the voodoo on her body is both a main voodoo and a sub-vood?"

Zhen Mier was silent, and the high priest thought to himself: "To put it bluntly, it is to balance the two and merge them into one. The so-called backlash is just that one of them has the upper hand, and if the balance is broken, it will damage her. Body."

"High Priest, you don't have to talk in circles with me." Zhen Mi'er looked cold, and the High Priest smiled lightly, "Miss Zhen, I just want to explain the pros and cons to you, so that you can judge whether it is feasible."

She put the tea cup back on the table and sighed softly, "Death of the mother Gu is certainly a solution, but she can't survive."

A flicker of doubt flashed in Zhen Mi'er's eyes, "What did the high priest mean by this?" "This was originally a dead end." The high priest seemed not to have heard Zhen Mi'er's question and said to himself: "Can she It’s not easy to live to this day.”

"Isn't it easy?" Zhen Mier caught this word keenly, and felt a subtle sense of dissonance in her heart.

"If it weren't for the constant care of doctors who understand poisonous poisons and the blessing of the Yin Yang family's spells, how could Miss Zhen have survived to this day?" The high priest said with a cold look on his face, "Is it just luck?"

Zhuge Yu snorted coldly, "I just don't know if the Yushitai submitted this advice to a certain Duke of the country because he was instigated by others, or if he made up his own mind."

The certain Duke in his words was naturally referring to Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue. Sitting in the hall, she could hear it clearly and understood where his anger came from. If the White Jade Tiger Talisman was really handed over to Rong, In the hands of King An, I am afraid that the southeastern land will not be peaceful.

And the origin of all this is that the arrow she shot at Chen Xu was used by someone with ulterior motives to stir up the fear and resentment of the adults in the Yushitai, and perhaps other courtiers, and turned it into a sharp blade to fight back against her.

As for the so-called intentional person, she could probably guess that it was Ji Ningtian, the ghost sect. He is afraid that the world will not be in chaos, and...

Li Shengxuan's support for her may have exceeded everyone's imagination. Neither Ji Ningtian nor the court officials, nor even herself, thought that such an act as shooting the censor would be brushed aside by Li Shengxuan.

For some reason, she had a vague hunch that the current situation was not what Ji Ningtian had expected. If he continued to sit idly by and let it develop, he would try his best to kill her.

After all, Ji Ningtian's original idea was for her to be the one who could shake Li Shengxuan, but only if she was still the sword of the ghost gate. But now she has become not only the person Li Shengxuan indulges in, but also the sword that protects the capital.

The weight has increased, but my mind has changed. How could Ji Ningtian keep her?

"It seems that Mr. Fang knows what he is doing." Zhuge Yu looked at the person in front of him steadily, feeling as though he hated iron and said, "I don't understand why you..."

He stopped mid-sentence, and after a while he said in a low voice: "Sister Lan, do you think that just watching with cold eyes doesn't count as helping the evildoers?"

"Then what does Ayu expect from me?" Fang Zilan changed his title and sighed softly, "At the beginning of the Tai'an Emperor's reign, he kept a clear attitude towards the old people of the previous dynasty. Why does Ayu think it is because of the reputation of benevolence? ?”

Without waiting for Zhuge Yu's answer, Fang Zilan said directly: "The forces of the previous dynasty were deeply intertwined, especially the generals. I don't know how many people in the army of the capital were related to the previous dynasty. It lasted for three generations, and even in the hands of your majesty, no one in the army dared to They said it had nothing to do with the previous dynasty. When they followed the Li family, there was no guarantee that they would not change their ways one day. What's more, Princess Wuqing was still there. No matter what, she was a flag in the hearts of the former dynasty. If she was cut down rashly, You should know the consequences better than me."

"Chaos abounds in the capital. Neighbors are stirred up by the wind, and wars are raging. The people are in dire straits." Zhuge Yu slowly closed his eyes and said: "The prosperous age that lasted for three generations and countless people worked hard will be gone in an instant. ."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, with a look of unbearability in her eyes, "Ayu, I'm telling you this not as an excuse to shirk responsibility, but it's just the fact that it cannot be tolerated by you and me..."

"Just because this is the case, Master Fang is going to let it go and go with the flow?" Zhuge Yu interrupted Fang Zilan's words sternly, his expression was solemn as never before, "If you eat the emperor's salary, you should share your worries and use the people's wages. Then you should ask for orders for the people. If not, what is the point of being an official?"

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