Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1113 Interweaving

"Since the Crown Prince's wife is here, I would like to hear the Fang family's opinion on this matter." Dugu Mingming called Fang Zilan's name, and for a moment everyone's eyes were focused on her.

Fang Zilan calmed down, walked to the courtyard, looked at Dugu Ming and said, "I wonder what little general Dugu said?"

"It's General Dugu." Dugu Ming's expression was a bit colder. However, after seeing Fang Zilan's face clearly, he couldn't help but frown, "You...Mrs. Crown Prince, have we met before?"

Fang Zilan curled her lips and said, "General Dugu is guarding the Western Territory, but I am hiding in the boudoir of the capital. If not in a dream, how could the general have seen me?"

"Since Madam Crown Prince is a woman, she should know what words should be said and what should not be said." Dugu Ming's tone was solemn, and the smile on Fang Zilan's face became brighter, "General Dugu, now that he knows that I am a woman, should know what words should be said." Ask, what shouldn’t be asked?”

Dugu Ming took a deep breath, "The person who was assassinated in the court before had the emblem of my Dugu family on his body. Does the Crown Prince know about this?"

"I know." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I was there at the time."

"Then I heard that the Crown Prince's wife was escorted by Zixiu to Zhongling Temple. Is this possible?" Dugu Ming stared closely at the person in front of her, her expression unchanged, "It is true."

Dugu Ming was thoughtful and asked the last question, "Is there anyone who can witness the trip to Zhongling Temple?"

"General Zhou Lang of the Southeast Camp." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, Dugu Ming snorted coldly, "As expected."

Next to him, Li Qiyou's expression changed. Before he could say anything, Dugu Ming was the first to question him: "Do you know, Mrs. Crown Prince, what is the crime of framing a noble family? What is the crime of mobilizing troops without permission?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Dugu Ming was talking about Zhou Lang, and hurriedly replied: "I was entrusted by Mr. Xie for the trip to Zhongling Temple, and General Zhou Lang was also entrusted by His Highness King Yucheng..."

"Entrusted by His Highness King Yucheng?" Dugu Ming interrupted Fang Zilan, "Is there any token to prove it? Without a certificate or order, please don't accuse His Highness King Yucheng at will!"

Fang Zilan said seriously: "Speaking of it, it will be the first month in a while, and the construction of the Northern Protectorate will be delayed until the spring of next year."

"What Lord Fang said is true. The winter in the north is difficult, and no one dares to start construction." Qi Yuming said and walked to her side, "But hasn't Lord Fang already delegated the task of building the Northern Protectorate to Lord Lu Zhizhang? He himself Got some time to relax."

Fang Zilan turned to look at Qi Yuming, her eyebrows curved and she smiled like a little fox, "I think Mr. Qi has been too idle recently, why don't you do something for me?"

"I'm not idle." Qi Yuming took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Fang Zilan. "I went to see Mr. Zhong as soon as I returned to Yanzhou City. This is Shangguan Min's non-commissioned officer's military status. It has been completed."

"Master Qi is indeed capable." Fang Zilan took the document with a smile on her face, "In that case, can you do me one more favor?"

Qi Yuming shook his head helplessly, "Master Fang, please don't make fun of me. Master Fang, you still call me Master Qi respectfully. I am just a small clerk in the army now. I have no power and power. How can I help Master Fang?"

"Master Qi, why should you belittle yourself?" Fang Zilan shook his head dissatisfied, "What's more, based on our friendship, you will always help with some small favors, right?"

"I don't dare to be friends with Mr. Fang." Qi Yuming quickly waved his hand to clear the relationship, causing Fang Zilan to glare angrily, "Qi Yuming, are you going to help?" Her voice attracted A Wan, who was having a good time in the courtyard, and she When he ran over and saw such a scene, Monk Zhang Er was confused and looked at the two of them blankly, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Qi Yuming raised the corner of his mouth and couldn't help laughing: "Master Fang and Miss Awan have been together for a long time, and their tempers have become more and more similar."

Fang Zilan snorted and said nothing. Qi Yuming stopped teasing after seeing this, coughed slightly and said seriously: "What does Mr. Fang want me to do, you might as well tell me."

"I want you to help me hire the best matchmaker in Yanzhou City to be a matchmaker." Fang Zilan said calmly, but Awan was dumbfounded, "Fang Zilan, you want to get married?"

Qi Yuming coughed suddenly and said, "Master Fang, are you joking with me?"

"What are you two thinking about? It's not that I want to get married." Fang Zilan rolled her eyes at the two people in front of her in annoyance, sighed and pretended to be mature: "It's not the New Year, and I also want to do a few happy events. Let the house be lively and lively. Watching all the little girls in the house trembling and trembling under my roof all day long makes me feel unhappy. "

"Master Fang wants to marry off all the Shangguan women in the backyard?" Qi Yuming raised his eyebrows, "Will they be willing?"

"Why don't you want to?" Fang Zilan looked at the snow in the courtyard. It was so spotless and so pure that it made people feel indescribably happy. "Compared to being a slave and a maid all your life, there is nothing wrong with finding a good family to marry. not good."

"What about you, Mr. Fang?" Qi Yuming asked suddenly, making Fang Zilan stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with me?"

Qi Yuming's eyes showed an obvious look of inquiry, "Will Lord Fang be able to choose a husband you like and marry him in the future?"

"Who knows." Fang Zilan smiled, "I am afraid that my fortune and life will be tied to the peace of the North. But if one day, my sweetheart can join hands with me to guard this mountain and river, I will also be happy As a woman.”

Seeing her wide smile, Qi Yuming couldn't help but sigh: "A man who can make Mr. Fang willingly take a back seat is probably rare in this world."

"It's not nothing." Awan murmured quietly to the side. Seeing that the two people's eyes were on her, she quickly changed her words and said, "I mean, Mr. Fang, you are repaying evil with kindness and taking advantage of the women of the Shangguan family."

"You've been punished, you've been punished, there's nothing cheap about it." Fang Zilan smiled and looked a little more serious, "I'll leave the matter of inviting the matchmaker to Mr. Qi. I will also go to Mr. Zhong to inquire about it in the next few days. Take a look at someone else’s house.”

"Master Fang has said so, so I can't refuse." Qi Yuming sighed quietly, "It's just my help..."

He didn't continue, but Fang Zilan laughed out loud, "Master Qi's ancestors were in business, right? He's so smart. When the Northern Protectorate is completed, how about handing over the position of Protector to Master Qi?"

"Very good." Qi Yuming did not refuse, and his sharp appearance made Fang Zilan smile and shake his head, "Master Qi is so rude."

"The Lord of the North has a green eye, so why should I be polite?" Qi Yuming said and bowed respectfully, "Qi Yuming would like to thank Master Fang in advance."

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