There was a knock on the door, "Is Miss Zhen inside? I am a disciple of the Daomen Huo family, and I come here to ask for advice."

Fang Zilan looked stern. When the person outside the door asked for the third time, she finally stood up, walked over, and opened the door.

"Is something wrong?" The sudden cold words made the person outside the door stunned in place, and they didn't even have time to put down their hand knocking on the door, "I..."

"Can the disciples of Daomen Huo family disturb others' peace at will?" Fang Zilan snorted, "I should have told Mr. Fang that no one has disappeared in the past two days."

"I know that Miss Zhen is trying to avoid suspicion. After all, the grand finale of this spring party..." The outsider was interrupted by Fang Zilan halfway through his words, "You all know, why are you here so ignorantly? "

"It's not that I'm ignorant, it's just..." The person outside the door opened his mouth and said as if he had made up his mind: "There are some things I must know."

Fang Zilan sneered and looked at the person outside the door from beginning to end. The young man looked to be about the same age as Ah Shi. Although his green face was a bit immature and his facial features had not yet grown, his figure was tall and straight, and his whole body was full of aura. Heroic.

"Why are you laughing?" The person outside the door looked a little embarrassed and turned her head to avoid Fang Zilan's gaze, but she showed no intention of restraining herself and stared at him unscrupulously: "The news from Qianjinfang is very expensive, can you afford the price? "

The outsider pursed his lips and said, "I heard that when you ask Qianjinfang for buying information, the money you get is not necessarily silver..."

"Okay, let me ask another question." Fang Zilan rudely stopped the person behind the door from saying, "Can you afford the price?"

"What price?" The voice of the person outside the door became a little softer, and Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Then it depends on what you have."

The person outside the door was dumbfounded. Seeing this, Ming Xiang came out and saluted Fang Zilan: "Master, leave ordinary business to me."

The person outside the door quickly waved his hand, "What I want to ask for is not ordinary news. The door owner has asked Qianjinfang before, but has never received an answer. It is rare that Miss Zhen is here, so I want to ask clearly at once."

When she heard the master of the sect, Fang Zilan suddenly remembered what Huo Chun'er had said to her that night. During the operation to encircle and suppress the Wheel King Chubin, people from all sects disappeared, including the senior brother of the Huo family of the Dao Sect. However, when the head of the Huo family asked Qianjinfang, he never got an answer.

Thinking of this, she roughly understood what the outsider wanted, so she stopped talking in circles with him and said bluntly: "You came to me to ask your senior brother?"

The person outside the door was happy and said, "Miss Zhen knows?"

"I can give you the answer." Fang Zilan showed a meaningful smile, "The key is, what price can you pay for this?"

"What does Miss Zhen want?" The person outside the door couldn't wait to ask, and Fang Zilan's smile became even brighter, "Can you do anything?"

"Sister, we meet again." Mu Chuji's lips curled up slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

Fang Zilan stood on his horse and held his sword, with a stern look on his face, "Mu Chuji, if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. This time, I want your white flag to never be taken down again."

"Sister, you might as well give it a try." Mu Chuji drew his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming the arrow at Fang Zilan, "I just don't know whether your sword is faster or my arrow is faster." "Arrogant." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, Mu Chu The arrow on Ji's bow has left the string. However, Vice General Cao was already prepared. He raised his hand and shot an arrow straight towards Mu Chuji. The two feathered arrows fell in the air as soon as they touched.

Mu Chuji glanced at Deputy General Cao, pretending to be casual, and said, "Sister, the general next to you is pretty good, much better than the one you sent to rob us of food and grass."

Fang Zilan gave Deputy General Cao a wink, and he understood immediately, commanding the soldiers to protect the people and retreat into the city, and no longer entangle with the Miluo people.

"Didn't sister just say that she wanted to take my life?" Mu Chuji pulled the horse's reins leisurely and chuckled, "Why are you walking so fast?"

"Mu Chuji, if you want to die, you can't blame me." Fang Zilan drew his sword out of its sheath, and Mu Chuji smiled even wider, "Sister, even though you are skilled in martial arts and can kill me more than once, you can defeat me!" Over thousands of troops?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the Miluo people who were protecting him rushed forward, while he himself retreated to the rear.

Fang Zilan waved his sword to meet him without flinching, and wherever the long sword went, blood and flesh flew everywhere.All the Miluo people who tried to get close to the people behind her died one by one, either by her and Dajing soldiers, or by the feathered arrows on the tower.Even those who were wounded and tried to retreat were all repaired with swords and died in front of the battle.

Soon, a row of corpses was piled in front of Fang Zilan's horse, separating her from the Miluo people. She looked back at the city gate. There were still a few people who had not yet entered the city, and she could not retreat yet.

"It's really amazing." Mu Chuji seemed to be watching a show, and even clapped his hands with unfulfilled interest.

Standing beside Mu Chuji, Jiang Hanze felt chills in his back. Fang Zilan's attack was so fierce that he had never seen it before. He couldn't help but said, "Your Highness, should we..."

"Well, in this battle we used the people of the capital as bait to lure Fang Zilan to fight, and we were already at a disadvantage. Now that the morale of the capital is high, we should not fight anymore, and there is nothing wrong with withdrawing our troops." Mu Chuji calmed down, "However, you found out Is it over yet? She’s almost reaching her limit.”

Fang Zilan's hand holding Mei Jian trembled slightly, she clenched her teeth tightly, for fear that the Miluo people on the opposite side would see any clues.

A voice in her mind said to her, "A killer is the sword of the common people. It can kill a person in ten steps, kill a person in a thousand miles, and take the head of a general among thousands of troops. If you can die in it, you can't die a good death."

An imperceptible wry smile escaped from the corner of her lips, her hands clenched subconsciously, she couldn't fall here before the time came.

Thinking of this, she raised the plum sword in her hand again and cut the throat of a Miluo man in front of her, cleanly and without any signs of exhaustion.

Jiang Hanze followed Mu Chuji's line of sight, but he didn't see anything. Just when he was puzzled, he heard Mu Chuji say in a low voice, "It's almost there, withdraw the troops."

Seeing the Miluo people retreating, Fang Zilan retracted her sword and returned it to its sheath, leaning on the horse and panting heavily.Seeing this, Deputy General Cao drove his horse to her side, with a worried expression on his face, "Boss?"

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan rode his horse back to the city, and said to Deputy General Cao as he walked, "Old Cao, go and get someone to keep a close eye on the people who came into the city, and don't allow them to move around at will, so as not to cause any trouble."

"Okay." Vice General Cao took the order and left. Fang Zilan looked at the injuries on his body, fearing that he would inevitably be hit by A Wan again.

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