The doctor thought thoughtfully, "You can struggle in pain, so why do you stop others from trying to survive? You must know that human life is at stake, and the word life and death is far more than just words."

He paused, then saw that Fang Zilan was silent, and continued: "Have you ever heard of the Southeast Plague? At that time, everyone thought there was no hope of salvation, but in the end they were saved. The plague is like this, let alone poisoning? Even if it is a ten thousandth It’s possible, but it’s worth a try.”

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and it was only at this moment that she saw clearly the fear in her heart.

It turned out that she never thought that she could win against the ghost gate.

No matter whether it was poison or poison, Ji Ningtian could disrupt the situation with just a wave of his hand. She was chasing after him, exhausted, but unable to change it.

She doesn't know how many times she has seen people with lofty ideals die or retreat, and even she herself is living in an ignoble way.

Fang Zilan smiled bitterly to herself, and over time, she became accustomed to it. So she could find ways to get rid of the plague, but just sit back and wait for death from the poison.

Just because she felt that there was no cure from the beginning, including for herself, she always felt that one day she would be handed over for her life, so she was not afraid of death and traveled all the way until now...

"Young lady, you seem to have figured it out?" The doctor waved his hand, "If you have figured it out, go get the medicine quickly. Don't waste time."

Fang Zilan nodded numbly, turned around and was about to leave. The doctor shouted behind her: "Be careful with the prescription, don't break it..."

Only then did Fang Zilan notice the prescription she was holding tightly in her hand. The thin piece of paper was full of marks when she pinched it, and even the words on it looked crooked.

An extraordinarily ordinary stroke of writing, written on almost rough papyrus, carries the hope of saving people's lives.

It turns out that light things, as long as they are placed in people's hearts, can sometimes weigh so much.

Fang Zilan turned back and waved to the doctor: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon and I won't miss your medicine."

"Okay." The doctor responded, breathed a long sigh of relief, and walked quickly into the house again.

Li Shengxuan stood in front of the territory map and did not turn around. After Fang Zilan saluted, he still maintained his original posture and remained motionless.

Fang Zilan knelt on one knee, took out half of the white jade tiger talisman from her arms, and held it respectfully between her eyebrows, "The white jade tiger talisman is now returned to your majesty."

After hearing these words, Li Shengxuan finally turned around. He looked steadily at the kneeling man and said softly: "Why do you want to return the white jade tiger talisman to me?"

Fang Zilan raised her head with a calm expression, "I have failed His Majesty's trust, and I feel guilty about it, so I return it."

"Are you ashamed?" Li Shengxuan repeated these two words pointedly, and then said: "To eradicate the pirates and cure the plague, what are you ashamed of?"

"I selfishly kept the Mo family." Fang Zilan looked calm. Li Shengxuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists, and his face remained calm. "What else?" "King Rong'an has evil intentions, so we must be careful. ." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and finally whispered: "No more."

Li Shengxuan's expression grew colder. If it weren't for the saying that King Rong'an harbored evil intentions and had to be careful, he would really have thought that she was in cahoots with King Rong'an. He said in a deep voice: "Do you know what King Rongan did?"

"What your Majesty is asking is that King Rongan sold his official position and allowed his subordinates to bully men and women, fornicated with pirates in order to cede territory and betray the country, and sent infected fishermen out of the island to cause the plague to spread." Fang Zilan looked into his eyes without any intention of avoiding, "I know .”

What she said was even worse than the souvenirs from the Xiahou family. Li Shengxuan suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a cold voice: "Since you know it, why don't you retaliate?"

"King Rong'an is not someone who can drown by just spitting. I have no evidence and can't do anything to him." Fang Zilan lowered his eyes slightly, "What's more, the situation in the southeast is complicated. A little carelessness will cause even greater trouble. I'm not sure. …”

"Fang Zilan!" Li Shengxuan interrupted her sternly, "Who are you, Mo Han? For him, did you even ignore your responsibilities as the Duke of Yue?"

"Mo Han is my cousin." Fang Zilan met his gaze and said firmly: "But I didn't forget my responsibilities for him."

"Fang Zilan, if you say that you have different intentions, you not only asked General Xiahou to quell the pirates, but you also risked your life and death and went into the epidemic area alone. It is not an exaggeration to say that you serve the country and the people. But if you say that you are loyal to your duties, you concealed it from Rongan. The king did not avenge all his crimes, but also privately pardoned the Mo family, turning a deaf ear to my words." Li Shengxuan sighed quietly, "People's hearts are treacherous, how can I trust you?"

"The human heart is treacherous." Fang Zilan repeated the word softly, placed the white jade tiger talisman squarely on the ground with both hands, and then took out a short dagger from his sleeves, pointing the tip directly at his heart, "If your majesty doesn't believe it, you can Cut out my heart and you will know it at a glance.”

"Fang Zilan, you..." Li Shengxuan looked at her blankly, and saw that her fingers exerted slight force, and the tip of the knife had already pierced her coat.

He didn't stop him, but he saw her turn her wrist and point the tip of the knife to the ground, "Does Your Majesty really think I would do this?"

Li Shengxuan didn't speak. Fang Zilan put away the dagger and said solemnly: "It is foolish to cut one's heart out and prove it by oneself. Even if I cut out my heart today and put it in His Majesty's hands, I'm afraid His Majesty won't believe me. By then I will not only lose He took his life and proved nothing."

She puffed up her sleeves and continued speaking to herself, "I remember His Majesty once told me that the word trust should be applied to the situation rather than the person. Since Your Majesty thinks that I am trustworthy, you might as well give me more time. I can't do anything to King Rongan today, but given time I will be able to bring him to justice."

Li Shengxuan whispered to himself: "How long does it take to see people's hearts?" However, the only answer he received was silence.

Fang Zilan stopped talking. She handed over the Tiger Talisman and confessed every word. She had put her life in Li Shengxuan's hands. Believe it or not, it was all in his mind. Her life and death were just a matter of his words.

She didn't know how long it had passed before she heard Li Shengxuan's voice, which was cold and lonely, "I don't blame you for your selfishness. But you know, since ancient times, it's hard to have both loyalty and justice, and you have to make a choice after all."

Fang Zilan did not back down a word, "No matter what, I will take up the responsibility as the Duke of Yue Kingdom. But Mo Han is my only relative in this world, and I must protect him even if I risk my life."

"Fang Zilan, what kind of situation have you put me in?" Li Shengxuan clenched his hands in his sleeves into fists and said angrily: "Or do you think I will tolerate you again and again?"

"Whether His Majesty will tolerate me or not is your Majesty's business. I dare not comment on it." Fang Zilan had no expression on her face, but her words were stubborn and cold, "But what I have done is worthy of my conscience."

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