Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1121 Deliberate

"Meng Tingyang, you talk too much." Murong Qing didn't even raise his eyelids. Meng Tingyang had no choice but to keep silent until the bandage was finished, and he politely thanked Awan.

Fang Zilan sat in the carriage and listened to their conversation. There was nothing in her heart. She was just thinking about how much the price would be if Murong Qing was involved in this game.

Therefore, when Murong Qing got on the carriage, what he saw was Fang Zilan sitting like an old monk, silently like a clay sculpture.

"Sister?" Murong Qing stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Fang Zilan's eyes. She looked at the snow-white gauze in front of her and suddenly thought, "Murong Qing, don't get involved in this mess in Southeast. As long as you promise me, I..."

She paused, and Murong Qing laughed softly, and sat next to her, looking at her with burning eyes, "If I agree to sister, what benefits will sister give me?"

Fang Zilan hesitated to speak, but the next moment Murong Qing pressed her lips, "Shh, don't promise me any illusory benefits."

After he finished speaking, he put down his hand, but Fang Zilan couldn't react for a long time, "What do you want?"

"Sister, you know what I want." Murong Qing smiled slightly, his eyes clear and innocent.

Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves clenched into fists, "Murong Qing, don't push yourself too far..."

"In this case, I will add another bargaining chip." Murong Qing's smile became even brighter, "I will not interfere in the mess in the southeast, and the Silver Armored Army is at your disposal."

"Aren't you afraid that I will drag you down?" Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and Murong Qing smiled contentedly, "It doesn't matter, as long as I bet you to win, I'm willing to put down all my chips."

"How do you want me to bet?" Fang Zilan's eyes were heavy, and Murong Qing nodded calmly, "Whatever you want to bet on."

"If I lose, I will die, and you..." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, Murong Qing said: "I will die with you."

Fang Zilan closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she seemed to have made up her mind, "That's it."

"Sister, did you... agree?" This time it was Murong Qing's turn to be stunned. Fang Zilan said without hesitation: "This is the deal. I will go with you to Miluo in the future. No matter whether it is the prince's wife or the queen, there is nothing I can't do."

"It's a deal." Murong Qing stretched out his hand and high-fived Fang Zilan as an oath.

However, at this moment, Fang Zilan was thinking that if she could live to the day when she followed Murong Qing to Miluo, it would not be too late to regret it.

"Sister, if you regret it." Murong Qing seemed to have seen what Fang Zilan was thinking, and said solemnly: "I have many ways to make your life worse than death."

"You and I both know what kind of person she is." Fang Ziqin hesitated for a moment, but continued, "When she was young, she once broke through the imperial city and the underground palace alone in order to become the best in the world. Back then, If it weren't for you..."

She paused, and when she saw Master Yuan's calm expression, she continued: "I asked His Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Xiang at that time, to help me. I'm afraid she would have lost her life long ago."

"I understand what you mean." Master Lioyuan nodded slightly and said: "She has never been afraid of death. If there is anything that ranks last in her heart, it must be life and death. But now it is different. She has a tie. I will no longer put life and death at risk so easily.”

Fang Ziqin said thoughtfully: "You mean Mo Han, Mr. Mo?"

"Not only Mr. Mo, but also Miss Awan, the little medical girl next to Mr. Wen Ya, and..." Master Liaoyuan raised the corners of his lips as he spoke, looked at Fang Ziqin and said, "You, and the Fang family behind you .”

Fang Ziqin relaxed and said with a smile: "It's not that I haven't thought about it. She is just a stubborn person, but she still has the Fang family in her heart. But..." She stopped talking and looked at Master Yuan steadily, " Ajun, do you remember that I told you that she and I are not biological sisters."

When he heard the name Ajun, Master Liaoyuan surprisingly showed no resistance. He was neither as persistent as he was when he repeatedly corrected Li Shengxuan, nor as he occasionally turned a deaf ear when he heard others calling him Zhuge Jun.

Just because when Fang Ziqin called Ajun, he saw the bright and decisive girl's look on her face, which was his first love.

"I remember." There was a look of nostalgia in Master Liaoyuan's eyes, like the fiery red cassock outside the spotless monk's robe, hot and sincere.

I remember every word you said. Even after living in Buddhism for so many years, I still haven't forgotten a single word.

Being stared at by such eyes, Fang Ziqin wanted to dodge for no reason, but was attracted to him as if possessed by an evil spirit, and could not look away for a long time.

Master Liaoyuan never showed any impatience and did not say anything until Fang Ziqin realized that he had lost his composure, turned his head and whispered: "I was the one who lost my manners."

"It doesn't matter." Master Liaoyuan said warmly: "The tea is cold, I will change it for you."

"Ajun." Fang Ziqin suddenly shouted, picking up the cup on the table and drinking it down eagerly.

It seems as if he is afraid of losing something, and he seems to just feel that this cup of tea has been changed and will no longer be the same cup as before...

Just like them, there is no going back.

"Qin'er, I'm here." Master Liaoyuan watched helplessly as Fang Ziqin put the tea cup back on the table, but still held it tightly and refused to let go, so he couldn't help but stretch out his hand.

"Ajun, will you always be here?" Fang Ziqin was like a drowning person who saw the only hope of saving his life. However, it was too far away, and she couldn't see clearly whether this hope was a straw that could be broken at once, or a driftwood that could hold her ashore.

"Yes." Master Liaoyuan failed to reach out his hand after all, but stopped at the side of the table closer to Fang Ziqin, "Wherever you are, I will be there."

Fang Ziqin lowered his head and looked at the two hands on the table. One crossed the middle, trying to get closer but couldn't get any extravagance. The other was holding on to the cup, not daring to let go, but greedy for the other's warmth. Just like the relationship between them, it is always elusive.

She closed her eyes suddenly, and when she opened them again, she had calmed down a lot, "She knew her life experience."

Master Lioyuan heard Fang Ziqin change the subject, and followed her words and asked: "What is her life experience..."

"I can't say it." Fang Ziqin resolutely interrupted Master Yuan's question, "For the sake of the Fang family, I can't say it."

For the Fang family? There was a little bitterness on Master Liaoyuan's face. Fang Ziqin pursed her lips and rubbed her fingers over the wall of the lamp, "Ajun, I'm sorry."

Master Lioyuan opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Fang Ziqin said again: "Master Lioyuan, thank you."

After saying that, she stood up and left without looking back. Master Liaoyuan looked at her back, his heart beating wildly and blood seemed to explode all over his body, but his reason told him that he should not chase her out.

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