Fang Zilan's injured hand was always clenched into a fist, and blood seeped out from between her fingers. It was shocking, but she was completely unaware.

If Hongtai hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have even remembered that she was injured.

"It's just a minor injury." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft. Hongtai shook his head and said helplessly: "This is how you plan to meet Mr. Fang and Miss Fang? You're not afraid of them feeling distressed..."

Fang Zilan was stunned. She didn't hear a word of what Hongtai said later, and she said nonchalantly: "Is anyone going to feel sorry for you?"

"Fang Zilan, Mo Han is not the only one who wants you to live well." Hongtai sighed, "I also hope you live well."

"Why?" Fang Zilan stopped and listened to Hongtai faintly say: "As long as you live well, Uncle Sun and the others will not die in vain."

Fang Zilan showed an expression that was indeed true, but Hongtai curled her lips, "That's what I originally wanted to say."

"Hongtai..." Fang Zilan gritted her teeth, and the smile on Hongtai's face became brighter, "Just think of it as being for me. You live, I live, you die, I die."

Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, "I don't even want to live for myself, why do you think I would be willing to live for you?"

"Not just for me." Hongtai smiled and said solemnly: "It is also for other living people, such as Mr. Fang Chongzheng, Miss Fang, and even the Queen who is far away in the capital..."

"That's enough." Fang Zilan shouted softly, stopping Hongtai's words, but he asked almost aggressively: "Fang Zilan, are you scared?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and realized that she could not refute Hongtai's words.

At some point, she put herself in the same situation as the original owner of this body - struggling and unable to find a way out.

Failure over time is the best breeding ground for fear. Even though she said she wanted justice, she knew in her heart that justice could not come just by wanting it.

Her efforts to do her best and disregard for her own safety may be nothing more than child's play in the eyes of those people.

Hongtai looked at the lost man in front of him and suddenly laughed, "At most, it will be death and fame. It's not like you haven't experienced it before, so you are still afraid?"

"Who is scared?" Fang Zilan retorted subconsciously, and then as if she had a reaction, she frowned, her eyes red, and said aggrievedly: "Are you laughing at me?"

Hongtai felt soft-hearted for no reason. He coughed a few times and suppressed a smile, as if to coax him: "How could I laugh at you? Well, it's not you who is afraid, it's me who is afraid. That's alright, right?"

"Perfunctory." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, but the haze in her chest had mostly dissipated with Hongtai's words.

Hongtai opened Fang Zilan's clenched fingers and said while treating her wounds: "As far as I know, Fang Lihui is not innocent. If he goes to court, his life may not be saved."

"Who can tell whether the matter is innocent or not?" Fang Zilan's face became colder, and Hongtai looked up at her with amusement: "I found that you are quite unprincipled."

Fang Zilan didn't comment, so Hongtai continued, "You said you wanted justice, but when the fault fell on the Fang family, you were always extra tolerant."

"My surname is Fang." Fang Zilan said softly: "Hongtai, if we change places, it is not Fang Lihui who will go to court, but Honghe. How will you treat me?"

"As long as I was around, Xiaohe would never have gone that far." Hongtai had no expression on his face, but his voice was obviously deeper. "Since you and I both have people we can't let go of." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, with a look of arrogance in her eyes, "Then what are principles?"

Hongtai was stunned for a moment. For some reason, he always felt that such words should not come from Fang Zilan's mouth, but when she said them, he felt that it should be like this.

But what he didn't know was what she failed to express -

"I would like to be principled, but it's a pity that the world doesn't give me a chance."

Mo Han asked: "Miss Awan, that medicine belongs to Sister Lan, right?"

"I don't know what Mr. Mo is talking about." Awan took a step back and distanced himself from him, and said coldly: "Young Master, you might as well ask her in person. If she doesn't want you to know, then I have nothing to say."

Seeing this, Mo Han stepped aside and said apologetically: "I was the one who was abrupt."

Awan didn't say anything more to him and went to the kitchen. However, before she had taken two steps, she saw him following her, and she couldn't help but asked angrily: "What are you doing, Mr. Mo?"

Before she could finish her words, she heard footsteps coming one after another. The leader's "Han'er" made her stop in a hurry, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that it was Mrs. Hu.

"Mom." Mo Han ignored Awan's embarrassment and walked directly to Mrs. Hu, "Sister Lan hasn't gotten up yet. I'm about to go to the kitchen to see how breakfast is prepared."

"It's rare that your child is so interested that you would come to steal my mother's job." Mrs. Hu smiled and said softly: "Isn't this Miss Awan? Why are you here?"

"I..." Awan was stunned for a moment. When he was at a loss, he heard Mo Han say: "Miss Awan is a little hungry. I will take her to the kitchen to find some food to eat. I can't let her go." Hungry."

Hearing this, Awan nodded quickly, lowered his eyes in embarrassment and said, "Mrs. made me laugh."

"Han'er has really grown up." Mrs. Hu smiled happily and said to A Wan: "Miss A Wan, my Han'er is considerate and considerate. If you have something to do, just tell him. If you feel like saying no to him, If it’s convenient, just come to me directly, no need to be polite.”

"Thank you, Madam." Awan nodded slightly, and Madam Hu stretched out her hand to smooth her forehead, "Okay, let Han'er take you to the kitchen."

A Wan lowered her head obediently and followed Mo Han to the kitchen.

When he arrived in the kitchen, Mo Han bowed his hands and said, "I just took the liberty of doing this, and I hope Miss Awan can forgive me."

Awan was stunned for a moment, and when she saw Mo Han was about to leave, she realized and called him out, "Master Mo, please stay."

Mo Han turned around and smiled gently, "Miss Awan, do you have anything else to say?"

"I..." Awan hesitated for a moment, and Mo Han waited patiently for her next words. She bit her lip and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Just now, thank you Mr. Mo for the rescue."

"It's just a trivial matter, Miss Awan, don't worry about it." Mo Han smiled and reminded: "It's just that every day's meals in the house have to go through my mother's hands, so Miss Awan cooks medicine in the kitchen. You may meet my mother from time to time. If Miss Awan doesn’t want to cause trouble and make it known to others, she might as well..."

He paused for a moment, left the second half of the sentence to me, swallowed it, and changed his words: "Just pay attention to the time and avoid my mother. As for the cook and other people, I will explain it well, and I will definitely not Let Miss Awan be in trouble."

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