Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1127 Shameless

Yun Qinghan couldn't help lowering his eyes and said: "Although my father is the only one infected with the disease now, Xiaohuan and I have been taking care of my father for the past two days. I'm afraid..."

She didn't say any more, but Fang Zilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the silk handkerchief is just enough." She handed over the two square silk handkerchiefs in her hand, "Excuse me, Qinghan, please give the silk handkerchiefs to them."

Yun Qinghan stretched out his hand to take it, and happened to see Ajun who had already arranged the car and had just returned to the courtyard, so she waved him over.

Ajun stood far away from them, not daring to go over, "Miss, do you have any other instructions?"

"Put this silk handkerchief on." Yun Qinghan waved the silk handkerchief in his hand, but Ajun still did not dare to come over.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan said quietly and provocatively: "You don't even dare to wear a silk handkerchief. How can you look like a man if you are submissive?"

The provoking method is always effective. Arjun stamped his feet angrily, walked over quickly and took away the silk handkerchief in Yun Qinghan's hand, and said angrily: "Thank you, miss!"

"You're welcome." Fang Zilan replied in a drawl, and Ajun glared at her angrily. However, Yun Qinghan was there, so he couldn't get angry and turned around and left the yard.

Yun Qinghan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. When he was embarrassed, he heard Fang Zilan say: "Qinghan, I have something to ask you."

Yun Qinghan hurriedly said: "Miss A Lan, it doesn't matter, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"I'm worried that the medical center is short of manpower. Please Qinghan, please help me find other doctors in villages and towns who are willing to treat people with the disease. We can work together and save everyone." Fang Zilan said sincerely, and Yun Qinghan agreed, " Okay, I'll go right away. But Uncle Wang and my father..."

"Don't worry, Awan and I can handle it." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "Besides, isn't there Miss Xiaohuan?"

"Xiao Huan doesn't know about the two girls yet. I'll go and talk to her first before looking for someone." After Yun Qinghan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but suddenly he turned around and asked as if he remembered something: "Miss A Lan , what if no doctor is willing to help?"

"That depends on Uncle Wang." Fang Zilan calmly looked at Uncle Wang who was crying silently. When he heard someone mention it, he raised his head in confusion, "What?"

"Wealth and silk touch people's hearts." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed, "If everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties, as long as the plague is over, Uncle Wang is not only willing to provide rewards for all those who have contributed, but will also engrave a monument to praise you. merit. Am I right, Uncle Wang?"

Uncle Wang was stunned for a while, then nodded heavily and said: "Yes, as long as you can survive, I will pay for it!"

Yun Qinghan looked at the people in front of him, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a little more courage to risk his life. Uncle Wang was seriously ill and was kicked out of the house. He still desperately wanted to live. But there were many people outside the door who were as eager to live as Uncle Wang. She wanted to do something for them, no matter how insignificant it was, she had to do it.

It was as if it was the first time in my life that I felt eager and almost anxious. At this moment, she suddenly understood the feelings of these two girls who rushed here regardless of life or death.

Some people are waiting, some are looking forward to it, and some are struggling on the line of life and death. Even if there is little hope, they must give it a try.

She bowed solemnly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find someone to help."

"Most of the doctors are weak and unfit to travel with us." Fang Zilan said nonchalantly, "What's more, in a chaotic situation, most doctors are in short supply, and Mushan Pass is no exception."

"That's it." Awan looked at her curiously, "What about me? Why did you bring me along?" Fang Zilan said confidently: "Didn't you come by yourself?"

Hearing this, Awan groaned, and her mood suddenly dropped a little. Fang Zilan glanced at her and said, "Awan, have you ever heard a sentence?"

"What are you talking about?" Awan followed her words and asked, only to hear her faintly say: "Only the one you love the most can be given up, because you won't feel indebted."

"What kind of fallacy is this?" Awan said in shock: "You mean, you love me the most, so you take me with you, and even if I have some shortcomings, you will have no regrets and peace of mind?"

After she finished speaking, before Fang Zilan could answer, she sneered, "Fang Zilan, even if you lie to me, you should tell a decent lie. Such a lame lie really doesn't suit you."

"Yeah, it's obviously full of flaws, but he spoke it so grandly." A coldness flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Awan tugged on her sleeve, "Who is he you are talking about? Who said this to you?"

"It's nothing, it's all over." Fang Zilan looked forward with deep eyes, "I will never believe his words again."

She didn't tell Awan that this was what Ji Ningtian once said to her.

For some reason, perhaps because the future was unclear, or perhaps because of the complicated affairs of the past few days, she always recalled the past inadvertently.

If she had compromised from the beginning and not chosen to become a sword, would the road today not be so difficult?

At this moment, she was shaken badly.

Awan didn't pay attention to her emotions, but just shook his head and said: "Fang Zilan, just admit it. You brought me with you, not to abandon me, but to ensure that I am safe and sound, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded without hesitation, and Awan looked like she knew it. Just as she was about to say something else, she suddenly sighed softly, "This road is really difficult to walk."

Awan looked at the bumpy road in front of him and casually agreed: "It is indeed difficult to walk. But if we go further, it will be much easier to walk closer to the villages and towns."

As she spoke, she came closer to Fang Zilan, looked at her gloomy expression, and said with a smile: "You don't regret it, do you?"

When Fang Zilan was told the central issue, she subconsciously blurted out: "What did you say?"

"There's no point regretting it. After all, it's your choice." Awan raised the whip in her hand, "Instead of regretting, it's more important to choose an easy path again. It's more important to take the chosen path well, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and Awan pushed her to the side and moved her position, "If you regret it, we might all arrive. If you want to be in a daze, just sit aside and I will drive the car."

Fang Zilan let her move while listening to her talk, "When I was imprisoned in the Mushan Pass Prison, you still remembered to let me look at the stars. Why do you think the road is not easy to walk now when I want to catch a car..."

Fang Zilan looked at the struggling but serious look of the little figure in front of her, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips. Awan was right. No matter how shaken she was, there was no room for regret anymore. She might as well continue to risk everything and go down this road.

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