Mu Churui drew up his bow and nocked an arrow, and said in a cold voice: "Madam Prince, I will give you one last chance. Turn around immediately and return to the capital obediently, and I will let you go."

Fang Zilan took another step forward, "What if I don't?"

The feather arrow left the bowstring in an instant and flew straight towards the door facing Fang Zilan. She did not dodge, letting the arrow graze the end of her hair and cut off a strand of her hair.

Li Qiyou immediately changed his expression, and before he could say anything, he saw Zhuge Yu walking up to Fang Zilan and standing side by side with her, "Your Majesty, Miss Fang San is deeply favored in our capital, and she has always been outstanding. Please also ask Don’t blame the king.”

Mu Churui gritted his teeth, "In that case, Master Zhuge..."

"Although Miss Fang San is flying around, everything she does is justified." Zhuge Yu interrupted Mu Churui unceremoniously, "If not, His Majesty would not have issued an order to lead the army. , came to Lincheng to see off my bride."

His words were intended to remind Mu Churui that there were still 100,000 soldiers and horses from Dajing outside Lincheng. Shooting Fang Zilan was a small matter at the moment, while tearing apart the faces of the two countries was a big deal. It was important to distinguish between the minor and the serious.

"Lord Zhuge, are you threatening me?" Mu Churui's face was as dark as water, and Zhuge Yu stood in front of Fang Zilan, "I'm just telling the king that even if Miss Fang San is now the loyal prince's wife of Miluo, she is also The noble daughter of Dajing’s Fang family. Dajing will always be behind her and support her.”

Fang Zilan was stunned, looking at Zhuge Yu's back intently, with mixed feelings in her heart. Li Shengxuan ordered him to attack Lincheng with troops. She knew what was going on outside, and he didn't know either.

But at this juncture, he was still willing to stand up and use this as a bargaining chip to protect her one more time.

The person who is best at weighing the pros and cons will stand in front of her no matter what, even if everything is turned upside down. This friendship is enough for her to remember for a lifetime.

"A Yu..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but did not make any sound.

Zhuge Yu seemed to feel something. He quickly looked back at Fang Zilan and told her, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

However, Mu Churui on the tower was unmoved. He snorted coldly: "Master Zhuge, have you made up your mind today to fight for the Crown Prince's wife to the end?"

Zhuge Yu didn't respond, but his tall and proud appearance as a pine and cypress was enough to explain everything.

"King Yucheng didn't even speak, so Master Zhuge took matters into his own hands." Mu Churui's eyes fell on Li Qiyou, "I don't know when the world in Dajing changed their surnames?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Qianning beside him turned pale. If Li Qiyou also stood by Fang Zilan and had a dispute with Miluo, then where would she, the new queen who had just married into Miluo's court, go?

So she couldn't help but shake her head slightly, but saw Li Qiyou take a few steps forward without hesitation, walked to Zhuge Yu, and together with him blocked Fang Zilan tightly.

Li Qiyou knew clearly in his heart that if Mu Churui made trouble in every possible way today because Fang Zilan wanted to return to the capital of Miluo to pay homage to the deceased Princess Zhongzheng, then one could imagine how harshly Li Qianning would be treated in the Miluo palace in the future.

To support Fang Zilan today is to be a shield for Li Qianning tomorrow.

Therefore, he looked arrogant and said word by word: "The world of Dajing is not the world of the Li family, but the world of all the people of Dajing. As a person of Dajing, we should work together. I am here today. , not only to support Miss Fang San, but also to support my sister Dejia." Hearing this, Li Qianning was perked up, her eyes turned red, she pursed her lips, and stopped talking.

Mu Churui's face became more and more ugly, "There is no way in Miluo that you can be so presumptuous. If you don't leave, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After he said that, he raised his hand, and a row of archers on the tower pointed their arrows at the people below.

"This is..." Li Qianning did not expect that Mu Churui had already planned and had murderous intentions, and couldn't help but panicked, "What is the king doing?"

"The Zhongzheng Crown Prince Murong Qing, together with his wife Fang Zilan, committed rebellion with the intention of harming the king." Mu Churui's men shouted loudly: "Capture them on the spot, regardless of life or death."

Fang Zilan considered it carefully and said: "I once heard a doctor say that 'a handful of Artemisia annua, soaked in two liters of water, wring the juice and drink it all' can cure this disease."

Awan repeated her words with doubt on her face, "Why have I never heard of this method?"

"The world is huge, and there are always things we don't know." Fang Zilan said with a firm expression, "The plague is dangerous, even if there is a one in 10,000 chance, it is still worth a try."

"You're right." Awan crossed his arms and let out a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you have a way."

Fang Zilan listened to her voice and heard it intermittently, "Actually, ever since I heard Miss Yan'er talk about the epidemic that day, I have been thinking about ways to cure it. But I am ashamed to say that what I have learned is limited. I didn’t think of anything today.”

Her voice was a little lower, "Two days ago, you said you were going to the plague-infected villages and towns to see the situation, and I pestered you to come with you. I said it was because of your illness, but in fact it was my selfishness. Even if you don't take me Colleagues, I am going alone."

When she saw Fang Zilan looking sideways at her, she hurriedly waved her hand and said: "I know what you are thinking, but it is not what you think. I am different from the master. The master must go and see any difficult and complicated diseases he sees. I looked at it last time. I am different. I don’t have such a strong curiosity. If it weren’t for my patient and the risk of my life, I wouldn’t have to look at it.”

She paused and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe it's because I'm not that confident in my medical skills. The more illnesses I see, the more I feel that I can't do anything about it. I know there are always people in this world that I can't treat well. There are always people who are sick that I can’t save. For example, I don’t have much confidence in you.”

"In that case, why are you still traveling with me?" Fang Zilan grabbed the reins and slowed down the carriage, turned around and looked at Awan steadily, her expression and tone were rare and gentle, "You have no reason to go. .”

"Because the patient is there." Awan smiled brightly, "Although I know that as a ghost doctor, I can't help the world by hanging a pot, but I still hope that I can save one more person."

She was a little embarrassed by Fang Zilan, "I guess you must think my idea is ridiculous now, but it doesn't matter. I'm young anyway, so you can't laugh at me."

"I don't think your idea is ridiculous. On the contrary, I admire your idea very much." Fang Zilan said every word carefully, "Knowing the consequences but still not giving in, and being willing to risk your life for it, is worthy of admiration. .”

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