Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1129 Candlelight

"General Zhenbei and Queen Nanwang?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Did she ask you for anything?"

Hong He pursed her lips and said after a while: "Never."

She suddenly smiled as she said this, "It's a coincidence that not long after my eldest sister passed away, my brother and I discussed taking the wolf army away from the army and returning to the fields. From then on, we would hide in the countryside incognito, so that we could live a more or less stable life."

She paused, "It just so happened that at that time, my brother and I received a letter. The sender claimed to be an old member of Prince Pingnan's palace, and the letter was Mrs. Qinji's suicide note that she had kept on her behalf."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan stared at Hong He in disbelief, as if he wanted to see some clues from her expression, but could not see anything.

"Mrs. Qinji said in her letter that the only wish of her and Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang and his wife in this life is for the mountains and rivers to be forever consolidated. If the world is settled, the old troops can disperse on their own and no longer need to be loyal to anyone." Hong He Yue's voice became softer and softer until it was almost inaudible later.

However, Fang Zilan still heard every word clearly. She couldn't help but ask: "In that case, why are you still loyal to Wu Qing and Ji Ningtian?"

"People are so weird. If they are forced to do something, they will most likely be unwilling to do it, but it is easier to do otherwise." Hong He smiled self-deprecatingly, "Shortly after my brother and I received the letter, Then he received another request for help from Ji Ningtian. He said that Princess Wuqing was still young and easily bullied. If there were not a few capable people behind her to support her, the future life would be even more difficult. Will she be able to grow up safely? Even adults don’t know.”

When she said this, the smile on her face faded a bit, "Princess Wuqing is, after all, the only bloodline of Zhenbei General Pingnan King. If we can't protect her, how can my brother and I have the face to go underground to meet our father a hundred years later?" ?”

"Are you just going to become bandits and occupy the mountain as king?" Fang Zilan's hand holding the plum sword trembled slightly. Although it only lasted for a moment, Hong He still felt it. There was doubt in her eyes, but not much. What to ask, he just said: "It is not easy for us, the old people of the former dynasty who cannot see the light, to have the power to protect a person."

Fang Zilan did not speak, only snorted with half disdain and half coolness. Seeing this, Honghe said to herself: "Miss Zixiu, it's okay even if you don't believe it. There are countless old people in the past, but until now, they can still be recognized by the world. You know, apart from the Fang family, is there anyone else who really left their name?"

"If the true identity of Feiling Mountain Bandit is revealed to the public today, your Hong clan will also be known to the world." Fang Zilan's words were obviously sarcastic, but Hong He was not angry after hearing this, "If this is true, He wants the Li family to know that the old people from the previous dynasty are not dead yet..."

"If His Majesty knew about it, would it be of any benefit to you?" Li Shengxuan, who had never said a word, suddenly spoke, with a thin layer of chill in his brows, "What benefit would it be to Princess Wuqing?"

Hong He was stunned for a moment by the question, and murmured: "Isn't it good that someone is supporting Princess Wuqing behind her?"

"Princess Wuqing has a special status and everyone knows it." Li Shengxuan said quietly: "Therefore, she is most suitable to be a silent puppet who shows that the Li royal family is broad-minded and does not care about past grudges. Only in this way can she live a good life."

Hong He chewed over Li Shengxuan's words several times before she understood the deeper meaning.

If Wu Qing is just a puppet, Li will treat her favorably and make her live a long life, because only in this way can Li's magnanimity be shown.

But if Wu Qing is a puppet with someone behind her, it is tantamount to exposing a huge handle in front of Li, giving Li a reason to kill and silence her. If you don’t cherish your pampered status as a princess, and you have to form a party for personal gain, as long as rhetoric like this flows out of Li’s mouth and is announced to the world, it will be a dead end, and you don’t even need much evidence.

This is the arrogance and oppression of the superiors towards the inferiors, just like teasing cats and dogs. When you need it, you show kindness in every possible way, and you are constantly favoring you. When you don't need it, you ignore it, such as abandoning your old shoes, or even confiscate your home and exterminate your family...

In order to observe everyone's reaction, Fang Zilan spoke very slowly. Not surprisingly, he saw Yao Wu's face darken, and the other deputy general next to him turned pale.

So she continued talking to herself, "I heard that Mr. Yin made a clear explanation of his collusion with the bandits in order to save the lives of his clan members. I think that with his confession, other people who had colluded with the bandits Those who collude with rogue bandits will definitely not be able to escape..."

"Madam, do you mean that Lord Yin colluded with the bandits and was discovered by Your Majesty?" The pale-faced deputy general asked hesitantly. Fang Zilan nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty went on patrol incognito for this purpose. My mission is to find out why our Dajing soldiers were defeated repeatedly when fighting bandits and bandits."

"It's not because the bandits are cunning and cunning..." As soon as the deputy general started to speak, Fang Zilan stopped him, "Really? When you are going to be interrogated, you might as well say this to His Majesty. See His Majesty's letter. I don’t believe it.”

The deputy general's face turned even paler, and he said forcefully: "Your Majesty has also fought against bandits, so he can understand our difficulties..."

"The reason?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "No matter what the reason is, it should not be an excuse to collude with the bandits."

"I didn't..." The deputy general waved his hand hurriedly, but Fang Zilan remained unmoved. Instead, he looked at the general and said, "General, is this the deputy general you brought out?"

The general's face turned blue and white, and he gave the deputy general a hard look. Then he coughed twice and said calmly: "My lady, I don't like to talk in circles, so I'll tell you straight. You can be suspicious. I am a lieutenant, but if you want to convict them, you need evidence, otherwise..."

"I have evidence." A weak but firm voice sounded from behind Fang Zilan. Not too big, not too small, but enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

Yao Wu's expression suddenly changed, "Who do you think you are? You are worthy of speaking in front of our general. You are simply dirtying our general's ears..."

The plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand was pointed directly at Yao Wu, pressed against his throat, cutting off his last words, "You are the one who doesn't deserve it. Just now the general said, shut up. If you don't understand, I don't mind." Cut out your tongue to share the general's worries."

The speed with which she drew her sword was so fast that everyone present was stunned. Yao Wu was even more frightened under the tip of the sword, "How dare you..."

"There's nothing I dare not do." Fang Zilan smiled contemptuously, with an arrogant expression: "It's you, Vice General Yao. Do you dare to ask Ah Shi to tell what the evidence is in public?"

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