Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1130 Derailment

Awan curled her lips and said: "I heard that because of the previous assassination of King Rong'an and the prosecution, everyone in the ghost community was very critical of King Rong'an. I don't know why the young master held back, but the young master always said that he had his own plan. I'm guessing that King Chu Jiang's return to Beijing is the Young Master's plan?"

Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, the relationship between Ji Ningtian and King Rongan is quite secretive, and few people know about it even among the ghost sect. Therefore, it is reasonable for people in the ghost sect who do not know the truth to be dissatisfied. But with Ji Ningtian's temper, he would always return ten blows to others. He would rather be afraid of others than swallow his anger, and he would definitely not be soft on King Rongan.

Therefore, when King Chu Jiang returned to Beijing, he must have discovered something, and he was probably able to figure out what happened to King Rongan...

"Speaking of which, I also discovered something." Chu Bin's voice brought back Fang Zilan's thoughts, "These days, I often follow General Zheng in and out of the Royal Post House. Since Princess Rongan rarely goes out, I go there secretly. I went to observe her room and found that her personal maid had a very strange attitude towards her."

Fang Zilan asked: "What kind of weirdness?"

Chu Bin thought about it and said: "The maid seemed to have the utmost respect for Princess Rongan, but her words and deeds were full of discipline, as if she was afraid that Princess Rongan would do something extraordinary and lose her status."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but frown. Several seemingly unrelated things were all related to Princess Rongan. King Rong'an came to the capital this time to choose a son-in-law for her, but at this juncture, King Chujiang also brought a woman to the capital. Is it possible...

She calmed down, took a deep breath and said, "Do you know what King Rong'an's weakness is?"

"Weakness?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly and said without thinking: "Of course it is Princess Rong'an. The princess is the only daughter of King Rong'an, and King Rong'an values ​​his daughter much more than his own life. "

Yes, there may be thousands of reasons for King Rong'an, but there is only one weakness from beginning to end, and that is Princess Rong'an.

Ji Ningtian will not use King Rongan's excuse as a threat, just because King Rongan's biggest excuse - his collusion with the underworld, is related to him, and he will not be stupid enough to shoot himself in the foot.

Since there is no handle, only by grasping the weakness can we have absolute leverage to suppress the opponent.

In other words, the woman that King Chu Jiang brought to the capital was most likely the real Princess Rongan, and the one in the royal posthouse was an imposter. In this way, there is an explanation for why Princess Rongan never appeared in front of others.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t. Especially when you enter the palace to pay respects, if you are discovered by others, you will be deceiving the emperor and neglecting your superiors, which is an unforgivable crime.

It's like a cat-and-mouse game. Ji Ningtian is the cat grabbing the rat's tail, and King Rongan is the rat, running around anxiously in every possible way, but still unable to escape the cat's control.

When the cat lets go, no one knows whether the rat is facing a trap or an escape route.

Xu Youtong looked troubled, and Fang Zilan raised an eyebrow, "Could it be that during the interrogation, Mr. Xu had some tricks or methods that he didn't want others to know about, and he was afraid that I would learn them secretly?"

"Lord Fang is joking. Jingzhao Yin Mansion's interrogations are always well-founded. They neither use force nor are there any evil ways." Xu Youtong looked a little colder, "If Lord Fang wants to see torture and extortion of confessions, I'm afraid he will be disappointed. "

"It doesn't matter what I want to see." Fang Zilan didn't care at all about the gun and stick in Xu Youtong's words, and smiled slightly: "As long as Mr. Xu allows me to listen."

Xu Youtong's expression was stern. He looked at the Jingzhao Yin Mansion in front of him, raised his hand and said, "Master Fang, please." "Thank you, Master Xu." Fang Zilan stepped into the Jingzhao Yin Mansion unceremoniously and listened to Xu Youtong's interrogation of Qing. The rest of the class waited.

However, the rest of the Qingchao Class said much the same thing. They didn't know anything about it. They only said that today's show was arranged by Huanyan Class Leader himself, and the people below them just followed it without knowing the reason behind it.

Fang Zilan watched coldly, thinking that when Huanyan committed suicide just now, they were neither shocked nor surprised, but now they don't know anything. It seems that they not only knew what Huanyan was going to do, but also prepared the excuse in advance, but they just didn't know How should Xu Youtong deal with it?

She thought about this and looked at Xu Youtong, who had a solemn and majestic face. Obviously, he did not believe the words of the Qingchao class, but he did not detain them. Instead, after recording the confessions and signing their signatures, he took them into custody. Let go.

"Master Xu is truly worthy of being the official father and mother of the capital." Fang Zilan said tepidly, but no emotion could be heard.

Xu Youtong said quietly: "Although the leader of the Huanyan class disturbed the wedding of King Yuning and Princess Wuqing by committing suicide, she did not harm anyone else except herself. There is no suspicion of guilt, even if everyone in the Qingchao class really had evil intentions. , I can’t rashly detain them without evidence.”

"Why does Mr. Xu want to explain this to me?" Fang Zilan looked at Xu Youtong with interest. His expression was tense, "Master Fang has a high position. Since he is listening, he should have an explanation."

"Explain?" Fang Zilan repeated the word and asked curiously: "How does Mr. Xu plan to explain to King Yuning, Princess Wuqing, and even the world?"

Xu Youtong said solemnly: "The leader of the Qingchao class, Huanyan, used the prohibited nine-petal flower without authorization. He was accused in court and committed suicide in fear of crime. After interrogation, the rest of the Qingchao class did not know about this and were not involved. , therefore acquitted.”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned, and after a while he suddenly burst into laughter, "No wonder Mr. Xu is so highly regarded by His Majesty, I have seen it today."

Xu Youtong's expression changed imperceptibly, and before he could ask further questions, Fang Zilan turned around and left, striding as if he didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

As long as there is a proper explanation, so what if human life is disregarded and the truth is ignored? Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched into fists. This was the case when Wu Sheng and Yang Zhiqing were assassinated and died, and it is even more so now with everyone in the Huanyan Qingchao class.

But at that time, she knew the truth and still had the strength to fight for Yang Zhiqing's innocence. Now that she was confused, she could only watch Huanyan die a tragic and humble death.

The seeds of suspicion may have been sown, but Xu Youtong would not take this opportunity to openly investigate Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing, let alone Li Shengxuan in the palace.

Because the existence of Ji Ningtian and Wu Qing is a cover for the current and previous dynasties to whitewash peace. If they are gone, the old people of the previous dynasty will be disheartened or fly into the flames, and the so-called peace will be unsustainable.

But who knows how long this false peace can last?

She only knows that the flames of power and desire in people's hearts will never go away, and the old people from the past will only burn them more and more in the name of hatred and restoration.

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