Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1132 Old Rules

Fang Zilan sighed softly and said: "I know that it is impossible for you to calm down after today's scene. You have the right to know the truth, and I will not let anyone hide it from you. But remember, no matter what you hear later, No matter what you encounter or see, you must put yourself first. As long as you live, your family's death will not be in vain."

Cong Rong's eyes were red, and she heard her say again: "If you think clearly, just blink, and I will relieve your acupuncture points."

Hearing this, Cong Rong blinked her eyes to indicate that she understood. Fang Zilan untied her acupuncture points and said to A Wan who was standing beside her, "Just tell me."

"Yes." Awan breathed a long sigh of relief, collected his thoughts and said slowly: "I just found Deputy General Cao outside the mansion. After telling him the situation, I followed him to the outskirts of Beijing. Fortunately, Deputy General Cao was alert and arrived first. We went to the camp on the outskirts of Beijing and borrowed soldiers from Mr. Wei, otherwise with the strength of the two of us, we might not even be able to get through the front door of the head of Qingshui Village."

Fang Zilan was surprised that Wei Subaru would lend his own soldiers to Lieutenant General Cao for such a thing, but he still asked calmly: "Then what is the background of Zhuangtou of Qingshui Village?"

Awan continued: "The background is unclear, but the style is very big. At first we said that Mr. Fang Lihui sent us to find the Cong family, but they didn't recognize it at all and turned us away. Then I said it was Mr. Fang, you They said they had never heard of Mr. Fang at all. It wasn’t until Mr. Wei’s personal soldiers revealed their identities that we were able to get in. After entering, we conducted a forcible search and finally found several corpses in the woodshed. , it seems that he was murdered not long ago. We identified him with other people on the village, and we are sure he is Miss Cong’s family."

Fang Zilan frowned, "What did the head of Qingshui Village say?"

"The head of the village said..." Awan stole a glance at Cong Rong, who was clutching the edge of the table with tears streaming down her face, and said softly: "He said that the Cong family let their daughter have an affair and secretly formed a betrothal relationship, which ruined the village's atmosphere. Even if they were punished, It’s not surprising to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.”

"Nonsense!" Cong Rong couldn't sit still after hearing this. She stood up suddenly and knocked over the tea cup on the table next to her. Fortunately, Fang Zilan reacted quickly and brushed it away with her sleeves, which prevented her from being The hot tea is scalding.

"It's obviously Zhuangtou. He drugged me and gave me away..." Cong Rong suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Seeing this, Awan wanted to step forward and say something, but Fang Zilan pulled her to her side, "Be careful."

Awan looked down and realized that if she had taken one more step just now, she would have stepped on broken porcelain pieces. She immediately did not dare to move any more and stood obediently next to Fang Zilan.

"Qingshui Village Zhuangtou cares about human life, have all the elders of the Fang family heard clearly?" Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui with a stern expression. Without waiting for their reaction, she looked at Fang Lihui and said, "Mr. Fang, what do you think we should do?"

Fang Chongzheng's words were full of undeniable power, and Xu Youtong was speechless. Just as he was about to turn to Zhuge Yu for help, he heard him call out, "Your Excellency, the Duke of Yue."

Fang Zilan said: "People from my house have visited Miss Fang before, and she is indeed not well."

Seeing the two singing in harmony, Zhuge Yu couldn't help but said: "My lords, before the truth is known, no matter who is suspected, he must be detained for interrogation. This is a necessary process, and no exception will be made for anyone."

"Master Zhuge, if the process was reasonable and legal, I would not be standing here." Fang Chongzheng looked sharp, "But if someone secretly tampered with it, I'm afraid that my little girl may not be able to wait until the truth comes out. I will definitely break this case." No."

"Prime Minister..." As soon as Zhuge Yufu started, he was stopped by Fang Chongzheng, "Today I will take my daughter back to the mansion. From now on, I will be confined in the boudoir and will not leave the house. If the Jingzhao Yin Mansion brings a trial, I will accompany my daughter. Let's go together." "You must not do it, Prime Minister!" Xu Youtong changed his expression, "If this example is made, countless people will follow suit. If someone escapes like this and fails to bear the corresponding responsibility, wouldn't it mean that the world will be in chaos?"

"Escape?" Fang Chongzheng raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice: "If the little girl is missing, I will leave it to the disposal of the Jingzhao Yin Mansion."

"Prime Minister, you..." Xu Youtong was stunned and Zhuge Yu frowned and said, "Prime Minister, are you going to use your family and life as a guarantee for your concubine?"

Fang Chongzheng seemed to acquiesce when he didn't answer. Seeing this, Zhuge Yu and Xu You looked at each other, and they both saw a look of embarrassment on the other's face.

The hall was extremely quiet for a moment, until Fang Zilan's voice sounded, like a huge stone falling into the pond, causing countless splashes, "If Mr. Zhuge and Mr. Xu feel that it is not enough, I am willing to guarantee it together with the Prime Minister."

Xu Youtong finally couldn't help but said: "Master Yue Guogong, no matter which case it is, it has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to get involved in it and wade through this muddy water?"

"It's irrelevant?" Fang Zilan laughed out loud as if she heard something funny, and stopped after a while.

She smiled enough and said seriously: "I stand up not only because it is difficult for a woman to stand up, and I am also a woman, but also because I know that if I don't stand up today, there will be no one to change my place one day." Stand up. Everyone thinks that watching the fire from the other side can save themselves, but they never thought that the direction of the wind will always change. Once the fire deviates from its original direction, no one knows where it will burn. As long as it is still there, there will always be a chance. It will burn someone else. That person may have suffered innocently, or he may have deserved it. What I want to do is to put out the fire before it burns the next person."

Her words meant something, and everyone present could clearly understand that from the murder of Duke Guo to the present day, more than just Fang Zitong was involved? Pei Pening, Ouyang Zirou, Jingjiao Daying, the Ouyang family, and even Mo Han, who revised the law in the Ministry of Punishments, also changed the law on orphans and widowers because Fang Zitong was suspected of killing her husband, but they still suffered a lot. Criticism.

Not to mention that the Jingzhao Yin Mansion had a reputation among rumors and rumors as being incompetent, and it was difficult to raise its head for a long time. The reputation as a parent official in the capital, which he had earned with so much hard work over the years, fell into dust overnight.

As if a butterfly in the south of the Yangtze River shook its wings, a huge storm broke out in the capital. No one knows who will be the next link in this chain reaction.

"Master Yue Guogong, why did you..." Xie Yanping on the side couldn't help but speak out, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but Fang Chongzheng suddenly remembered what she said to him in the palace that year - I don't want these things to be looked at coldly and remain silent.

Years passed in the blink of an eye, and she struggled in the officialdom, suffering many scars due to cruelty, but she still had not lost her original character.

In an instant, Fang Chongzheng felt that he might be able to tell her something.

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