Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1133 Homecoming

"Today is a clear and sunny day. It turns out to be a good and harmonious day. Why is this lady so angry?" Fang Zilan finished her words before she arrived. Although she walked slowly, she took every step steadily, making it difficult for people to see. Leg injury.

Mingxiang quickly walked to Fang Zilan and held her arm, "Master, why are you here?"

"Someone is interested in the news about my Qianjinfang, so I naturally want to take a look." Fang Zilan walked slowly in front of everyone and looked at the bossing master next to Fang Lihui, "This is the gentleman who wants to talk to me about Qianjinfang. Talking about business?”

The master's expression was stagnant. Before he could speak, Fang Zilan continued to ask, "But business is business. I don't know what my Mingxiang did wrong. I offended this gentleman, and I want you to embarrass yourself in public." Is she a weak woman?"

"I didn't..." As soon as the master's rebuttal came out, Fang Zilan stopped him, "Since this gentleman has said no, I will treat it as a misunderstanding. Today's incident will overshadow it. In the future, We just talk business.”

The master looked relieved, "Is this Miss Zhen from Qianjinfang? She is indeed sensible..."

"Your Excellency, you are ridiculous." Fang Zilan interrupted the master's words without politeness and asked directly: "Your Excellency, do you want to discuss business with me, Qianjinfang?"

The master hesitated for a moment, and then Fang Zilan said: "The Jianghu is the Jianghu, Qianjinfang acts according to the rules of the Jianghu. As a member of the court, if you want to discuss business with Qianjinfang, you have to abide by different rules."

"Miss Zhen, you..." The master was stunned, Fang Zilan curled his lips and said with a smile: "I guess this master can't make the decision. Well, if Master Yin really wants to discuss business with our Qianjinfang, you might as well invite him Come and see me in person.”

When she said this, she was looking at Fang Lihui next to her. He understood it and quickly spread the steps: "What did Miss Zhen say? Mr. Yin is busy with official duties. How can you see him if you want to?"

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "Listen to Mr. Fang's words, Master Yin won't be here when the grand finale comes on stage?"

Xiao Xuan'er said quietly: "Before Master Lioyuan entered the temple, he was Zhuge Jun, the second son of the Zhuge family."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, she had guessed it. Zhuge Yu's strange reaction when he saw the Changming Lantern, coupled with the similarity in appearance between Master Yuan and the Zhuge brothers...

It turns out that Master Liaoyuan is actually Zhuge Yu's elder brother, the real second son of the Zhuge family.

"This matter is not a secret in the capital. It's just that many years have passed and no one has mentioned it anymore." Xiao Xuan'er looked at Fang Zilan and asked, "What else does Mr. Fang want to know?"

Fang Zilan pondered for a moment and said: "There is a scar on Master Lioyuan's arm. Do you know where it came from?"

Xiao Xuan'er thought for a while and said, "Does Master Fang know the real cause of Miss Zhugeshan's death?" "I know." Fang Zilan nodded, "Is it related to Miss Zhugeshan?"

"It has something to do with that war." Xiao Xuan'er recalled: "Master Zhuge Jun was once the most outstanding young master in the entire capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was high-spirited, wearing bright clothes and angry horses. Moreover, he was the only one in the Zhuge family in this generation. general."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and Xiao Xuan'er suddenly smiled, "Does Master Fang think that the Zhuge family only knows how to play with words and power?"

Fang Zilan was silent, and Xiao Xuan'er continued: "The head of the Zhuge family, the grandfather of Master Zhuge Jun, was at least a patriarch who founded the country with Emperor Tai'an. Most of his children died on the battlefield, including Master Zhuge Jun's parents - they were born Not long after I left Master Zhuge Yu, he died in the northern border."

"Northern Territory?" A look of surprise flashed across Fang Zilan's face, and Xiao Xuan'er said helplessly: "The troubles in the Northern Territory have been continuous since the previous dynasty. If it weren't for the blood and sweat of the predecessors, how could Master Fang slaughter all over the Gilded City in one day? "

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and heard Xiao Xuan'er's voice turn back, "Master Zhuge Ming is the eldest son of the Zhuge family. He was favored by his parents and did not inherit the mantle of a military commander. Master Zhuge Jun and Miss Zhuge Shan are twins. Their relationship is Very true. As for Mr. Zhuge Yu, because Mrs. Zhuge was injured on the battlefield in the north when she was pregnant, she has been sick since birth."

"Therefore, in this generation of the Zhuge family, there is only a strong and active young master, Zhuge Jun. He followed His Majesty, the original Prince Xiang, to join Xiahou's family to practice martial arts, and gradually became the backbone of the army." She paused as she spoke. "The battle between Dajing and Miluo was close to Zhuge's home in Jiang'an, so Master Zhuge Jun took the initiative to invite himself to fight with Master Wei."

Fang Zilan seemed to have thought of something and said, "Did the Miluo people split into two groups in that battle and Master Zhuge Jun didn't have time to save Miss Zhuge Shan, so Master Wei had to kill her himself?"

"Master Fang's guess is good, but it's a pity that it's the other way around. Master Wei didn't have time to save Master Zhuge Jun." Xiao Xuan'er's voice was a little lower, "In that battle, Miluo Murongchen was the commander, and everyone thought he would definitely do it. Carrying heavy troops, who would have thought that the real heavy troops were directed at Master Zhuge Jun. When Murong Chen kidnapped Miss Zhuge Shan, Master Wei realized that he had been trapped in a trap, but he was unable to rush to the rescue of Master Zhuge Jun, and even Miss Zhuge Shan also He was not saved, but fortunately he killed Murong Chen and weakened the morale of the Miluo army."

"Then Zhuge Jun..." Fang Zilan did not continue, Xiao Xuan'er said in a deep voice: "Master Zhuge Jun fought his way out of the siege, even injured his hand and was not allowed to use force for the rest of his life, but what he heard was the death of Miss Zhuge Shan. He went crazy. He seemed to be about to duel with Master Wei, but was stopped by his grandfather. After nearly collapse, he entered Baiye Temple and became a monk."

Fang Zilan couldn't help but turned her head when she heard this. Xiao Xuan'er sighed quietly: "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I heard that on the day Master Zhuge Jun became a monk, he was seriously injured and could not walk. He rolled and crawled on the ground and struggled out. He went to Zhuge Mansion, and before leaving, he yelled at his grandfather, saying that what he had learned was useless, and asked what was the point of exchanging one person's death for ten thousand lives. The person he cherished was worth more than tens of millions of people..."

"No wonder..." Fang Zilan murmured softly, no wonder Zhuge Yu had such an attitude towards Wei Subaru. In the battle between Dajing and Miluo, he lost not only his sister, but also his brother, but what he gained was the shackles of being the second son of Zhuge, the future head of the family.

"Everyone in the world knew that there was a lunatic in the Zhuge family. Later, Master Zhuge Jun's grandfather removed his name from the family tree, and the matter slowly calmed down." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her eyes and looked at the tea cup in front of her. , said: "A few years later, an eminent monk named Liao Yuan came out of Baiye Temple. Due to his fame, the original abbot had to give way to him."

Fang Zilan calmed down and stretched out her hand to take the tea cup, but was stopped by Xiao Xuan'er, "Master Fang, the tea is cold, let me change it for you."

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