Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1134 South Wall

Cheng Zhiyan pointed out: "When ordinary people encounter injustice, their reaction is usually to be filled with indignation and rise up to resist. There are almost no people who can think of the last step from the first step."

"Isn't resistance a good thing?" Fang Zilan's voice was deep, and Cheng Zhiyan smiled slightly, "Miss Zixiu, do you know how to tame an animal?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan's hand holding the plum sword tightened, and Cheng Zhiyan slowly spoke, "When Xianguan was a child, there would be a circus troupe performing near his house, and there was an animal tamer among them. He tied the cubs with iron chains, no matter how young they were. No matter how hard the beast struggles, it cannot escape. Over time, it no longer struggles. Even if it grows up and has enough strength to break the iron chain, it will no longer struggle."

He paused and said, "The lower officials privately believe that disciplining the people is the same as taming animals."

"I can't see Master Cheng being so arrogant." Fang Zilan gritted his teeth, and Cheng Zhiyan smiled warmly, "Is what the official said wrong? Whether you struggle or resist, timing and strength are indispensable. If not, Yin Quanzhang is an example. "

"Master Cheng, this trick of yours may be useful." Fang Zilan's face was as cold as ice, "But not everyone is like you said, giving up struggling and being indifferent. As long as someone resists, one day, the iron chain will be broken Break.”

"Miss Zixiu, when did you say one day?" Cheng Zhiyan raised his hand and tapped the sword on the side of his neck, signaling the owner of the sword to look downstairs.

"There are no bones left of King Rongan, Zuiyue Tower was burned to the ground, and Fang Lihui was seriously injured and unable to walk." Cheng Zhiyan said, suddenly laughing, "Miss Zixiu, by the time you find someone who resists, I'm afraid they have already said no. A single word has come out, let alone revealing the truth and bringing justice to the people? Idiots are just talking, that's all."

"Cheng Zhiyan, are you an official just to whitewash the peace?" Fang Zilan's voice was stern, but the hand holding the sword trembled for the first time.

She knew that killing Cheng Zhiyan would not only be useless, but would also bring panic to the entire Suzhou Prefecture, and she could not kill him.

"Isn't the whitewashed peace not considered peace?" Cheng Zhiyan suppressed a smile and said seriously: "I have been in the Suzhou Prefecture for twelve years. I have worked hard and have no regrets. Everything I do is for peace. …”

"Sir Cheng, are you colluding with the bandits and oppressing the people for the sake of peace?" Hongtai raised his head, his eyes as bright as a torch, as if he wanted to see through the filth in Cheng Zhiyan's heart.

But Cheng Zhiyan remained indifferent, "If a few people die and some money is used, more people can be protected. What choice will you make, Master?"

"I..." Hongtai opened his mouth, and then Cheng Zhiyan continued to talk to himself, "Sacrificing small righteousness for the long term, what's my fault?"

"Cheng Zhiyan, what do you think of the people?" Fang Zilan finally couldn't bear it anymore. She inserted the plum sword on the railing and raised her hand to grab Cheng Zhiyan's throat. "They are living people, not a chess piece in your hands, let alone You are just a brick to build political achievements by whitewashing the peace."

"Insignificant people... there are as many as you want..." Cheng Zhiyan's veins popped out and he said with difficulty: "Why can't they die?"

"Then, why can't it be you?" Fang Zilan's eyes were full of murderous intent, but there was a hand on her shoulder, it was Hongtai.

"Cheng Zhiyan can't die yet." Hongtai leaned close to Fang Zilan's ear and whispered: "At least, not now." Fang Zilan took a deep breath and slowly let go of his hand, "Cheng Zhiyan, human life is not a small matter, you give it up In an instant, it is destined to be short-lived."

Cheng Zhiyan's expression was stagnant, while Fang Zilan's expression was sharp, "The whitewashed peace will eventually break. If the people in this world are nothing but ants, then the so-called prosperous age is just a dead leaf covering the eyes of those in high positions. .”

"Your Majesty, do you know how a craftsman can forge a sharp sword?" Zhuge Yu said softly: "When a craftsman makes a sword, he first selects materials layer by layer, and then melts them in a furnace to remove impurities. After that, he forges, hammers, and beats them repeatedly, but he can't make it. Iron. If you want to make a sharp sword, the last process is also the most important process, which is quenching. If it cannot withstand the test of quenching, it will not be able to become a sharp sword that can cut iron like clay."

He paused and continued: "Mo Han is to Fang Zilan, just like quenching is to a forged sword. When he dies, it will be the day when the sword comes out. But, at that time..."

Before he could continue, Li Shengxuan said: "It must be an evil sword, killing everyone."

Zhuge Yu nodded slightly, "Everything is too much, and too little is too much. If the sword is forced to take a wrong turn, even if there is a way out, you will still be inferior. I think your Majesty is not willing to break the sword in your hand and give others an opportunity... "

"Zhuge Yu, you have crossed the line." Li Shengxuan interrupted him coldly. He bowed respectfully and said, neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Li Shengxuan let out a long sigh, "I would like to be her source of confidence, but she would rather risk her own life than tell me. Sometimes I wonder, is it her whom I blame and doubt, or myself?"

Zhuge Yu opened his mouth, but he swallowed his words when he heard them. He listened to Li Shengxuan, as if talking to himself, and said in a low voice: "I blame myself for having an unstable foundation. Some people, some things, I have bad intentions." I am powerless and have no choice. I doubt myself and cannot become a wise king. Even the Xiahou family is disheartened and wants to leave me..."

At the end, he suddenly laughed like a self-mockery, "I'm telling you this, do you think it's funny?"

Zhuge Yu bit his lips tightly, forcing himself not to make any sound. It was as if he had accidentally seen the majestic and ferocious beast in the past, cutting open his belly, breaking through all the fragility, and exposing it in front of him.

But he didn't dare, let alone look at it.

But the ferocious beast did not let him go. "When she said that she had no regrets, I realized that she could say these four simple words easily, but I couldn't say them out."

Do you have a clear conscience? Zhuge Yu chewed on these four words secretly, and his heart couldn't calm down for a long time. When it comes to achieving the goal, neither Li Shengxuan nor he would be exaggerated to say that they have no regrets. But when it comes to the process, the end justifies the means. Under the rule of success or defeat, if we look closely at the many mistakes that have been covered up, who is really clear about it?

It's not that Li Shengxuan doesn't know, on the contrary, in the supreme position, he understands better than anyone else, but is more stubborn than anyone else. How could he not be a wise king like this?

Zhuge Yu said what he thought: "Whether you feel guilty or not, your Majesty is a wise king in my heart."

He said every word with dignity, "My grandfather once told me - the so-called wise king should not only understand the people, but also understand himself. Your Majesty's words today are well deserved."

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