Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1135 Why not

Li Shengxuan clenched his fists outside the door, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not force his way in.

Awan inside the door held on to the door frame, took a deep breath, and calmed down before daring to walk over and see Fang Zilan, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Even though he had heard about her plan, Awan still felt a chill running down his spine when he saw her almost silent on the bed. She was really capable of risking her life. If she had been half an inch longer, I'm afraid she would have died on the spot and even the gods would not be able to save her.

"You are really..." Awan gritted his teeth, but couldn't find a suitable word to describe Fang Zilan. He could only tear open her clothes with trembling hands, and then put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"Is it worth it?" Awan's voice was very soft. She knew that no one could answer her, but she still couldn't help asking.

At the same time, he drew the knife to stop the bleeding and treated the wound in one go. He was afraid that if he was slow for a moment, the person in front of him would lose his life.

After finishing everything, Awan breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up and walked out. Li Shengxuan, who was waiting at the door, looked tense and asked, "How is her injury?"

"It's a critical injury and there's a lot of blood loss. It's unclear whether she can wake up." Awan told the truth, but Li Shengxuan was stunned, "How is it possible, she..."

"I know what your Majesty wants to say." Awan took a deep breath, thinking that the matter was over, she might as well add fuel to the flames and contribute to Fang Zilan's plan.

So she said with a cold face: "Even if Fang Zilan has great martial arts and is the best in the world, he will inevitably be careless and chaotic. If the knife was directed towards her, she would not be seriously injured even if she could not avoid it. But she was blocking it for His Majesty. How can you care so much about the knife? Do you still have time to carefully calculate where you are injured and whether it is serious? "

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, "That's not what I meant..."

"Then what does your majesty mean?" Awan looked at Li Shengxuan aggressively and said angrily: "It was only half an inch. If the knife had been half an inch longer, she would have been killed immediately, and your majesty would not be suspicious here."

"I..." Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, but found that no matter what he said, it was just a guilty conscience. Fang Zilan almost lost her life because of him, but he was deeply suspicious because of her unknown identity...

"If you want me to die, I have to die." A Wan said coldly every word: "If your majesty still can't trust Fang Zilan, why not go in and kill her now, so as to save her from being heartbroken when she wakes up."

After saying that, she left without looking back. She didn't even bother to make any superficial gestures of bowing out, as if she wasn't afraid of offending Li Shengxuan at all.

The moment A Wan's figure disappeared, Li Shengxuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, staggered a few steps, leaned against the beam and gasped for air.

As the emperor of the capital, he was arrogant among all the heroes, but at this moment he was extremely depressed. His sharp eyes were like an eagle slowly folding its wings, becoming gray and confused, and his trembling shoulders revealed his emotions, which had always been intangible.

He was filled with fear that he had never experienced before, a fear that he had never experienced before after being in the gate of hell several times.

He never thought that Fang Zilan would block the knife for him, nor did he think that he would lose his composure because of it, but the rage and uneasiness that surged out in an instant overcame all reason, making him not care about hiding his clumsiness, and he raised his sword and killed the assassin.

If the situation was not critical and Fang Zilan fell in his arms, he would have even wished to cut the assassin into pieces...

However, no matter what he did, he could not change the fact that Fang Zilan was now on the line between life and death. He would rather she argued with him endlessly and said bad words, even if she raised eyebrows and glared at him with swords, rather than face her current state of anger. As long as she can stand in front of him properly and alive, what's the importance of identity? What does it matter what she wants to do, who she wants to protect?

Unfortunately, he understood it too late.

"You said that Fang Lihui and Fang Lixing were detained by people from the Ministry of Revenue?" Fang Zilan repeated Xiao Xuan'er's words and said in disbelief: "What do you mean detained?"

Xiao Xuan'er hurriedly explained: "Master Fang Lihui is now an imperial merchant, and the water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River is favored. Fang's cargo ships have always been exempted from inspection. Who would have thought that this time, an inspection suddenly appeared on the way, and it was discovered that the number of goods on the ship No, after verification by the Ministry of Revenue, they claimed that the Fang family was smuggling illegally, and it happened that the name of Fang Lixing, the Prime Minister's son, was signed on the passage document for that batch of cargo ships..."

She didn't say any more, but Fang Zilan already understood most of it, "Is this usually the case?"

"Master Fang is saying..." Xiao Xuan'er pursed her lips, and Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Illegal smuggling."

"Of course there is. Smuggling is a tacit secret among businessmen. Even the government has heard about it." Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, "Generally, as long as it is not excessive, no one will deliberately make things difficult. Could it be that... …”

She looked at Fang Zilan as if she had a sudden realization, and saw that her expression was getting colder. She waved to Zheng Yan who was standing outside the hall to come in, "What's going on with Pei Pening's wife?"

Zheng Yan said concisely and concisely: "Mrs. Pei refuses to leave. She must enter the house politely."

"Is she threatening me?" Fang Zilan's face turned completely cold, "Go and blow her away."

On the day Fang Zitong got married, Fang Zilan sent her a congratulatory gift, and then left on the pretext of being busy with official duties. Before she left, she looked at the red silk wedding candles everywhere, drinking and drinking, and suddenly felt inexplicably sad.

Perhaps one day in the future, like Fang Zitong, she would be given a marriage to someone by a decree. Just for dignity and dignity, weighing interests, it has nothing to do with Fengyue's sincerity, you are in love with me.

However, her sadness did not last long, and a marriage fell from the sky to her——

The news that King Yucheng Li Qiyou asked Li Shengxuan to marry Duke Fang Zilan of Yue Kingdom spread throughout the capital.

As a person involved, Fang Zilan seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue. Her first reaction was, is Li Qiyou crazy?

People who had the same idea as her were the Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother. I heard that the Empress Dowager became angry and fainted when she heard the news, and the Queen Mother also fell ill from anxiety.

Li Shengxuan neither agreed nor rejected it. He only said that as the Duke of Yue, Zilan, was an important minister of the country, she should ask herself about her life-long events, so he naturally passed on the hot potato of King Yucheng.

Therefore, the matchmaker and the steward of Prince Yucheng's Palace visited the gate of the Duke's Palace every day, and were rejected time and time again, but they were extremely persistent. They even went to the gate of the government office to block Fang Zilan, which annoyed her so much that she finally claimed to be ill and stayed behind closed doors. Out.

As for King Yucheng himself, he was dragged into the palace by the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, who constantly reminded him to re-select the candidate for the princess.

However, for some unknown reason, King Yucheng, who had always been obedient, was extremely stubborn this time. He didn't listen to a word and even went on a hunger strike in protest. The two empresses were so angry that they detained him in the palace.

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