Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1139 Self-immolation

Huangfu Xin smiled slightly and said, "The Huangfu family will leave Beijing and return to the north soon. It's time to say hello to Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly and said: "The Huangfu family can come and go freely, why do you need to say hello to me? I don't have such a big face."

"Master Fang, does he hate me because of Shangguan Min?" Huangfu Xin smiled, while Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "It was Shangguan Min's choice to be threatened to go to the camp on the outskirts of Beijing as a hostage. General Huangfu in the Tiancheng Mountain Palace just told the truth. , why should I hold a grudge?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Xin burst out laughing, and after a while he said: "Master Fang must have seen through my plan a long time ago. This test is not only for Shangguan Min, but also for Master Fang."

Fang Zilan looked at Huangfu Xin with interest, "If I say anything more and expose the Huangfu family, can General Huangfu still risk his life and fortune to destroy my body and reputation? I have nothing to worry about when I am alone, General Huangfu won't Same."

"If Mr. Fang really has no concerns, why do you want to protect Shangguan Min?" Huangfu Xin asked without answering, "There are also the medical woman from Mr. Fang's house who accompanied you from the north to the capital, and the cousin from Mushan Pass. ."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Huangfu Xin said meaningfully: "Master Fang's weakness is clearly on the table. Not to mention me, even others can see it."

Fang Zilan was silent, Huangfu Xin calmed his expression and said solemnly: "I said this to Mr. Fang to show my sincerity. Mr. Fang and my Huangfu family have the same handle. I will not use this to coerce Mr. Fang. Please also Mr. Fang, please don’t use this to hold my Huangfu family hostage. Some secrets should be kept in coffins and never see the light of day."

"Don't worry, General Huangfu. I have no intention of threatening the Huangfu family." Fang Zilan looked serious, "But if one day the Huangfu family does something that harms the capital, I will risk my life and reputation to find out."

Huangfuxin was stunned. He didn't expect Fang Zilan to say such a thing. Although they didn't say it clearly, they knew each other clearly who held the control, and that person's ambition...

It was difficult for his father to turn back, and the Huangfu family was deeply involved. He did not want to abandon his father and watch the family get involved in the whirlpool, and he did not want to join in the turmoil and let others manipulate him to do unfaithful and unjust things. Because of all the contradictions, we dare not act rashly.

Until this time something happened in Beijing, he saw an opportunity - Fang Zilan. He came to see her behind his father's back, partly to show his sincerity and partly to test her. If she had evil intentions, he would try his best to let His Majesty know her true face, but now...

"This girl, Mr. Fang will be here soon. Mr. Ouyang's injury is serious, please put her down first." Chu Bin tried to calm the woman's emotions, but she didn't appreciate it and held the hatchet in front of her. "Get away, I don't trust anyone except Mr. Fang!"

The surroundings were already crowded with people watching the excitement. The woman in the center of the excitement was covered in blood, but she could tell from her dress that she was a peasant girl from a nearby village. However, there was a bloody person on her back, and she was about to die. He also held a large hatchet that was disproportionate to his body shape, looking extremely fierce.

Fang Zilan dismounted from his horse and ran over quickly. Before he could see the woman's face clearly, he said: "I am Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue Kingdom. Girl, you..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the woman holding a hatchet and kneeling on the ground with a plop, "Qiao Nian has seen Mr. Fang, please save this girl!"

Qiao Nian? Fang Zilan felt that the name sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

The people watching suddenly started talking, "Qiao Nian? Isn't he the one who had an affair with the monks of Longyan Temple..."

Fang Zilan immediately realized that when she escorted Murong Qing back to Beijing from Miluo, the little girl she saved when she saw an injustice on the way was named Qiao Nian. So she didn't have time to think too much, and stepped forward to take the person from Qiao Nian's back, and helped Qiao Nian up, "Don't worry, Miss Qiao, I will definitely save her."

Qiao Nian nodded solemnly, and then Fang Zilan realized that she was shaky and her body temperature was alarmingly high, so she hurriedly called Chu Bin for help. Fortunately, Xiao Xuan'er, A Wan, Shangguan Min and Huang Fu Xin also heard the news and rushed over. A group of people hurriedly sent Qiao Nian and Ouyang Zi Rou back to their house.

Qiao Nian was so burned that she lost consciousness, but she still clutched the hatchet in her hand and refused to put it down. Fang Zilan was worried that she would hurt herself and wanted to take the hatchet away by force, but Awan stopped her.

"Forget it." Awan said to Fang Zilan while dealing with Qiao Nian's injuries: "This hatchet is equivalent to the belief that supports Miss Qiao's survival. If it is taken away from her, she may not survive. "

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and said nothing, quietly looking at Qiao Nian's injuries. There were many scratches and frostbite on her body, as if she had crawled out of a snow nest.

"General Huangfu doesn't have to look like this." Fang Zilan calmly said: "I have my own way, and I will never be easily influenced by others. General Huangfu is so open and honest, which is not what your father meant. Since you have thought clearly, then in the future It doesn’t matter if the safety of the northern territory is entrusted to you.”

"Master Fang, you..." A look of surprise flashed in Huangfuxin's eyes, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "Why, if it weren't for the misinformation, General Huangfulin didn't decide that you would inherit the position of the head of the family?"

Huangfu Xin pursed his lips, and Fang Zilan said calmly: "General Huangfu, don't worry about me, just go ahead and do it."

"I feel relieved after Master Fang's words." Huangfu Xin relaxed, but Fang Zilan's hand holding the tea cup tightened, "There is one more thing I want to entrust to General Huangfu."

Huangfu Xin bowed his hands and said, "Master Fang, it doesn't matter if you say so."

Fang Zilan said as if she had made up her mind: "After Shangguan Min returns to the north with General Huangfu this time, don't let him leave again."

Huangfuxin was stunned and asked subconsciously, "What do you mean, don't leave again?"

"If Shangguan Min stays in the army, don't embarrass him. If he leaves the capital and returns to the barbarians..." Fang Zilan paused and said word by word: "If he provokes a dispute and comes, you will kill him." Kill him. If he just wants to take care of his people and strive for peace for both sides, please save his life."

Huangfu Xin pondered for a long time and said in a low voice: "Master Fang has good intentions, I hope Shangguan Min will not let him down."

"Shangguan Min has a good heart and shouldn't be in the dust." Fang Zilan smiled and said, "After all, it's a master-disciple battle. While I'm still capable, I'll take care of one or two of them wherever I can. How about it, General Huangfu is willing to take this job from me?" Trust?"

"I promise, Lord Fang." Huangfu Xin agreed, and Fang Zilan picked up the tea cup, "I will use tea instead of wine to thank General Huangfu. I wish the general everything goes well and peace and tranquility in the north."

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