Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1140 Long term

Fu Congnan greeted him personally. As expected, when he saw Fang Zilan, his face was filled with surprise, "Miss Zhen?"

Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu didn't know the reason and thought Fu Congnan had recognized the wrong person. Fang Zilan also pretended to be embarrassed and said in a panic: "General Fu, you..."

However, before she could finish her words, she was drowned out by a clear female voice, "Everyone in the Fang family is here to congratulate General Fu on his birthday."

A short sentence, but like a thunder, Fang Zilan was so shocked that she couldn't react for a long time. She subconsciously looked back and saw Fang Zitong standing at the door facing the wind, with a bright face as before.

"Lan'er." Fang Zitong said, waving to Fang Zilan. Seeing that she was still standing there blankly, he came quickly and said with a smile: "I was the one who was abrupt, now it's time to call you - Crown Prince Madam."

The word "Crown Prince" was specially emphasized by her. Fu Congnan heard it and quickly reacted, "It turns out that this is Mrs. Zhongzheng Crown Prince. Please forgive my poor eyesight for mistakenly identifying her as another noble person."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zitong showed her white teeth and smiled brightly, "Mrs. Shizi has always been generous and will not argue with General Fu about such trivial matters, but..."

She paused deliberately, "If it's something else, it's hard to say."

She meant something. Fang Zilan looked serious but spoke politely, "Second sister, please don't scare General Fu. What else could happen..."

"Yes, what else can be done?" Fang Zitong's eyes flashed, and he answered meaningfully. The next moment, Fang Chongzheng's voice came, "Zitong, we are here today to celebrate General Fu's birthday."

The neither gentle nor serious words revealed Fang Chongzheng's unique intimidation, which not only calmed down Fang Zitong, but also made Fu Congnan feel a little more silent.

Everyone in the world knew that Fang Chongzheng resigned from office and left the capital with his family. Therefore, now, in terms of status, he is not as good as Li Qiyou; in terms of official position, he is not as good as Zhuge Yu; in terms of actual power, he is not even as good as Pei Xiaoze who is present.

But for some reason, whenever Fang Chongzheng opens his mouth, it carries absolute weight. That is the condescending and calm attitude of the long-standing court, and it is also the calm and calm attitude that remains unmoved in the wind and rain.

Even if it was Fang Zilan, after seeing Fang Chongzheng, she opened her mouth unnaturally and called "Dad".

Fang Chongzheng nodded slightly and came forward to greet everyone. Fang Zilan's heart suddenly tightened as she looked at him with ease. Her intuition told her that the purpose of his trip was roughly the same as hers.


Now that Fang Chongzheng has no power, it may not be easy to get people from Fu Congnan. There is also Fang Zitong. Although she seems to have recovered as before, there is no guarantee that rumors about her will appear in front of her at any time. She...

Awan tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, interrupting her thoughts, "What is going on? The two Fang family members are here for..."

Fang Zilan made a gesture of silence, "I don't know why, but..."

She didn't say anything. Awan followed her gaze and looked at Fang Zitong, and whispered: "Miss Fang was stimulated, which led to her madness. It is not impossible for her to get better." "I know." Fang Zilan's expression was dark and unclear. She just didn't understand why Fang Zitong had to appear in front of everyone here and now. It was really risky.

Seeing that Fang Zilan had no reaction, the man couldn't help but call her. She came back to her senses and said coldly: "I don't know whether Princess Rongan is a living Bodhisattva, but I know that the medicine to cure the plague is not Princess Rongan." Developed.”

The man asked out of curiosity, "If it wasn't Princess Rongan, who developed it?"

Fang Zilan's expression grew colder, but she didn't dare to say Yun Qinghan's name. She suddenly understood that King Rongan was bound to win. If Yun Qinghan's name was spoken from her mouth, he would kill him before anyone could get to the bottom of it. She was too far away to save anyone, and the only one who could protect them was The best way is to remain silent.

On the side, Cong Rong saw that Fang Zilan had a cold expression and seemed to be unwilling to say more, so she hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "How could Princess Rongan, who is so rich and beautiful, sneak into the epidemic area at will? As expected, most of the rumors in the market are not to be believed."

Hearing this, the man said sarcastically: "The southeastern realm is far away from the capital after all. Many things are passed down, so they are not so true."

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, beckoned and said, "That's all, come and sit down, and I, the client, will give you a good explanation."

The man responded hurriedly, walked over and sat down. Fang Zilan walked to the center of the crowd, took on the posture of a storyteller, and vividly told everyone what she had seen and heard along the way to the southeast.

She had experienced it firsthand, and her narration was much better than a storyteller. Everyone was fascinated and applauded. Until the end of the story when the Mo family and his son arrived in Beijing, her voice became a little lower, "Your Majesty must have a purpose in calling you." , the merits and demerits of the Mo family father and son, how can others tell clearly in one sentence? If not a person who has personally experienced it, who dares to say whether he is right or wrong? Even if he is a person who has personally experienced it, who dares to say that he is absolutely fair? All this will be revealed in future generations. Make your own comments."

After she said her last words, the man couldn't help but ask: "Since Mr. Fang believes that all merits and demerits will be judged by future generations, what standard does Mr. Fang use as the standard for judging right and wrong in today's world?"

"Me?" Fang Zilan suddenly smiled, "I just want to be clear in my heart. What does it matter if it is right or wrong?"

She looked at the stunned people and waved: "That's it for today. I'm a little tired. You can all leave." After finishing speaking, she straightened her sleeves, turned around and walked back into the hall.

Cong Rong followed her back and said, "Master Fang, why didn't you tell the storyteller just now and let him tell the real story you told?"

Fang Zilan sat back on the main seat and asked calmly: "Did you also notice? That person is not a food delivery person, but a storyteller?"

"I can see it." Cong Rong nodded, and Fang Zilan said softly: "There are two possibilities, either someone asked him to tell these stories to me, or he just heard it from hearsay. But no matter which one, I don't care .”

"Why is this?" Cong Rong asked puzzledly: "If you ruin your reputation, Mr. Fang, by spreading rumors, what should you do?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if I tell him and he agrees to me, he might turn his back on me after leaving the house. Why bother?" Fang Zilan rested her chin on her hands, with a hint of tiredness in her expression, "You can control me. If you can't, naturally hold it firmly. If you can't, forget about it. Most things in the world cannot be forced."

"Can't you force it?" Cong Rong repeated softly, her expression suddenly lowered a little.

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