Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1141 Disaster

Mu Chuji calmly picked up the wine glass and congratulated each other from a distance: "Is this Miss Fang San, who has the same name as Duke Xianyue?"

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, but her face showed the shy little daughter's attitude, "It's just the same name, His Highness Prince Qi doesn't have to worry about it."

"Miss Fang San looks to be about the same age as Duke Xianyue, and her appearance is also a little similar, but..." Mu Chuji seemed to be interested and said, "But they are completely different people."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and before she could say anything, Mu Chuji sighed, "What a pity."

Li Shengxuan was not angry and said proudly: "The King of Qi is so charming and suave, but you can't see that he is sad for spring and autumn..."

"Don't you think it's a pity, Your Majesty?" Mu Chuji interrupted Li Shengxuan unceremoniously. The envoys accompanying him kept winking at him, but in vain.

He stood up boldly and said, "How heroic was the Duke of Xian Yue back then? How could such a beautiful sister with excellent killing and decisive skills end up perished if she wanted to be a woman of this palace?"

His words made Fang Zilan choke and cough. She never expected that he could talk about the molestation in such a high-sounding way, with a regretful tone as if there was some real affection between them.

If there is, it is on the battlefield and there is sworn hatred. How can there be any other feelings?

"Miss Fang San, don't you agree with what I say?" Mu Chuji suddenly named Fang Zilan, which made Fang Zilan stunned. His question was very flattering. If she directly said she disagreed, she would deny her role as the Duke of Yue. Brave, if you agree with him, with his clever words, it's hard not to be involved, and it will be difficult no matter how you answer.

Just when Fang Zilan was in a dilemma, a calm voice suddenly sounded, "The Duke of Xian Yue has passed away. Her merits and demerits will be commented by future generations. Please be careful in your words and leave some peace for her."

Li Qiyou said, standing up with the wine glass in hand, "His Royal Highness King Qi has come a long way, and it is very tiring and hard work. I have the courage to go before Your Majesty and offer a toast to Your Highness. I hope that Dajing and Miluo will always be friends."

His words were watertight and he protected Fang Zilan tightly. Although he was an external envoy, he was inevitably suspected of being partial.

"I can't take this merit." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft. "I came up with a way to cure the plague that many doctors were helpless to do. If this reaches His Majesty's ears, he will not think that I have merit. He will only think that I have merit. I'm terrible."

Hearing this, Awan frowned even more and subconsciously asked, "Why is this?"

Fang Zilan closed her eyes and rested without saying anything. Seeing that she had no intention of answering her questions, Awan had to think hard by herself. After a while, she finally figured it out, "Yes, you are capable of literature, martial arts and medical skills. It sounds a bit scary."

"This is no longer a matter of medical skills." Fang Zilan couldn't help but mention, "If you can come up with a way to cure the plague, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are proficient in medical skills. If Your Majesty knew that there was such a person hiding beside him, I am afraid that Have to guard against it.”

A Wan retorted: "But didn't you just hit it by mistake and get it from hearsay?"

"The big tree attracts the wind, do you think anyone will believe what I say?" Fang Zilan opened his eyes helplessly, looked at Awan and said, "You will believe this."

Awan curled her lips and shook her arm, "Fang Zilan, you actually came up with this idea yourself, right?" "Whether I thought of it or not, what does it have to do with you?" Fang Zilan was quite amused. Looking at her calmly, "You are going to have no contact with me as soon as you return to the capital anyway, why should I tell you?"

Awan threw her arm away angrily, "You are repaying kindness with vengeance. If I hadn't discovered that the medicine used by the woman in Linjia Village was the Sujia prescription, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to sit here and talk properly. And if it weren't for me, , can you recover some memory so quickly?"

"Shall I repay kindness with revenge?" Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, "Okay, then I will be kind. Awan, if you want to return to the ghost gate, you should inform Wen Ya in advance to see his reaction. Remember not to tell the young master directly. .”

"What do you mean?" Awan looked confused, but Fang Zilan still just smiled, "If you want to live, just do as I say."

Awan took a breath of air, "You mean, if you let the young master know that I have returned to the ghost gate, you will kill me?"

"What else?" Fang Zilan tapped her forehead with her finger, "I thought you had learned a lot in the past two years, but why are you so unclear about your own affairs? You bet your life on my life and death, just to be tied to me. With the temperament of the young master, do you think you can live alone after breaking your promise and getting rich?"

"You're fine, I don't think I gained weight by breaking my promise." Awan turned her head away and retorted harshly, but she knew in her heart that her words were very true. If she wanted to go back, regardless of whether the master agreed or not, the young master would be the first one not to Let her go.

"Little Awan, I know you were speaking out of anger that day..." Fang Zilan was interrupted as soon as she started speaking, "I'm not speaking out of anger, I'm really scared. There's a wolf in front of me and a tiger in back, how could I No matter what choice you make, there is no way to survive.”

"What's the use of being afraid? The way to survive is not given by others." Fang Zilan calmed her expression and said in a colder voice, "Since there are tigers and wolves everywhere, then either kill the tigers or the wolves, you can always find a way to survive."

Awan smiled mockingly, "Slaying tigers and wolves, can I do it just by myself?"

"Why not?" Fang Zilan asked back, with an almost matter-of-fact tone, revealing unspeakable ambition.

"Awan, from the moment we walked out of the ghost gate and stood under the sun, we were destined to fight." She sat up straight and said solemnly: "Fight with the enemy, fight with the same kind, fight openly and secretly, bones and blood, Fang Mountains and rivers.”

Awan seemed to understand, "They are all fighting, how is it different from us in the ghost gate?"

"With the sun shining, you can be more upright." Fang Zilan said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "The reason for fighting in the ghost gate is to protect yourself. The reason for fighting here is to fight for it. Isn't that how I came to talk about the power of one and two? ?”

"You still have to fight for the right to speak?" Awan put his chin on his hands and said thoughtfully: "It's too tiring to live under the sun, so it's better to go back to the ghost gate."

Fang Zilan came up to her and asked: "Little Awan, would you rather cower in fear and live in a ghost gate without seeing the light of day than risk your life and stand in the sun and take a good look at the mountains and rivers in this world? "

Awan couldn't help being stunned, and blurted out without thinking: "Didn't I gamble my life on you?"

"That's right." Fang Zilan suddenly laughed, "In this case, it's not up to you. You can only choose with me."

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