Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1142 Torture

The twilight is closing, and the young man's delicate eyebrows, outlined by the candlelight, become more delicate and charming.

"Miss Fang San." Ah Shi bowed respectfully. There was a lot of thought hidden under the simple address, but it didn't fall on the surface.

Fang Zilan ignored the others present and just looked at Ah Shi blankly. After a long while, she said, "Why are you here?"

As if he didn't hear the question, Ah Shi directly raised a wooden box in front of Fang Zilan, "The Duke of the North once entrusted the family property to Fang Lihui, the head of the Fang family, in exchange for Fang Liren's freedom. Now I am entrusted by the head of the family to go to the north. Hand over, fulfill the mission, return them all, please count them, Miss Fang San."

Fang Zilan looked at the young man in front of him who was holding the wooden box high and speaking every word with great solemnity. His voice couldn't stop shaking, "Ah yes, what does this mean?"

Ah Shi raised his head and looked across the wooden box to Fang Zilan, "Miss Fang San, this is the last thing the head of the family has given me to complete."

Fang Zilan suddenly raised her hand, but before it fell, she was caught by Hongtai on the side, "This is Fang Lihui's decision, please calm down."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath. She shook off Hongtai's hand and said coldly: "Does Fang Lihui want to break off with me? Or is the entire Fang family going to break with me?"

If she was asking about Ah Shi in the first half of the sentence, then she was obviously asking Fang Chongzheng in the second half. However, she didn't get any reply, not even a word.

"Miss Fang San, please take inventory." Ah Shi repeated, still maintaining his original posture, motionless like a puppet on strings.

"Why?" Fang Zilan took a step back and looked around at the people present.

Fang Chongzheng had a very pale expression on his face, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. Fang Zitong's red lips were slightly opened, and she clenched her fingers tightly, forcing herself not to make a sound. As for Ah Shi, he never showed any emotion from beginning to end.

Unable to get an answer, Fang Zilan's eyes finally fell on the wooden box, but it only stayed for a moment before falling back on Ah Shi, "Ah Shi, you used me to escape from the world, and used me to enter the Fang family. Now you can give me back a favor." How about going back?"

Ah Shi pursed her lips and said, "But it depends on Miss Fang San's orders."

"You take these back to the north, and it's up to you to decide how to deal with them. But..." Fang Zilan paused and said decisively: "Don't appear in front of me again."

Ah Shi looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief, but saw her reaching out and pushing the wooden box into her arms, "Since you chose the Fang family, I don't have to choose you anymore.

"Fang Zilan..." Hongtai wanted to say something, but Fang Zilan stopped him as soon as he started speaking, "I understand what the Fang family means."

As she spoke, she saluted Fang Chongzheng, "The married daughter throws water, and from now on, the Fang family and I will go our separate ways..."

"Lan'er..." Fang Zitong finally couldn't help but speak, but Fang Zilan ignored her and finished the last half of her sentence, "No more relations."

After she said that, she turned around and left. Fang Chongzheng's voice came from behind her, "If you want to fight for justice, you can't protect Fang Lihui. Do you understand?"

Fang Zilan stopped, feeling mixed in her heart. How could she not understand?

The so-called fight for justice means that regardless of one's status, background, whether he is one of the Nine Great Lords, or a poor family, as long as he is guilty, he should be tried and punished without any shelter. But since the death of King Rongan, everyone has become unforgivable under a pile of bad debts. However, in order to consolidate the mountains and rivers forever, we cannot do it overnight, we can only plan it slowly, and we must prioritize it.

In this case, why not keep Lihui below for the time being?

When Fang Zilan saw Mr. Yun, she realized that Qinghan had already explained the situation to Mr. Yun. The three of them were talking while having breakfast. Not long after, Ajun came to report that Lin Jian had arrived.

Lin Jian was pulling a cart, and several of his brothers were lying on it, all of them unconscious and hanging on by a thread. Mr. Yun looked at their situation one by one, and his face became darker every time he looked at each person. After looking at the last person, Mr. Yun's face was already very gloomy.

"Mr. Yun, can my brothers still be saved?" Lin Jian's eyes were full of hope, and his tone was a little more cautious.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Mr. Yun shook his head, "I can only do my best, but whether I can survive depends on their fate."

"Thank you, Mr. Yun. As long as you can save my brothers, I will do anything you want!" Lin Jian seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He took out the stack of banknotes from his arms and held them tremblingly in front of Mr. Yun. "I'll give these to you, as long as you can save them. Please!"

Fang Zilan looked at the groveling Lin Jian and said helplessly: "Mr. Yun didn't say they would definitely survive."

Lin Jian's hand holding the banknote shook, but without a moment's hesitation, he stuffed it directly into Mr. Yun's hand, "Mr. Yun, please! If these are not enough, I will think of something else..."

Seeing his bloodshot eyes gradually moistening, Mr. Yun couldn't help but interrupt him and said, "My child, I've heard it all. You are not to blame for all this. You don't have to blame yourself so much."

"Yes." Fang Zilan echoed: "Even without you, they will find someone else. It is inevitable."

Lin Jian bit his lip to prevent himself from crying. Seeing this, Fang Zilan patted him on the shoulder, "Even if it's for your brothers, keep the banknotes. You don't want them to have to follow you to the streets to beg for food after they recover, right?"

Lin Jian raised his head and saw her raising her eyebrows and smiling, "Also, you have to heal yourself first before you can take care of them."

"You're right, girl." Mr. Yun softened his expression and said warmly: "Lin Jian, give me your hand."

Lin Jian hesitantly stretched out his hand. After Mr. Yun checked his pulse, he was happy and said, "You're a lucky boy. It's nothing serious. Just take a few medicines and you'll be fine."

He said and put the banknote back into Lin Jian's hand, "It's just a few medicines, it doesn't cost much. What's more, the medicines we have are all brought by this girl. She doesn't even charge you. How can I?" Are you embarrassed to accept it?"

When Lin Jian heard this, he looked at Fang Zilan suddenly, but saw that she seemed to have not heard the second half of Mr. Yun's words at all, and just held on to the first half, "Mr. Yun, his brothers are all so sick, are you sure? Is he okay?"

"Hey, you girl, why don't you believe me?" Mr. Yun couldn't help but frowned, "If you don't believe it, you might as well come and check his pulse yourself."

"Mr. Yun, don't be angry. I'm just curious. Since he's fine, is it possible that he has had any special experiences or been exposed to special things? If so, it might be of great help." Fang Zilan explained. After saying this, Mr. Yun nodded slightly and said, "What you girl said makes sense."

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