Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1143 Decisive

Fang Zilan didn't say anything more, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Fang Ziqin. She took it and took a sip, nodded and said, "Yes, your tea-making skills have improved a lot."

"What's the art of making tea? It's just a matter of watching the heat." Fang Zilan answered casually, and then Fang Ziqin asked: "I wonder what the heat is today?"

"What does the empress mean by this?" Fang Zilan frowned, and Fang Ziqin put the tea cup aside, "I think there must be a big fire today, and the one added to it must be firewood named Master Xu Yixu."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan reacted suddenly. Fang Ziqin was talking about her strange attitude towards Xu Yi in Lianhua Palace, so she turned away and whispered: "I don't like Xu Yi."

"What are you talking about that are childish?" Fang Ziqin laughed dumbly, "You have nothing to do with Mr. Xu. Even at the Hua Hui, he was not the one who provoked you. Why are you hostile?"

"Asking knowingly." Fang Zilan snorted heavily, and Fang Ziqin raised the corners of her lips, "Are you doing it for Mo Han?"

Fang Zilan's thoughts were seen through, she pursed her lips unnaturally, and finally whispered: "I heard that Mo Han's life in the Xu family was not good."

"The list of people to be amnesty on New Year's Eve has been finalized, and Mo Han is among them." Before Fang Ziqin finished speaking, Fang Zilan said in surprise: "Really?"

"It's very true." The smile on Fang Ziqin's face grew brighter, "I have made arrangements with the Fang family. If nothing happens, we can send him away on New Year's Eve, or the first day of the first lunar month at the latest."

Fang Zilan couldn't wait to ask: "Who in the Fang family will see Mo Han off?"

"Li Hui will go in person." Fang Ziqin looked at Fang Zilan who was sitting unsteadily in amusement, "Are you at ease?"

Fang Zilan behaved when she got an advantage, "With the eldest sister strategizing, what should I feel uneasy about?"

"You, now you know how to call elder sister." Fang Ziqin raised his hand and smoothed Fang Zilan's broken hair on his forehead, and said warmly: "You feel relieved, but I think Mr. Xu will have to endure a lot of trouble."

"Eldest sister, why are you looking at me like this?" Fang Zilan's face was innocent, and a hint of joking flashed in Fang Ziqin's eyes, "If you hadn't told King Yucheng about the New Year's social drama, I would have reluctantly believed that you were innocent."

"Eldest sister, I have a keen eye. I have nothing to say." Fang Zilan shrugged, looking magnanimous.

Fang Ziqin retracted his hand and straightened his sleeves, "With the temperament of King Yucheng, if he listens to your words, he will definitely work hard, and other people who can adapt to the wind will not be able to relax."

"Eldest sister, I'm not easy either." Fang Zilan leaned forward coquettishly, "Look how hard I work every day practicing my sword."

As she spoke, she spread her left hand, and Fang Ziqin held her wrist, "Yes, we Lan'er have worked really hard. How about forget it?"

"How can I forget it?" Fang Zilan clasped Fang Ziqin's wrist with her backhand, patted the back of her hand gently, and comforted her: "I still have all the skills, but I can't hold a sword with my right hand. It's no big deal to switch to my left hand."

"Does it mean that if I ask for someone, the Ouyang family has to give it to me?" Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, "As one of the nine great ministers, will the Ouyang family be inferior to me?"

Shangguan Min remained silent, and Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "But tomorrow's New Year's Eve, most of the Ouyang family will go to watch the New Year's social opera, and I can't think of any energy to care about a small craftsman. You and Lao Cao will take advantage of this juncture to go up. The Ministry of Works wants people, and the Ministry of Works will not be very serious when the time comes. You must transfer the people to our house, and no mistakes can be made." "Okay." Shangguan Min thought for a while, "But if the Ministry of Works refuses to release the people, ,what to do?"

Fang Zilan looked like she hated the iron, and said, "Shangguan Min, I have taught you so much. If you don't even come to me, please don't say that I am your master in the future. It will be an insult to the teacher."

Shangguan Min responded and finished his meal with deep thoughts.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan felt inexplicably sad. How did the young man who was so cheerful back then become such a worried person today?

Shangguan Min put down the bowls and chopsticks, and was about to clear them away when Fang Zilan stopped him, "Shangguan Min, no matter what it is, just do it and don't think too much about it. As long as I am here, I will support you all the time." day."

"Master, I don't want to cause you any trouble." Shangguan Min lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at Fang Zilan. He just heard her hum softly: "You haven't caused me enough trouble?"

Shangguan Min didn't say a word. Fang Zilan took a deep breath and suppressed her emotions and said: "Shangguan Min, let me teach you one more thing. Don't be afraid of trouble, let alone get into trouble. Some troubles won't be because you shy away or get into trouble. I'll let you go if you just accept it. In that case, why be afraid? Solving the trouble is more important than anything else."

"But..." Shangguanmin was about to say something more, but she interrupted, "Shangguanmin, if you think you are troublesome, take responsibility and solve it. If you are afraid yourself, then no one can help you. .”

After saying that, she called the maid to come in and clean up the table. She said, "There will be a lot of work tomorrow on New Year's Eve, so you should go to bed early." Then she got up and left.

"Master Fang." Xiao Xuan'er was waiting in the corridor, and Fang Zilan walked up to her, "Miss Xiao is waiting here, but do you have something to tell me?"

"The Ministry of Rites sent someone to the house, saying that the order of tomorrow's year-end ceremony has been changed. The specific documents are here. Please take a look at it, Mr. Fang." Xiao Xuan'er said and handed the document over, "Mr. Fang, you and Mr. Shangguan I have been talking in the hall and asked no one to disturb me. But I saw that it was getting late, and I was afraid that there might be some problem that I would not be able to deal with in time, so I took a look at it in private, hoping that Mr. Fang would not be surprised."

"It's not a big deal, just take a look." Fang Zilan scanned the lines at a glance, "My position has been advanced?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er nodded slightly, "I'm afraid I may have misjudged it, so I specifically compared it with the previous one."

Fang Zilan weighed the documents and said thoughtfully: "Miss Xiao, do you think there is any problem?"

Xiao Xuan'er said quietly: "If there is a problem, I think the previous one is more suspicious."

"What does Miss Xiao mean by this?" Fang Zilan looked at Xiao Xuan'er and saw her serious expression: "Long ago, the Ministry of Rites sent flower notices for banquets in the first month of the first month, and our house was ranked on the fifth day of the first month. As a rule, the royal family holds a banquet two days before the banquet, so even if the fifth day of the lunar month is placed among the nine princes, it is extremely high."

She paused for a moment and then said while thinking about it: "As far as I know, the order of the banquets in each government is different in the first month of each year. The reason is nothing more than promotion. Based on this logic, the ranking of hundreds of officials should be the same. Not much different.”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan re-opened the document, counted the places and said, "This time it's quite right."

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