Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1144 Success or Failure

Fang Zilan approached Chu Bin and teased: "I'm not a child anymore. I'm just going out. Why are you so nervous? Are you afraid that I will get lost?"

"I..." Chu Bin opened his mouth, his ears turning redder.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, "You can give me away if you want, follow me if you want, it's up to you." After she said that, she walked out first, followed closely by Chu Bin. He followed quickly.

Unexpectedly, before the two of them took a few steps, they saw Cong Rong standing in the corridor from a distance, as if crying to Xiao Xuan'er.

The two of them stood calmly under the pillars, listening to Cong Rong sobbing and blaming herself: "Miss Xiao, it's all my fault. If I could have discovered Wu Jia's evil intentions in advance, Mr. Fang would not have suffered so much." Yes, it’s all my fault…”

"Miss Cong, your injury hasn't healed yet, so you really shouldn't be out in the wind." Xiao Xuan'er held her arm, "I'll take you back first. If you have any questions, I'll tell him directly after you recover. .”

Cong Rong cried even harder, "Wu Jia is right, I am just a dodder flower. I can do nothing but depend on others..."

Cuscuta flower? Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment when she heard this word, but she didn't think about it. When Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong drifted away, she and Chu Bin walked out.

However, she didn't notice that Cong Rong glanced in the direction of her as if inadvertently. There seemed to be thousands of thoughts in her eyes, and she still couldn't speak.

Even Fang Zilan didn't notice anything wrong with Cuscuta.

Cong Rong secretly sneered, it is true to be attached to others, but as time goes by, the life of the person being attached will be squeezed out, and the person will be entangled to death. This is the dodder flower.

It seems weak and useless, but in fact it is dangerous and unpredictable. Whether it's Fang Zilan or Ji Ningtian, one day, she will make them pay the price one by one.

Even if she is the only daughter of the Huan family from the previous dynasty, she should not be overshadowed and not mentioned. As long as she is still alive, her life will not be in vain. She will let their blood and tears be seen by the world.

Thinking of this, Cong Rong looked at the body wrapped in a straw mat and hurriedly carried out of the house, her eyes a little cold.

She would never lose her life in vain like Wu Jia. There is also Huanyan, who is willing to risk everything for the so-called truth...

In the end, Fang Zilan still knew nothing, while Huanyan was just a ghost with no monument and no spirit.

It's really not worth it.

Awan quickly held Fang Zilan's arm with quick eyes and hands, and said in a panic: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm very dizzy." Fang Zilan put her hand on her forehead and moved a few steps with Awan's help to sit at the table. "I'll just sit down and it'll be fine. It's nothing serious."

"Liar." Awan pulled her wrist without any explanation, and carefully checked her pulse for a moment, but her expression changed, "You...are poisoned?"

Awan's unsure tone also surprised Fang Zilan, "What did you say?"

"Your pulse is very strange." Awan frowned and said, "It seems smooth on the surface, but in fact there is something strange. Although you are poisoned, it should never be like this."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan was confused, and Awan looked at her intently, "What did you eat and drink this day?"

"It's nothing special. I've only been out for most of the day, and I haven't eaten or drank outside." Fang Zilan shook her head and thought about it carefully. Suddenly she remembered the cup of tea that Cong Rong handed her last night, and her expression changed involuntarily, "Cong Rong Rong's tea." Awan asked eagerly: "What kind of tea?"

"It seems to be just ordinary jujube tea. There is nothing special about the sweetness in the mouth." Fang Zilan also felt strange in her heart. Although she was not very knowledgeable about medicine, she had been involved in the underworld for many years and had done a lot of poisoning. She knew some medicines. , especially poison.

But that cup of tea, no matter the appearance or smell, looks flawless now that I think about it. What's more, Cong Rong had no reason to poison her.

Awan still held Fang Zilan's wrist tightly, "Think carefully, when did you drink the tea? And when did you start feeling dizzy?"

"When I went to see Cong Rong last night, I drank a cup of tea from her." Fang Zilan looked gloomy, "I feel dizzy. I guess it was when I just left the city this morning."

"It shouldn't be." Awan looked confused, "If you were poisoned, it wouldn't happen after such a long time. What's more, you have poison, and your reaction to poisoning is much faster and more severe than ordinary people. .But now you have no other symptoms besides dizziness. What’s the point?”

"It's probably not poisoning." Fang Zilan raised her hand and pressed her temples, and said softly: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"What do you know?" Awan let go of his hand angrily, "If you really know what's going on, you should let me go with you."

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, "It's up to you."

"Fang Zilan." Awan called her name repeatedly, and she felt relieved and smiled reassuringly, "When things happen in the southeast, we will go back and find out. If there is really something wrong with Cong Rong, I will not forgive him. She. Awan, I believe in you, and you should also have confidence in yourself and me."

Awan took a deep breath and exhaled with relief, "If I can't do it, I can't let you live a long life, and I regret it and am unwilling to sacrifice my life for you, will you still believe me?"

"What is my way?" Fang Zilan chuckled, "Awan, whether it means living one more day or living a hundred years, as long as I am alive, it is good for me. As for compensating for life, I hope that even if I am not here Yes, you can live well."

"What did you say?" Awan looked at her blankly, with disbelief written all over his face.

It seems that such vivid words about lusting after life should not come from the mouth of a killer like her who kills without blinking an eye.

Fang Zilan could understand Awan's thoughts, but he couldn't tell her that the person she was in the original world was probably dead. Now that she lives in this world, every day seems to be stolen. No matter how hard it is, she can't help but cherish it.

"I said, live well." She raised the corners of her lips and stood up slowly, "Let's go to the Southeast Camp."

Awan hesitated for a moment, but she swallowed the words of dissuasion alive as they were close to her lips, and finally turned them into a firm nod, "Okay."

As soon as the two of them walked out of the inn, they saw Deputy General Cao waiting at the door with his horse. Seeing that Awan was not driven back, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "Boss has a lot of old wounds on his body. With Miss Awan accompanying me, I feel more at ease." .”

Hearing this, A Wan was happy and said, "Did you hear that? Even Vice General Cao said this. I am your peace charm."

"Yes." Fang Zilan added in a drawl, "Peace Talisman, let's go."

After she said that, she got on her horse, followed closely by Vice General Cao and Awan, and the three of them rushed to the southeast camp without stopping.

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