Fang Ziqin looked at Fang Zilan steadily, "Lan'er, I can guess it. Do you think His Majesty can't guess it? If he knows, all this is a situation set by you. Don't say that the Fang family will not escape death. Even if It's you……"

"So what if you know?" Fang Zilan quietly interrupted Fang Ziqin's words and curled her lips indifferently, "For a person as strong as him, if he doesn't turn around himself, it will be useless for others to do anything."

She took a sip of tea as she spoke, "Only by letting him see my life hanging by a thread with his own eyes and remember that scene forever will he not kill the whole family."

"Do you want him to worry about gains and losses for you?" Fang Ziqin was stunned, but Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "I would like to, but it is absolutely impossible."

From the Qiankun Palace where Li Shengxuan was located, to the Yuzhang Palace of the Empress Dowager, Yugui Palace of the Empress Dowager, and Fengyi Palace of Empress Fang Ziqin, several people greeted them one by one.

Due to the festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve and the presence of many dignitaries, when they arrived at Yuzhang Palace and Yugui Palace, the Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother did not make things difficult for Fang Zilan, but deliberately ignored them and did not ask questions.

But Fang Zilan was also happy to be lost in the crowd, and he just had time to give her a chance to recognize someone.

After all, during the time she was in Beijing, she mostly dealt with official duties in the government offices. She only heard the names of many dignitaries but never met them, so she took this opportunity to match names with people.

Zhuge Yu obviously knew what she was thinking and was always by her side. When someone came to say hello, he would speak to them by name first, and she would recognize them as soon as he spoke.

However, in just one morning, not only did many people have an impression of her, but she also recognized many people.

For example, the middle-aged man with a sinister temperament that the Empress Dowager praised endlessly was Pei Juanqing, the head of the Pei family of her mother's family. There is also a young man who has been following the Queen Mother, her nephew Dugu Ming, a rising star of the Dugu family. And the young man who disdains Wei Subaru but is full of flattery towards the Empress Dowager is Wei Yi who is most likely to succeed as the head of the Wei family...

It was already afternoon, and it was not until Li Qiyou sent someone to look for him that Fang Zilan, Zhuge Yu and Pei Xiaoze hurriedly said goodbye to Zhuge Ming and went to Lianhua Palace to make final preparations before the social opera performance.

However, before Fang Zilan and others reached the gate of Lianhua Palace, they saw Huang Fulin and Wang Quanzhi, who were summoned to the palace to pay their respects. They seemed to have not expected to meet them here, and were startled.

Fang Zilan greeted the two of them gracefully, and the two of them returned the greeting with different expressions, and left without saying a few words.

Seeing this, she felt a little strange. She looked at Zhuge Yu and asked, "A Yu, why do they look like this when they see me?"

"Master Fang really doesn't know?" The person who answered Fang Zilan was Pei Xiaoze. She shook her head in confusion, "I really don't know. I hope Master Pei can tell me."

Pei Xiaoze patiently explained: "A corruption case has been reported in the Northern Territory recently, and the person involved is the Northern Protector Qi Yuming."

"What did you say?" There was an obvious look of shock on Fang Zilan's face. She subconsciously looked at Zhuge Yu, but saw that he had no reaction. She immediately understood that he might have known about it a long time ago, but he just never told her.

Seeing this, Pei Xiaoze hurriedly offered words of comfort: "The evidence in this case is insufficient and has not yet been investigated, so few people in the DPRK know about it. What's more, Mr. Fang is now in charge of southeastern affairs, so it is normal not to know."

Zhuge Yu, who had not spoken for a long time, said calmly: "It will be too late if we don't go, and we can't keep the prince and your lords waiting for a long time. Let's go."

Fang Zilan followed the two of them blankly to Lianhua Palace. As soon as he entered the inner court, he saw young men from aristocratic families dressed in white and blue shirts pretending to be righteous gathered together. They were muttering something in low voices, and their eyes fell. On Wei Subaru in the corner. Ouyang Juncheng and Wang Xianhui, who were both pretending to be evil, stood together not far from Wei Subaru, whispering and not daring to come forward.

The people's obvious caution and alienation made Fang Zilan frown involuntarily, and asked Zhuge Yu in a low voice: "I saw your eldest brother's attitude towards Lord Wei on the palace steps this morning. Now these people are looking at Lord Wei very strangely. What's the matter?" What happened?"

Zhuge Yu replied softly: "Duke Wei was deposed the day before yesterday. They were watching the wind."

Li Shengxuan smiled and shook his head, "I was just wondering, since the news comes from all sides, where did you spend your money?"

"Favors." Fang Zilan said matter-of-factly, "You must know that favors are very valuable. Once you use them, you owe them once, and once you owe them, you owe them less."

On the side, Ming Xiang thought, the so-called human relationship means that there are comings and goings. If not, it would be difficult for Qianjinfang to survive. Fang Zilan's words were obviously concealing something. Since she didn't completely trust the man in front of her, she would have to hide it a bit in the future.

Li Shengxuan was noncommittal, "Three pieces of news about Qianjinfang have been decided. It seems that you have already thought about what you want to exchange with Yin Quanzhang?"

"Think about it." Fang Zilan nodded, "What I want is Hongtai."

"You..." Li Shengxuan was stunned for a moment, and Fang Zilan probed: "If I said that I wanted to protect Fei Lingshan and escape unscathed, would you think I was crazy?"

Although it was a question, when she spoke, there was a determination in her eyes that could not be refused, which made Li Shengxuan's heart sink, "That is a bandit who has done many evil things, why do you want to protect him?"

"Zixiu sitting in front of you is also doing many evil things." Fang Zilan raised her finger and pointed at herself, "Why do you want to protect me?"

"How can bandits compare with you?" Li Shengxuan looked coldly, "If you can't give a convincing reason, I won't agree."

"Just think that I owe the Hong family..." Fang Zilan paused and her voice became softer, "When you come out to hang out, you have to pay it back sooner or later. If you can't pay it back clearly, I can't close my eyes."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" There was a hint of anger in Li Shengxuan's voice, "How could you owe the Hong family anything..."

"Why not?" Fang Zilan interrupted Li Shengxuan unceremoniously, "I have killed so many people, I may not even remember them clearly. How do you know there are no people from the Hong clan?"

"If you can't remember clearly, there is no need..." As soon as Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, Fang Zilan stopped him, "Sir, this is my business. Now that I have remembered it, I have to pay it back."

"When did you have such a good memory..." A Wan muttered in a low voice, "Even if I remember, I have never seen you like this in the past. Could it be that my conscience has discovered it?"

"A Wan." Fang Zilan called out lightly, and A Wan responded quickly: "Oh, I'm here, just tell me if you have any orders." Her voice was much louder than when she just muttered, as if As if deliberately covering up.

Fang Zilan looked at Awan quite funny, "Did you forget something?"

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