Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1149 Weakness

Murong Qing's chest was rising and falling, as if he had lost all his strength, and he fell straight forward. The moment his head was about to hit the coffin, Murong Xun hugged him tightly, "Qing'er..."

"Father..." Murong Qing burst into tears and grabbed Murong Xun's lapel tightly, "Mother, concubine, is dead..."

His voice was extremely soft, more like a confirmation than a statement. It was only at this moment, leaning in his father's arms, taking off all guard, that he could chew carefully and slowly accept the fact.

When Murong Xun heard this, his heart was as sharp as a knife, "Qing'er, don't be afraid, my father is here."

The sound penetrated people's hearts, and a simple word of comfort made Murong Qing calm down. He also asked Fang Zilan to turn his back and raise his head high to prevent tears from falling.

A general's reputation is ruined after hundreds of battles, and he has lost all his old friends from thousands of miles away.

"What are you going to do?" Zhuge Yu turned around quickly and saw Fang Zilan walking in front of Murong Qing, leaning over and asking: "Your Majesty, do you have to go back to Prince Zhongzheng's Mansion?"

"I must go back." Murong Qing raised his head, and the hatred and cruelty on his face seemed to burst out.

The corners of Fang Zilan's lips curved slightly, "The expression is good. What would you say if I could take you back?"

"I owe you one." Murong Qing lowered his eyes slightly and his voice became a little lower.

"It was only once." Fang Zilan clicked her tongue, "The time in front of Wuji Hall doesn't count?"

"Fang Zilan!" Murong Qing roared, and the smile on Fang Zilan's face became even brighter, "Hey, the prince finally couldn't bear it anymore and exposed his true nature?"

"You..." Murong Qing's eyes suddenly widened, "You actually hold a grudge like this?" He just said something to her casually that revealed his true nature, and yet she returned the favor like this. It was really a vengeance.

"However, the prince still looks like this, which is pleasing to the eye." Fang Zilan stood up straight, "He looks much better than when he lowered his eyebrows and let others take advantage of him."

After she said that, she no longer looked at Murong Qing's reaction or the wrinkled faces of Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu. She walked up to everyone and shouted to Mu Churui on the tower, "Guo Guo." If the Lord hasn’t taken action yet, what are you waiting for?”

Mu Churui raised his hand again, and all the archers were ready to attack, aiming their arrows at Fang Zilan, who was standing at the front.

However, before his hand fell, he heard a voice coming from the other side of the tower, "Brother, wait a minute!"

Mu Chuji came quickly and displayed the decree in his hand in front of everyone, "Pass on the Queen Mother's decree to summon Zhongzheng Crown Prince Murong Qing and his wife Fang Zilan to return to Prince Zhongzheng's palace quickly for the funeral."

"Mrs. Prince, it is indeed not the time to go back now." Li Qiyou walked over, shook his head gently, and signaled Fang Zilan not to act rashly.

Only Murong Qing slowly got up and stumbled back towards the capital one step at a time.

Meng Tingyang suddenly changed his expression and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Your Majesty, before I leave, Your Majesty..."

"Get away." Murong Qing's face was like frost and snow, and he pushed Meng Tingyang with all his strength. He still didn't move, but he took a few steps back involuntarily.

The ground that had just rained was a little slippery, and Murong Qing stumbled and fell to the ground again. His face was wrinkled, obviously hurt, but he still managed to stand up.

Meng Tingyang didn't dare to stop him anymore, and looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Madam..." "It turns out it's already summer." Fang Zilan seemed not to be listening to what Meng Tingyang said at all, and stretched out her hand, "No wonder it rains so much these days. .”

As she spoke, she looked up at the gloomy sky, which was so heavy that it was breathless. There were occasional scattered raindrops, but it didn't help.

It's like the current situation. No matter what Murong Qing does, Chen will never come back.

Meng Tingyang saw that Fang Zilan had no intention of persuading Murong Qing, so he had to chase after him again, "Your Majesty..."

However, the sound of piercing the sky suddenly came, giving Meng Tingyang no chance to speak. An arrow was inserted less than two steps in front of Murong Qing, which was a clear warning.

Mu Churui was still standing on the tower, and Li Qianning beside her was looking at him steadily. She wanted to ask him, why didn't he give Murong Qing a happy life and why he had to be tortured like this? But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

She knew that even though Mu Churui wanted Murong Qing to die, he couldn't kill him with one blow.

As two parties in a power game, they are competing to see who can keep their composure and not be caught in the wrong by the other party. Instead of fighting with real swords and guns to the death.

As if to verify what Li Qianning thought, Mu Churui raised his hand, and one of his men shouted loudly: "Prince Zhongzheng, since you have been ordered, you should go to the capital as quickly as possible. Looking back now, are you trying to disobey? The king’s order?”

Murong Qing clenched his fists and took a step forward, only three inches away from the arrow stuck on the ground, "I just disobeyed..."

"Your Majesty!" Meng Tingyang stood in front of Murong Qing and stopped him from talking, "Be careful what you say."

"Meng Tingyang, do you know what you are doing?" Murong Qing reached out and pulled out Meng Tingyang's sword, pointing it directly at his chest, "My mother-in-law passed away, and you didn't follow me back to the palace, but you blocked my way?"

His chest was rising and falling, and every word he spoke was filled with incomparable resentment, "Prince Zhongzheng and your master and servant, I never thought that we would turn against each other today. If I had known this, I shouldn't have..."

Before he finished speaking, he coughed violently and couldn't even hold the sword in his hand.

Mu Churui on the tower sneered, and his men understood the situation and fired several arrows straight towards Murong Qing.

Meng Tingyang dragged Murong Qingkan to avoid him, and in the blink of an eye, there were a few blood marks on his arm. He gritted his teeth and turned around, and when he was about to block the arrow with his body, he saw a figure flash past, snatched the sword with his hand, and knocked down the arrow behind him.

"Madam..." Meng Tingyang looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief, and saw her holding the sword calmly and walking towards the capital.

The feather arrow stopped instantly, and Mu Churui's men shouted sternly: "What is Mrs. Shizi doing? Could it be..."

"The person who received the order from the king is Murong Qing, not me." Fang Zilan interrupted the man with a cold voice, "I can stay in the capital of Miluo if I want, and I can leave if I want. What does it have to do with the king?"

"Mrs. Crown Prince, even if you are the daughter of the Fang family in Dajing, you cannot be disrespectful to the king." The man raised his voice in a threatening tone, "If you take one step forward..."

"How about I take a step forward?" Fang Zilan took a step forward provocatively, "If the king has the courage, just order someone to shoot an arrow and shoot me on the spot."

"Mrs. Shizi, do you really think that I dare not kill you?" Mu Churui's voice sounded deep, "There is no one in Miluo that I dare not kill."

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