Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1150 Ruins

Fang Lihui's eyebrows were sharp, "Master Yin, have you forgotten who the real owner of this building is? If you want to do anything in Zuiyue Tower, you have to ask for my permission. What's more, you dare to do anything with me and Lan You destroyed the Fang family’s property right under your sister’s nose, do you think your life is too long?”

His last words brought Fang Zilan in, quite threatening. Hearing this, Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much. After all, Fang Zilan didn't care, and there was no need for others to interfere with her housework.

"Fang Lihui, how dare you..." Yin Quanzhang's face was full of anger, and Fang Lihui interrupted him rudely, "Master Yin, I am just a businessman, and I am insignificant compared to you. You I dare to threaten the lives of all of you, what can I not dare to do?"

Yin Quanzhang was furious and subconsciously wanted to pounce on Fang Lihui, but was held down by Fang Zilan, "Master Yin, the matter has come to this, you will definitely lose, you might as well save some strength to use it in prison."

"Miss Fang, if I lose, you can't be considered a winner." Yin Quanzhang took a deep breath and raised his hand to move Fang Zilan's hand away. "You should know better than anyone else that you will never win."

Fang Zilan withdrew her hand and clenched it tightly into a fist, "Losing for a moment may not necessarily mean losing for the rest of our lives. We will always win one day."

"We? Miss Fang, I hope you didn't believe in the wrong person." Yin Quanzhang repeated these two words meaningfully and sighed, "Unfortunately, I don't have Miss Fang's faith, and I can't see that day. "

After saying that, he grabbed the bucket of kerosene as if he was crazy and poured it all over himself. Seeing this, Li Shengxuan put his arms around Fang Zilan and raised his sleeves to cover her, for fear that the kerosene would splash on her body.

The next moment, Yin Quanzhang jumped from the top of the building. Covered in kerosene, he burned himself on the torch of the person downstairs. When it caught fire, it ignited and immediately burned a large area.

Amidst the continuous screams, Zhou Lang's calm voice was particularly clear. He directed the people around him to retreat in an orderly manner to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Fang Zilan stared steadily at the sea of ​​​​fire downstairs, feeling a chill running down her back. Yin Quanzhang was so desperate, and the others...

Fang Lihui obviously had the same idea as Fang Zilan. He quickly saluted Li Shengxuan and then hurried away, calling for people to put out the fire as he hurried back to the hall.

"I'll go take a look with my cousin." Fang Zilan didn't have time to break free from Li Shengxuan's hand before he was pulled back tightly by him and brought into his arms again. "The sooner you leave Zuiyue Tower and save Awan and Ashi, The better.”

Fang Zilan felt that Li Shengxuan had stuffed something into her. She was pushed out by him just as she was about to tell the difference, "Let's go!"

"I..." The moment Fang Zilan figured out what was in his hand, he was stunned. Is this Li Shengxuan's gold medal that he felt as if he was seeing it in person?

"Fang Zilan, it's really too late if you don't leave." Li Shengxuan's tone was rare and urgent, urging Fang Zilan to go down the stairs, but he was reluctant to look back every step of the way.

King Yama and City King chased closer. King Yama, who was injured by Fang Zilan's hidden weapon, looked stern, "You painted on the hidden weapon..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze and stopped moving forward. Then there was a clang and the sword fell to the ground.

"A drug that makes people unconscious." Before Fang Zilan could finish her words, she raised her sword and struck at the stunned City King, cutting his throat with lightning speed, and then stabbed King Yama to death with a backhand sword.

Not far away, the Rogue King looked shocked, "You..."

"What am I?" Fang Zilan breathed a long sigh of relief and stumbled over, "I am Zi Xiu, the best in the world. As long as I want to, there is no one in the world that I can't kill. Even the Tenth Palace of Hell, I can't help it. What do I do?" "Your hand is disabled, and..." The Rogue King coughed a few times, "You were hit by my poison dart, and you will die soon."

"Poison?" Fang Zilan glanced at the poison dart on his shoulder and snorted: "I never care."

After she said that, she wiped the neck of the King of Warlords with her sword, and blood spurted out and fell on her clothes, making it look even more filthy.

However, Fang Zilan couldn't care too much. She pulled off the cloth and wrapped it tightly around her right hand. Then she quickly walked out of the woods. She called her horse with a whistle, climbed up with one hand and slapped her hard. , the horse neighed and rushed out.

After the thrilling fight and excessive blood loss, Fang Zilan collapsed on the horse, and soon lost consciousness. However, before unconsciousness, he tied the horse's reins to himself, for fear of falling off the horse and dying on the road.

The old horse knew the way. It carried Fang Zilan, whose life was hanging by a thread, and ran back to the capital. He was stopped by the guards at the gate of the city. Before he could investigate carefully, he saw Xia Houzhang coming in a hurry, "Everyone, get out of the way!"

The guard did not dare to say anything and quickly got out of the way. He watched helplessly as Xia Houzhang took the bloody man off the horse, put him into the carriage, and then drove away in person.

All the guards were dumbfounded. No one in the capital knew that Xia Houzhang was the person next to Li Shengxuan. But for some reason, he suddenly came to guard the city gate in person three days ago, unshakable from morning to night, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Now it seems that what Xia Houzhang is waiting for is the bloody person just now. I wonder who he is that can make him so attracted to him? In other words, it was because Li Shengxuan was so interested.

However, curiosity is curiosity, and no one dares to inquire about anything at will because of their longevity, and they all quickly dispersed, as if nothing had happened.

Xia Houzhang drove into the palace and sent Fang Zilan into Fengyi Palace. Fang Ziqin was shocked to see her like this and took a few steps back, almost unable to stand still.

"Empress!" Qiu Shui supported Fang Ziqin and heard her voice tremble slightly, but it was full of power that could not be ignored, "Send the third lady in and call Wen Ya over quickly. Also, let's say something happened to Fengyi Palace. Assassin, the third lady blocked the knife for me, life or death is uncertain."

"Go quickly." Qiu Shui shouted to the maids in the palace, and they all bowed and retreated.

Xia Houzhang sent Fang Zilan in. Fang Ziqin looked at their backs and whispered to Qiu Shui: "I want you to send a message back to the Fang family, and you go there in person..."

"Yes." Qiu Shui nodded in agreement, but there was hesitation in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I can still hold on." Fang Ziqin gently patted the back of Qiu Shui's hand, telling her not to worry, "She can't die now, not even for the Fang family."

"Qiu Shui understands." Qiu Shui saluted solemnly. When he ran out, he happened to bump into Wen Ya who was coming. The two apologized to each other and left.

As soon as Wen Ya entered Fengyi Palace, he saw Fang Ziqin sitting on the phoenix throne, with a fierce expression that he had never seen before.

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