Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1154 Violation

Fang Zilan did not ask further, and Fang Chongzheng smiled and said, "The night is long, you can take your time."

Take it easy? When Fang Zilan heard these three words, she only felt the tip of her nose sore, as if the tight bow string had finally relaxed, more like a person who was tired of running for his life finally got a moment of respite.

So she took a deep breath and said, "You did it on purpose. You had already planned it. You didn't want to stay in the capital in the first place!"

She was a little incoherent and emotional. However, Fang Chongzheng knew what she meant and nodded and confessed, "Yes."

"Then why are you using me as an excuse?" Fang Zilan's eyes turned red. Fang Chongzheng sighed and said quietly: "You are not an excuse, you are just one of the reasons."

He paused and said softly: "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you."

"Li Shengxuan will never be threatened. Even if the Fang family leaves Beijing, he cannot take back his life." Fang Zilan turned away and bit her lip: "What's more, I'm not your biological daughter, why are you protecting me?"

"If you have nothing to do with the Fang family." Fang Chongzheng looked at the person in front of him steadily, "Then what are you doing today?"

"It's just a coincidence." Fang Zilan still said stubbornly, "It was an accident, who knew that Fang Lihui was in the water prison..."

"Okay, let's just treat it as a coincidence." Fang Chongzheng did not expose Fang Zilan, but the corners of his raised lips revealed unspeakable teasing.

Fang Zilan snorted and continued to ask: "Now that you have resigned and are not taking care of yourself, what are you doing?"

"Although I am no longer an official in the court, I still have to move around a lot..." Before Fang Chongzheng finished his serious words, Fang Zilan sneered and said: "Young Master, you can use this rhetoric to deal with Fang Zitong, but don't try to deal with me. "

"Children these days are hard to fool." Fang Chongzheng smiled and shook his head. Fang Zilan's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists and asked as if he had made up his mind: "Are you doing it for..."

"Lan'er, if Murong Qing hadn't come today, would you really have killed everyone?" Fang Chongzheng asked first. Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment, then whispered: "No."

There was obvious unwillingness and anger in her tone, "Even if we kill them all, it won't help. The southeastern land is still a mess."

She said, flicking her sleeves, "But as long as I can bring you out safely, I will kill you. I'm not afraid."

"You have killed a lot of people. You should understand better than anyone else that killing people most of the time does not solve the problem." Fang Chongzheng looked calm, neither criticizing nor blaming. "You can't kill everyone in the world."

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui and said seriously: "I don't think Mr. Fang wants to take all the blame for others and watch the Fang family be ruined at your hands, right?"

"What Miss Zhen said is true." Fang Lihui nodded and said, "Lihui is willing to ride the horse and back for Miss Zhen and do whatever he wants."

"It's fine if Young Master Fang is determined, but the Fang Family Spring Festival has always been hosted by you, and I won't interfere in other matters." Fang Zilan took a sip from the tea cup and asked, "When will Yin Quanzhang arrive?"

"Early tomorrow morning." Fang Lihui answered quickly, and Fang Zilan pondered for a moment: "When Yin Quanzhang enters Zuiyue Tower, you will ask the shopkeeper to announce that the final treasure will not only have one Qianjinfang, but three." "So fast? "Fang Lihui was startled for a moment, and then Fang Zilan said quietly: "The stove that we finally started burning can't just let it cool down like this. We need to keep adding firewood and adding fire."

She thought as she said: "After announcing the amount of information, you can order the guys in the building to spread some rumors, saying that they overheard the conversation between you and me, or that you bribed Mingxiang privately and learned that the information is related to the treasure."

"Treasure? No..." As soon as Fang Lihui opened his mouth, Fang Zilan pressed his index finger on his lips, making a silent gesture, "The reason why a secret is a secret is that no one knows what it is before it is made public. What is it?"

Her voice was very soft, but it had the power to confuse people, "Treasure, handle... whatever Young Master Fang orders the assistant to say is fine, as long as part of it is true enough."

Fang Lihui listened with rapt attention and couldn't help but ask: "Miss Zhen, do you have any suggestions?"

"It's better to be a scandal." Fang Zilan wrote lightly: "Take Master Fang as an example, do you think the world wants to know that you are making money every day and living happily, or do they want to know the filth behind your business?"

Hearing this, Fang Lihui coughed lightly and said, "Miss Zhen, my reputation is not very good to begin with..."

"Dandy boy, young and romantic, this is not new after hearing it too many times." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, half-smiling and said: "But if there is news that today's scenery in Zuiyue Tower is all because of Mr. Fang's attempt to make money and kill people, you Do you think people in the world will be more curious?”

Fang Lihui's face paled a bit, and Fang Zilan poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of him, "Whether it's public opinion or people's hearts, as long as it can be stirred to the highest point, everything will go smoothly."

She said, tapping the wall of the cupboard with her finger, "When you are standing on the cusp of the storm, it will be easier to push. I think Mr. Fang should be very clear about this truth."

Fang Lihui pursed his lips, and Li Shengxuan, who had remained silent on the side, suddenly said: "Do you want to stand on the cusp of the storm even if you make up lies?"

"This is the fastest way." Fang Zilan retracted her hand and said casually: "Fairness and justice take time, not to mention the twists and turns of the process, and no one has the patience to listen and see despite all the efforts. As long as the result is good, it is us What you want is enough.”

"I understand." Fang Lihui seemed to have made up his mind, picking up the tea in front of him and drinking it all in one gulp, "Miss Zhen, just do as you ask, I will definitely handle it properly and successfully."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang." Fang Zilan added more tea for herself and Fang Lihui, "After the net is set, Yin Quanzhang will be arrested, and the person behind him cannot be let go. It's just..."

She paused and looked at Fang Lihui intently, "Not only will the Spring Festival be ruined by then, but the Fang family's golden brand name will also be covered in dust."

"Miss Zhen doesn't have to worry about the Fang family's affairs." Fang Lihui put on a smile, but still looked cynical, "As long as Miss Zhen is not afraid of damaging the reputation of Qianjinfang, I am not afraid of the Fang family's reputation being damaged."

"Famous?" Fang Zilan chuckled, "What is that? I can create it, and I can destroy it."

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but say: "If the truth can be found out, it will not be difficult for the Fang family or Qianjinfang to clear their name. What is difficult is that you just said not to let go of the person behind Yin Quanzhang , what does this mean?"

"I know your people are trapped." Fang Zilan calmed her expression and said quietly: "But my people are not."

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