Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1155 Taking advantage of the opportunity

"Sister, are you fighting for justice for Mo Han, or are you using this as an excuse not to see Mo Han?" Murong Qing's voice came from the carriage, and it was still loud through the curtains of the carriage, making Fang Zilan speechless for a long time. Word.

"Who said I don't dare to see Mo Han?" It took a long time before Fang Zilan heard her own voice. It was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

The method of provoking generals is always very effective. Murong Qing thought this, and got off the carriage, and continued to add fuel to the fire, "If you dare, why haven't you gone to see him once in the past few months?"

"Whether I see you or not is my business, what does it have to do with you?" Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and said, "Murong Qing, you..."

"It really has nothing to do with me." Murong Qing intercepted Fang Zilan's last words and said seriously: "But I know that if I can't say goodbye properly, you will never let go."

Fang Zilan looked at Murong Qing blankly and listened to him continue to speak, "If you hadn't fought for me on that day and I hadn't gone back to the palace to see my mother and concubine for the last time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive now."

He paused as he spoke, "And before, if you hadn't let me see Mr. Zuo for the last time... I wouldn't have hated him so much."

The last half of his sentence seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, revealing indescribable viciousness, and even his pale and delicate face looked much more ferocious and terrifying.

"Hate?" Fang Zilan whispered to herself. If she said hate, the one she hated most was probably herself, who couldn't protect Mo Han and escape.

No matter how the Duke of Xian Yue, no matter how Zi Xiu, she couldn't even protect her only relative.

"Sister, if you don't want to, I will go for you..." Before Murong Qing could finish her words, Fang Zilan sternly stopped her, "You are not qualified."

Her face was like frost and snow, her lips were pursed tightly, "If you want to go, I'll go by myself." After that, she took the horses of the attendants and rode them one by one, heading straight towards Mushan Pass.

Awan stamped her feet angrily, but Murong Qing smiled, "Finally, I can pay her back."

"Your Majesty, do you know who Mo Han is?" Awan looked at Murong Qing and said angrily: "I'm not polite, Your Majesty, as an outsider, you shouldn't have any say in this matter..."

"I know." Murong Qing watched the figure disappear from sight, "I know better why they insist on Mo Han's death. Just like why they insist on forcing my mother and concubine to death."

"What do you mean?" Awan was confused, and Murong Qing snorted coldly, "Since they forced us to come here, don't blame us for being rude."

"You guys?" A Wan felt a chill running down her spine. Could it be that Fang Zilan really joined forces with Murong Qing? But Murong Qing is Miluo's loyal prince after all...

"Let's go." Murong Qing returned to the carriage and ordered Meng Tingyang to drive faster, and finally caught up with Fang Zilan in the evening of the next day.

Outside Mushan Pass, Fang Zilan looked at the simple cemetery in front of her, with the large and small dusty dirt bags, and had mixed feelings in her heart. Is this where the Mo family is buried?

"The Mo family are all buried outside the pass." Murong Qing's voice came from behind Fang Zilan, "Looking behind the pass to the sea, just to scare the pirates and keep peace."

"As far as I know, the Mo family is not very impressive." Fang Zilan said in a dull voice, "We have been fighting against pirates for many years, and have been defeated and defeated repeatedly."

"If he were not a natural general like Xiahou Yunzhao, what good could the land soldiers do when they encounter pirates?" Murong Qing said quietly: "You should know more about fighting than me. You can fight repeatedly after defeat. It’s already amazing.” It’s not just meritorious service and glory that makes him worthy of praise. In the prosperous and peaceful times, more nameless people were buried. Without them, today's prosperous scene would probably be much bleaker.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, "Old Cao, you go find thirty people who are highly skilled in martial arts and are not afraid of death. Get ready and follow me to sneak attack on Miluo Military Camp tonight."

Vice General Cao panicked, "Boss, aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap?"

"Even if you throw yourself into a trap, you still have to do it in a systematic way." Fang Zilan's lips curved slightly, "Since it is a sneak attack, at least the Miluo people's food and grass must be burned to make up for it."

"Master Fang, do you mean to attack the east and attack the west?" Zhou Lang reacted suddenly, and Fang Zilan nodded, "Our troops are divided into two groups. I will lead people to pretend to steal the body of General Shen to attract the attention of the Miluo people. The other group will Take the opportunity to set fire to the grain and grass, and when the Miluo people are in chaos, it will be time for us to bring General Shen back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Lang couldn't wait to say: "I am willing to go with Mr. Fang!"

Fang Zilan glanced at him, not angry, "What are you doing with your injury like this? Are you going to hold me back?"

"I..." Zhou Lang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Vice General Cao, "Brother Zhou, you take good care of yourself. I will go with the boss and I will definitely bring General Shen back."

"Old Cao, you also stay." Fang Zilan said with a serious look: "I need someone to support me, you have to stay. And Zhou Lang, help me find one or two people who are always with General Shen, who are good and smart. , come with me to prevent the Miluo people from cheating."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhou Lang took the order and left. Vice General Cao looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Boss, what about me?"

"You ask someone to declare a challenge to the Miluo people in the name of asking for the body of General Shen." Fang Zilan's face was as dark as water, "We have to do enough on the surface, so that we can be more sure of a sneak attack at night. Then you go Select people, equip them with weapons according to the situation, as well as sleeve arrows, bows and crossbows. When everything is ready, bring the people to me."

After hearing the arrangement, Vice General Cao left the tent. As soon as he left, Awan walked in, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan looked indifferent and asked: "How is the situation at the wounded barracks?"

"Not so good." Awan's eyebrows knitted into knots, "The Miluo people are more aggressive than the Jin people."

"Ask the doctor and bring in any medicinal materials you need as soon as possible, and I'll ask someone to find a way." Fang Zilan added as if thinking of something, "Stay some commonly used wound medicines in case of emergencies."

Awan looked at her blankly, "Fang Zilan, you look like you are facing a powerful enemy, which makes me a little scared."

"Afraid?" Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "If the government can't think of a solution, it will be a matter of time before we are besieged by the Miluo people. Before we completely cut off contact with the outside world, the supplies we prepared are getting worse and worse. The more, the longer it can last.”

Hearing this, Awan said in a muffled voice: "What about you? Are you going to fight the Miluo people tomorrow?"

"I can't wait until tomorrow." Fang Zilan raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows lightly, "I have decided to attack Miluo Military Camp tonight."

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