Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1157 Restrictions

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief as if relieved, and left without looking back. The silver-armored army picked up the guard and the boy and disappeared silently.

"Mrs. Crown Prince!" Li Qiyou's voice suddenly sounded. Fang Zilan stopped and looked back at him standing in the corridor. Most of his body was covered in shadow, and his whole body looked extremely gray.

"Your Majesty, what do you want from me?" Fang Zilan waited patiently, but did not wait until Li Qiyou came towards her.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan understood most of it and asked seriously: "Li Qiyou, do you want to escape?"

"I..." Li Qiyou seemed to have been stabbed in a fatal spot, his face turned pale.

"If you want to escape, do it as soon as possible." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "When I return to the capital, I close my eyes and listen. You are still the most noble King Yucheng in the whole capital."

"Fang Zilan, are you irritating me?" Li Qiyou's hand hidden in his sleeve clenched into a fist. Fang Zilan shook his head, "I just want to tell the prince that it is not easy for people to live openly. He Guang Being in the same dust is the norm.”

Li Qiyou opened his mouth and couldn't help but ask, "Then why are you so independent and have to stand up?"

"I'm not a maverick." Fang Zilan's lips curved slightly, but there was a look of determination in her eyes. "Those who kill must have the consciousness of being killed. I have it, but I don't force others to have it."

Li Qiyou's expression was stagnant, and Fang Zilan continued talking to herself, "Your Majesty, I have nothing to worry about. I don't care about anything. Even my life, I can risk it at will. But you are different..."

"Are you making excuses for me?" Li Qiyou's voice was stiff, but Fang Zilan still shook his head, "No, I'm just helping the prince see the pros and cons. However, the pros and cons of this game are so obvious, the prince should be I already knew it."

The unity of knowledge and action is not easy no matter who it is. Especially Li Qiyou, who has been burdened with a lot, the more clearly he sees the situation, the easier it is for him to get caught up in it.

The authorities are confused, that's all.

Li Qiyou knew in his heart that what Fang Zilan said today was from the bottom of her heart. If he really escaped, she would never resent him given her temperament. And Fu Congnan also told the truth that day. He was not completely unaware of what his grandmother and queen had done, and what the Gongqing family who had staked their fortune and life on his side had done.

Speaking of which, he is not really innocent.

In the past, those who closed their eyes and listened and devoted everything to pave the way for him may think that he is stupid and does not know how to adapt, or may think that he is hypocritical and half-hearted, but at least they did not burn their hard work.

But now if he stands up and exposes their dirty discord to the world indiscriminately, it will be tantamount to pretending to be innocent and slapping them in the face, and it is not what a gentleman would do...

Fang Zilan saw Li Qiyou's face turning blue and white, knowing that there must be a conflict between heaven and man in his heart, so she simply said nothing more and left with a hurried salute.

Fang Zilan was exceptionally calm. She suddenly asked Deputy General Cao, "Old Cao, how long have we been in Qiluo City?"

"It's been twenty-eight days." Vice General Cao sighed, "I wonder how things are going in the capital?"

"Now that Qiluo City is under siege, even if there is news from the capital, it cannot come in." Zhou Lang said, his voice became a little darker. He looked at Fang Zilan and asked tentatively: "Master Fang, there will be reinforcements coming to rescue us. "I don't know." Fang Zilan looked at the three lieutenants in front of him steadily and said softly: "I planned to defend Qiluo City from the beginning, but I never thought that anyone would come to help. I once told Jui The Duke has said that we must guard it for at least a month, and any extra day is a day."

"However, even if we have been guarding for a month, if there is still no movement in the capital..." The deputy general who had never spoken could not help but said: "We are not afraid of death, but after we die, will Miluo be left alone?" Are we going to continue fighting all the way to the capital?"

"No." Fang Zilan said her answer without hesitation, "I believe in Your Majesty. No matter what, you will protect the people of Dajing."

Zhou Lang coughed lightly and changed his voice: "Fortunately, Mr. Fang was prepared and ordered me to move the people in the city. Now, except for more than ten families who have refused to leave, there are no other people in the city."

Vice General Cao also changed the topic and said, "The people of Miluo who came here today are also severely weakened. They probably won't be able to attack the city again in the next few days."

"I hope so." Fang Zilan had a tired look on her face, "I killed Jiang Hanze today, so at least one of Murong Xun and Mu Chuji must come out to lead the army. If there is a chance, kill any of them. One person may be able to turn the tide of the war."

Hearing this, the other three people were stunned. Fang Zilan was completely different from what they thought. They were still thinking about whether reinforcements could delay their survival, but she was thinking about finding an opportunity to kill the Miluo coach...

"What's wrong?" Fang Zilan looked at the three people with strange expressions and curled her lips, "Since you are bound to die, why don't you kill a few more Miluo people to support you before you die?"

The three of them exchanged glances and bowed in unison: "I will follow Lord Fang to the death."

Fang Zilan's eyes swept over the three of them one by one, and finally landed on the plum sword hanging not far away, and solemnly said word by word: "Go, order armaments, lead the soldiers, we swear to live and die with Qiluo City. "

"Yes." The three of them responded in unison, turned around and left the tent.

The Miluo people did not give them a chance to breathe, and they came back in just two days. This time, Murong Xun and Mu Chuji came together with their troops.

Fang Zilan stood on the tower, feeling like her heart was beating like a drum, as if she had returned to the original Battle of Wind River Valley. It's just that that time Li Shengxuan had a place to hide with her, but this time she had no choice but to fight to the end.

Murong Xun and Mu Chuji were well protected, and Fang Zilan did not find any chance to shoot them. So she unsheathed her sword and killed the Miluo people who rushed towards her one by one.

This battle lasted for a long time, until the twilight set and the setting sun was like blood. Fang Zilan was still holding on to the tower. She could hardly tell whether the red in front of her eyes was the bright red of blood or the bright red of the sunset, but she knew that she did not want to fall yet. Down.

The Miluo people's offensive gradually dissipated. Fang Zilan was sitting on the edge of the battlement, breathing heavily, holding the plum sword with lingering fear. When she raised her head, she saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the moonlight was shining down all over the ground very gently.

Today people do not see the ancient times and the moon, this month once looked like the ancients.

This poem almost suddenly appeared in Fang Zilan's mind, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly, surviving tonight and tomorrow.

Will she still be able to see the moon tomorrow night?

Or will she also become the ancient person the moon once illuminated?

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