After Hongtai arranged his men, he saw Fang Zilan and Hong He waiting not far behind him, "Okay, let's go down the mountain."

Fang Zilan was indifferent and just stretched out her hand, "Give me your hand."

Hongtai raised her lips and smiled ambiguously, grabbing Fang Zilan's wrist, "Why, the little beauty can't leave me like this?"

"The other hand." Fang Zilan said, carelessly grabbing Hongtai's hand that was trying to hide behind his back, "Since I hurt you, I have to take responsibility."

She treated the wound on Hongtai's hand in a few moments, "Try not to get wet in the past two days."

"Thank you, little beauty." Hongtai held Fang Zilan's wrist with her backhand. She broke away for a moment, but considering the injury on his hand, she did not let go.

Hong He coughed lightly and said, "Brother, the princess, is gone."

"I am not a princess, I have not been in the past, and I will never be in the future." Fang Zilan said softly: "Zixiu, or Fang Zilan, or Miss Zhen, you can call me whatever you want."

"I still like to call you little beauty." Hongtai was as scoundrel as ever. Fang Zilan didn't bother to argue with him. She gave him a gouge look and left without looking back.

On the way, Honghe couldn't help but ask: "We are all going to Zuiyue Tower, why do we have to go separately?"

"I'm afraid the little beauty doesn't want to cause trouble to her cousin." Hongtai's lazy voice came from Fang Zilan's side. She didn't look away, but her voice was deep, "In Zuiyue Tower, I am Qianjinfang Zhen. Sir, please don’t make a mistake, Mr.

"Master?" Hongtai repeated these three words in a low voice and laughed out loud, "Little beauty, you call me master, why does it sound so good? You might as well call me a few more times..."

His voice was already seductive, but he deliberately lowered it a bit, revealing an indescribable temptation. Especially the flirtatious words coming out of his mouth naturally had a bit more of a seductive tone.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would have blushed and run away, but she met Fang Zilan. Not only was she as indifferent as an old monk sitting still, but there was also a little disgust in her eyes, as if she was saying that she was seriously ill.

Hong He coughed several times, but when she saw no results, she was about to say something, when Fang Zilan said first, "Miss Hong He, it's just a few words, so I don't mind. But you, don't ruin your good throat by coughing." "

"Thank you, Miss Zhen, for your concern..." Hong Hefu started coughing again, "What does this smell like?"

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold and she looked at the black smoke lingering in front of her. Her heart sank and she walked away quickly without saying anything.

Hongtai lost her frivolous look, her eyes became more serious, and she followed closely behind Fang Zilan, "Little beauty, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan stopped and said, "This smell is..."

"Fire sickle, pine oil..." Hongtai carefully identified the smell in the air, and Fang Zilan murmured as if waking up from a dream: "Yes, it is phosphorus powder. Why didn't I discover it earlier..."

"What did you find?" Hongtai held Fang Zilan's shoulders, supported her behind her and asked: "Little beauty, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Zilan stared blankly at the dilapidated scene in front of her, her voice full of astringency, "It turns out it was carefully planned and premeditated. It's my fault, it's all my fault..."

"It's just a well-planned plan. What does it have to do with you?" Hongtai frowned and put a little pressure on his hands, "Little beauty, wake up. This is not your fault." "Girl, please don't say that. I have confidence in you." Fang Zilan turned her eyes to Xiao Huan aside, and saw her pinching the corner of her skirt. Her little face hidden under the silk handkerchief turned red. It seemed that she had used great courage to say this. talk.

After she finished speaking, when she saw that the two of them had no reaction, she quickly apologized and said: "Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted, the two girls just pretended that I didn't say anything..."

"It's late, I've already heard it." Fang Zilan smiled softly, "And I heard it very clearly."

Xiaohuan suddenly turned pale and stammered: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm really sorry..."

"Miss Xiaohuan, there's no need to be sorry." Fang Zilan's smile became even brighter, "I've written down Miss Xiaohuan's confidence in me, thank you very much."

After she finished speaking, she bowed and Xiaohuan froze on the spot, looking at her at a loss, "Girl, you..."

"Please take care of Miss Xiaohuan in the future." Fang Zilan stood up straight, and Awan came to Xiaohuan and took her arm, "Don't be offended, my sister is like this, she loves to bully others. She was teasing you just now, don’t take it to heart.”

Xiao Huan breathed a long sigh of relief, "You two can just call me Xiao Huan."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "Xiaohuan doesn't need to use honorifics to my two sisters. They are all of the same generation. Just call them by their names."

Xiaohuan looked at Awan hesitantly, and seeing her smiling encouragingly, he stopped being nervous and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I still have something important to tell you." As soon as Awan said this, Xiaohuan walked away with a wink, saying that he wanted to take care of the master.

Awan looked at her back and couldn't help but sigh, "Xiaohuan is really a cautious girl."

"Yes." Fang Zilan watched Xiaohuan's back disappear, turned to Awan and asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

"Follow me." Awan led her to the cart containing the herbs, and took out a wooden box from the pile of herbs. "I just found this when I was sorting the herbs. Take a look."

"This was not something we prepared before. Someone secretly put it in while we were not paying attention." Fang Zilan said as he opened the wooden box. The letter that came into view read: Personally signed by Lord Fang Zilan.

She frowned and said nothing, but took out the letter from the box and gave the wooden box to Awan.

"Who secretly put it in?" Awan looked at the medicinal materials placed under the letter. After fiddling with them for a long time, he sighed, "I have to say, this person is quite considerate. It's not an exaggeration to say that he provided help in times of need."

"Su Yun secretly put it there." Fang Zilan read the contents of the letter at a glance. "He said that he was responsible for his duties and could not come with us. He could only prepare some medicinal materials to express his feelings."

"Master Su really has a heart." A Wan held the wooden box in front of Fang Zilan, and her brows frowned even tighter, "You praise Su Yun so much, does he know medicine? What special effect?"

"Don't you know this?" Awan explained seriously: "The ancestors of the Su family were all alchemists. The reason why they are able to hold the position of public minister today is because there was an emperor in the previous dynasty who was obsessed with the art of immortality and reused Su. Family. In addition, their ancestors were quick-thinking and knew that the art of alchemy would not last long, and most of their descendants would take the serious path of becoming officials. Therefore, in this dynasty, almost no one knows about the past of the Su family. "

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