Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1163 Analogy

Fang Zilan gracefully walked around to Huo Sanniang and sat down unceremoniously, "I was entrusted by someone to see if I can save your life."

"Nowadays, in this huge Yanzhou City, there are still people looking forward to my life. It's really novel." Huo Sanniang chuckled lightly, her eyes widened and she was still the charming landlady.

"Sanniang is a smart person. She said what she should say and what she shouldn't say. I'm afraid she didn't even say a word." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "The person who hopes that you will live is in the confession you shouldn't say. . Now it’s your turn to make a choice, tell the truth and save your own life, or say nothing and save that person’s life.”

Huo Sanniang frowned slightly, and her eyes were full of charm, "I don't quite understand Master Fang's words. What do you mean by telling the whole story? Master Zhong has been staring at me for so long. If I still have something to tell you, I'm afraid I've been punished for a long time, and I can't wait until Master Fang comes to see me."

Zhong Yao suddenly said: "Huo Sanniang, you are a woman with a weak family. If you don't have anyone to support you, how can you run a prosperous business? What's more, your shameless business, If no one had covered it up, something would have happened a long time ago.”

"It turns out that Mr. Zhong has known about it for a long time. It seems that whether I say anything or not, he will be involved." Huo Sanniang smiled, "Then why should I say more?"

"Since everyone here knows that person, I will tell you directly." Fang Zilan suppressed a smile and said seriously: "If Sanniang doesn't say anything, Mr. Zhong has no evidence, and Lu Tang will naturally not be involved. But if it is Sanniang said it, and the evidence is conclusive, so he can’t escape.”

"Master Fang wants to exchange a testimony for my life, so you might as well speak up. Why tell a lie that someone asked you to tell?" Huo Sanniang's eyebrows grew colder.

Fang Zilan looked at the heavily guarded woman in front of her with interest, "I didn't lie, Lu Tang did come to beg me. So you thought Lu Tang would abandon you. But even so, you still refused to confess him. ?”

"Abandon me?" Huo Sanniang's face turned gloomy, "When has he not done this?"

"In your heart, since he is a heartless and unjust man, why not drag him down and exchange his confession for his own life?" Fang Zilan said matter-of-factly, but Huo Sanniang suddenly laughed and said, "You all know What, you dare to say that he is heartless and unrighteous? Do you know that he comes from a wealthy family, but why is he still just a small steward in Zhizhou Prefecture? "

"That's because he offended the Shangguan family for you and was demoted by General Shangguan Jing." Zhong Yaoyun explained lightly, "So you feel you owe him something?"

Huo Sanniang's astonished expression froze on her face, "As expected of Mr. Zhong, he knows everything."

"You two are really interesting." Fang Zilan smiled playfully, "Both of you feel that you owe each other. One is willing to ask me to save your life, and the other is willing to risk his life rather than drag him into the water. It's really deep love."

"If Lu Tang begs you, you will not agree easily. You must have negotiated terms with him." Huo Sanniang reacted in a moment, with a fierce look on her face, "What are your terms?"

"My condition is very simple, that is, transfer all your legal business to my name." Fang Zilan said lightly, but Huo Sanniang suddenly changed her expression, "What did you say? He won't do that. ,He will not……"

"Nothing?" Fang Zilan interrupted Huo Sanniang indifferently, "It's just business. If I can save your life, this deal is a good deal."

"It's just business?" Huo Sanniang laughed angrily, "That's what he got for losing his official position. It's the capital for me to settle down. What's the point of living without me?"

Fang Zilan smiled and said, "Sanniang, in your heart, which one is more important, Lu Tang or business?"

Huo Sanniang was stunned by her question. When she saw that Huo Sanniang didn't respond, she continued, "In your heart, this business is the foundation for your livelihood, but to Lu Tang, it is just business. The Lu family has a great business, what kind of business can't it be done in the future? You two were not in the same boat from the beginning."


Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "It's good that everything is settled." "Yes." A Wan said with emotion: "Finally, there is no danger. But..."

As she spoke, she suddenly paused and changed her voice, "What is that?"

Fang Zilan followed her line of sight and saw that the notice board outside the imperial city was crowded with people, and she couldn't help but feel a little curious.

She was about to get off her horse and take a look, when she saw Awan had jumped off the horse, running and jumping into the crowd.

On the side, Deputy General Cao was worried that Awan's horse had run away, so he quickly dismounted and pulled the reins of her horse.

Fang Zilan and Vice General Cao stood outside the crowd holding their horses. After a while, they saw Awan coming out and said to them excitedly: "Your Majesty has sent someone to post a notice."

"What notice?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and Awan explained happily: "About the case in the Northern Territory. In the notice, His Majesty not only ordered the Lu family to be severely punished, but also detailed the actions of the soldiers in the Northern Territory. They have worked hard to defend the border and have made great contributions, and they should never be framed like this by people with ulterior motives. This can be regarded as rectifying the names of us people in the north!"

"Us?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and looked at Awan. She nodded unconsciously, "Yes, it's us in the north."

Fang Zilan smiled, and Vice Admiral Cao looked grateful, "Your Majesty treats us well. The case in the North has been dragged on for so long, and everyone except those involved has almost forgotten about it. Now His Majesty personally reveals it. Telling the world is enough to draw the world's attention again."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly and agreed with Vice General Cao's words.

Unless they have personally experienced the pain, most people in the world would ignore the matter and ignore it. Few people care about the truth, let alone how many people actually remember it.

Thousands of years later, it will be nothing more than a few sentences on a thin page, covered with a few pens.

Although Li Shengxuan's move cannot completely change anything, it is enough to alert people all over the world.

Some things and some people should never be forgotten.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Li Shengxuan told her before - those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow.

What Li Shengxuan has done now is not only to allow the salary holders to survive in the wind and snow, but also to provide them with an umbrella to protect them from the wind and snow.

Just like the one he held for her outside Yuzhang's palace that day.

This time, she finally believed that he was not just superficially trying to win people's hearts, but also had the sincerity to express his true feelings.

No matter what, after the dust settled, her heart could finally rest safely in her stomach.

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