Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1164 Survival

The pressure at close range made Mo Yang take two steps back unconsciously, "So you're not just here to see Mo Han, you..."

"Yes." Fang Zilan admitted confidently, "If I hadn't met you here, I would have made one more trip."

Mo Yang's face was pale and pale, but Fang Zilan's face was expressionless, "I have done my best to inform the Mo family in advance."

"You don't need to inform me." Mo Yang snorted coldly, "A gentleman named Pei has been here."

"Pei Xiaoze?" Fang Zilan said coolly: "With his courage, even if he finds something, would he dare to make it public?"

Mo Yang opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Pei Xiaoze, you don't take it seriously, but what about King Yucheng? If he finds out something..."

"If King Yucheng can't find out anything, it will be my dereliction of duty." Fang Zilan interrupted Mo Yang unceremoniously. He said in disbelief: "Did you recruit King Yucheng? Have you ever thought that he is a noble man?" Gui, how can you wallow in the mire in the southeast?"

"If King Yucheng can't do it." Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows and said casually: "I will stand up and end all this with my own hands."

"The Duke of Xian Yue is dead!" Mo Yang was furious, but he obviously lacked confidence, "Fang Zilan, who do you think you are?"

"Didn't you say that?" Fang Zilan raised the corners of her mouth to a just right angle, "I am Fang Zilan."

After she said that, she gently pushed Awan's hand away, took out a dagger, and pointed it directly at the wordless tombstone.

Mo Yang hurriedly grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist and frowned: "What are you going to do? Mo Han is dead, and he is also a guilty minister. This tombstone cannot be engraved with a name..."

"The body of a sinner?" Fang Zilan shook off Mo Yang's hand and staggered a step, "Is this how you see Mo Han?"

Mo Yang's expression was stagnant, and he watched helplessly as Fang Zilan carved one word after another on the tombstone, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and his whole left hand was shaking.

After carving the last stroke, Fang Zilan stood up unsteadily, bowed his head to the side of the monument, and whispered softly: "Mo Han, I'm not afraid anymore. When everything is over, I will go down to accompany you. Soon, I won't keep you waiting for too long. .”

Awan stood behind Fang Zilan and heard her words clearly. The outstretched hand stopped in mid-air tremblingly, but he did not dare to touch her.

Fang Zilan stood up straight, only to feel a blur in front of her eyes. The dagger in her hand turned over and faced her. Silver light flashed past, and everything she saw was bright red, but it was not her blood.

Murong Qing held Fang Zilan's dagger with one hand, "Be careful, don't hurt yourself."

Fang Zilan subconsciously pulled out the dagger, completely injuring Murong Qing's hand until it was dripping with blood, "You..."

Seeing this, Awan finally came to his senses and hurriedly looked at the injury on Murong Qing's hand, but he avoided it, "It's okay, it's a small injury. It's good that my sister is not hurt."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and said nothing. She just put away the dagger, turned around and walked out of the cemetery. Awan and Murong Qing chased her away, leaving Mo Yang alone, standing in front of the tombstone, which was engraved with——

He's been here and he's great. *

Meng Tingyang watched Awan bandaging Murong Qing's wounds without saying a word. He felt angry, and he couldn't hold back and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened? Why are you injured, Mrs. Crown Prince?" But it’s like nothing happened…”

"Miss Yun, there is no need to be polite." Fang Zilan quickly held Yun Qinghan's arm, smiled slightly and said: "My two sisters have not done anything, so they only accepted Miss Yun's courtesy in vain. I feel really guilty. In the future, the hospital My two sisters will help Miss Yun share the burden."

Yun Qinghan stood up straight and said, "Just call me Qinghan. Have you asked the two girls for their names?"

"A-Lan." Fang Zilan spoke concisely, looked at A-Wan aside, and introduced, "This is my sister A-Wan."

"We still have a few empty rooms in the medical center. I will pack one out later and the two girls can live there peacefully." As soon as Yun Qinghan finished speaking, Ajun winked at her and lowered his voice. He said: "Miss, their origins are unknown, how can you take them in at will? If I let the master know..."

"Nowadays, people are afraid to avoid this situation where they only let in but not out, but the two girls came here without hesitation." Yun Qinghan asked sternly: "What do you think they have any evil intentions?" ?”

Ajun was choked by her words and became speechless, and retreated to the corner angrily. Seeing this, she ignored Ajun and was about to say something to Zilan and Awan when she heard Awan say in surprise: "Uncle Wang is awake!"

"Uncle Wang?" Yun Qinghan called softly. Uncle Wang, who was vaguely conscious, vaguely saw her and couldn't help but murmured: "Girl Yun, is that you?"

"It's me, Uncle Wang, I'm Qinghan." Yun Qinghan held Uncle Wang's hand, but unexpectedly he started to struggle suddenly, "Yun girl, stay away from me."

"Uncle Wang, it doesn't matter to me." Yun Qinghan held Uncle Wang's hand tighter, lowered her eyes and said, "My father is also infected."

"What?" Uncle Wang seemed to be stimulated by her words, his pupils suddenly dilated and shrank, and he said sadly: "It's all my fault..."

"Uncle Wang, there is no need to blame yourself. Dad has never blamed you." Yun Qinghan's voice trembled slightly, "Dad, he just... fulfilled his responsibility as a doctor."

However, Uncle Wang was immersed in self-blame, as if he didn't hear her words, and still repeated the three words "It's all my fault" over and over again.

Seeing that Uncle Wang didn't listen, Yun Qinghan asked instead, "Uncle Wang, why are you living on the street?"

"I..." Uncle Wang suddenly lost his voice, and after a while he said angrily: "Girl Yun, don't save me, let me fend for myself. Leave me alone! Even if I die, I won't drag you down!"

"Uncle Wang!" Yun Qinghan held Uncle Wang's shoulders. Fang Zilan was helping and asked in a low voice: "Is Uncle Wang always like this? I didn't see him when I met him on the street just now. Such a bad temper."

"Uncle Wang has always had a good temper, and I find it strange." Yun Qinghan's subordinates did not dare to use too much force. Without even thinking of speaking, he was pushed away by Uncle Wang. She stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Fang Zilan quickly supported her with quick eyesight and hands, and then sealed Uncle Wang's acupuncture points so that he could not move, "Uncle Wang, since my sister and I picked you up, we must be responsible for healing you in the end. You If you want to die, you have to agree with us."

"You're such a loud girl. Do you know that fate is determined by God and no one can control it?" Uncle Wang's tone was a little more helpless. Fang Zilan came up to him and looked at him intently, saying word by word: "I I don’t believe in fate, I only believe in myself.”

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