Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1169 Accountability

"What a pity." Hongtai took a step back, distanced the two of them, and sighed: "This beautiful little girl who excels in everything has actually reached a desperate situation."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's expression froze, but she heard Hongtai say directly: "Little beauty, you saved me, and I will pay you back."

"How to pay it back?" Fang Zilan asked subconsciously, Hongtai said seriously: "I will return to Feiling Mountain no matter what, but after that, I will accompany you to wander around the world and never care about worldly affairs again."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Hongtai, you and I are just meeting for the first time today. It would be too early to talk about the future..."

"If you don't say you don't want to, it doesn't count as rejection." Hongtai intercepted Fang Zilan's last words, raised his eyebrows and raised his lips and said: "Although it is the first time we meet today, you and I know very well that we are not good people, so we might as well get along. Let's live together. From now on, if you kill someone, I'll hand you the knife, wouldn't it be just right?"

"I have a knife myself, I don't need anyone else to hand it to me." Fang Zilan said, holding the plum sword in front of her to separate the two of them.

Fang Zilan nodded, "Awan has been seeing young master Shen these days. I think Master Shen also knows that the epidemic can be cured. In addition, young master Shen also heard what Awan and I said just now. Mr. Yun can improve the medicine we are currently using. Medicine, this adds a certain degree of certainty to the treatment of epidemics. I wonder if Master Shen is willing to help us?"

Wang Shen didn't answer, just looked at her steadily, and after a while he said, "I thought Miss A Lan wouldn't save me."

Fang Zilan looked indifferent and said, "Master Shen, please don't make a mistake. The person who saved you is Awan."

"If Miss A-Lan refuses, Miss A-Wan will definitely not save me." Wang Shen had a little doubt in his eyes, "I want to know, why did Miss A-Lan save me?"

"If I answer Master Shen's question, Master Shen is willing to help us?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, Wang Shen raised his lips and smiled, "I can consider it."

Fang Zilan turned around and was about to leave, but Wang Shen's voice came suddenly, "Miss A Lan, please stay, I promise you."

Fang Zilan slowly turned around and said softly: "Sometimes, living is more painful than dying. If Master Shen can save his life during this plague, he will remember why Uncle Wang died for the rest of his life."

Wang Shen frowned slightly, "Miss A Lan, do you want me to live with guilt for the rest of my life?"

"No." Fang Zilan walked up to him, looked at him condescendingly and said, "I want Master Shen to not forget his original intention and complete Uncle Wang's unfinished business."

Seeing Wang Shen's dumbfounded look, Fang Zilan continued, "I don't think what you did was extremely sinful, but I think you ignored Uncle Wang's serious illness and insisted on driving him out of the house, which is a waste of time. Of course Uncle Wang is right. I can’t help you, but he is your father after all. Do you have any father-son affection for you in treating him like this?"

"Miss A Lan thinks that I am a worthy son, but you don't think that I am guilty of a heinous crime?" Wang Shen looked complicated, but Fang Zilan nodded without any reaction: "If you blindly pursue the responsibility of your children, don't parents have no fault? I also have this problem. The reason for this idea is that it is difficult for upright officials to deal with household affairs, so they can only make fifty decisions each. No one else is Uncle Wang. Whether Uncle Wang will hate you or forgive you is his own business, and others have no right to make decisions for him. More What's more, now that Uncle Wang has passed away, what can be pursued? Therefore, it should be up to you to decide where to go. "

She paused, "Besides, it was indeed Awan's decision to save you. As a doctor, she has the duty to treat illnesses and save people. She will not be swayed by what I say or do. Master Shen, this answer is yours satisfied?"

Wang Shen let out a long sigh, "It turns out that what Miss A Lan thinks like this is because of my villainy. If Miss A Lan needs me to do anything, just ask her." "Since Master Shen said so, then I will You're welcome." Fang Zilan clasped his fists and saluted: "Please be careful, Master, no matter what, you want the medical clinics to treat people infected with the plague. Find more people who know medicinal materials to come to our medical clinic to learn how to make medicines, and send someone to inquire about Mushan. How is the clearing up of pirates around Guan Guan? If there is no danger of pirates, we can exchange supplies with nearby villages and towns. If we all work together, we can always get through it."

"Whatever?" Wang Shen repeated the word, "How far does Miss Alan want me to go?"

"Young Master Shen doesn't expect to hear what I say to be rational and emotional, right?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Money inducements, threats, and the worst is life at risk. What method should you use, Master Shen?" After thinking about it, I guess you don’t need me to teach you.”

"Miss A-Lan speaks lightly, but if it really takes someone's life, I can't handle it." Wang Shen looked solemn, "Still, even if someone's life is involved, Miss A-Lan still has the ability to put an end to it. ?”

"When a plague passes, more than one or two people die?" Fang Zilan said lightly, "As for the cause of death, who can find out clearly?"

"Miss A Lan, you..." Wang Shen suddenly changed his expression, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Fang Zilan. The corners of her lips curled up slightly and she said, "Why, Master Shen, are you afraid?"

Wang Shen was silent for a long time, and then said solemnly: "Miss A Lan, although I am not a kind person, I am definitely not someone who regards human life as nothing. If you insist on doing this, forgive me for not agreeing."

"I can't tell that Master Shen actually does something and doesn't do anything." Fang Zilan's smile became even brighter, "Then I didn't misjudge the person."

"Miss A-Lan?" Wang Shen was stunned for a moment, and Fang Zilan smiled and looked a little more serious, "Although what I just said was meant to test, it is also true."

A sharp look flashed in her eyes, "Not everyone can survive in the chaos. If you want to survive, you must do your best."

"But..." Wang Shen opened his mouth to say something, but she was interrupted before he could say anything, "I know what you want to say. Everyone is in danger in a chaotic situation, but there should be self-protection. Personality. If you use your selfishness too much, your life will be spared."

Her sharp and calm expression made Wang Shen freeze in place, and he only listened to her say word by word: "As long as you have a clear conscience, no matter what you do, I can handle it."

Wang Shen looked at the person in front of him steadily, and finally couldn't help but ask the question in his heart, "Miss A Lan, who are you?"

Fang Zilan looked indifferent and answered without hesitation: "People who want to do something for this plague."

"Miss Alan, do you want to be a living Bodhisattva?" Wang Shen asked, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "Living Bodhisattva? I'm not that arrogant. I know very well that even if I have the ability to reach heaven, it will be difficult for me to achieve it on my own. I’m asking for your help, Master Shen.”

Wang Shen responded solemnly: "I will do my best."

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