Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1170 Intention

"Your Majesty?" Awan's voice brought Li Shengxuan back from his thoughts. He didn't react and walked in on his own.

Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan sitting on the edge of the bed and couldn't help but chuckle, "Your Majesty is really not shy now."

"I heard what you just said." Li Shengxuan ignored Fang Zilan's words and just looked at her steadily, his eyes burning.

Fang Zilan met Li Shengxuan's gaze and asked without any evasion: "Since your Majesty has heard it, what do you think?"

Although she was uttering questions, her eyes were full of shining expectation, which became even more fascinating against the background of her haggard and sick face. It was a direct invitation that no one could refuse.

She knew that what she was doing was no different than throwing down all her chips in a casino and entering a game where she was almost certain to lose. But she still wanted to give it a try, even if it was just so that when she woke up, Li Shengxuan had never called himself me in front of her.

"You hope..." Li Shengxuan hesitated, with a rare hesitation on his face, "Do you want me to stay for you?"

"If I say hope." Fang Zilan's hands hidden in the quilt were twisted tightly together, and her voice was so nervous that her voice trembled a little, "Will Your Majesty stay?"

Li Shengxuan was silent and his noncommittal attitude was unpredictable, but it also made Fang Zilan muster up the greatest courage and become a moth rushing towards the light regardless of her own safety.

"Can you stay with me?" Fang Zilan slowly stretched out her hand, suppressing the pain of the wound, and gently hugged Li Shengxuan, "Can you, for my sake, not go back?"

If possible, from now on, the mountains and rivers will be long, and you and I can be free and at ease, and we will no longer have to be trapped in one part of the capital.

Li Shengxuan was still silent, and Fang Zilan leaned on his shoulder, biting her lips tightly, and said the words that she knew she shouldn't do, but she didn't say anything unpleasant -

"You want to pass the throne to Li Qiyou, this is your chance."

Li Shengxuan and Fang Zilan, who are embracing each other, cannot see each other's faces, so they can hide their thoughts temporarily and enjoy a moment of silence.

Although neither of them spoke anymore, they had their own hidden agendas.

Li Shengxuan knew that Fang Zilan's words might be meant to test, but they were not empty words. He and Fang Ziqin have no children, and the throne will fall into the hands of his nephews sooner or later. With his deliberate training and support, Li Qiyou is the most suitable candidate.

However, he passing the throne himself and saying it from Fang Zilan's mouth are two completely different things.

Fang Zilan said slowly: "Your Majesty, do you think that my words are no different from those who are looking forward to your fall day and night?"

"Your Majesty." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "Even if I marry you, I will still be Fang Zilan. I have my own way and it has nothing to do with you, so please don't stand in the way."

Murong Qing stared at Fang Zilan thoughtfully for a while, then nodded and said: "Just what I want. Sister, I won't block your way. Please don't block my way."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan stretched out her hand, and Murong Qing high-fived her and said, "I take this as my oath."

Both of their hands were a little cold, but the moment they touched each other, they felt a little warmer.

Fang Zilan quickly retracted her hand, turned her back and lay back again. Murong Qing looked at her back, without any hesitation, and lay down next to her in uniform. Feeling the movement behind her, Fang Zilan clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, and she never really fell asleep the whole night.

It wasn't until dawn that a maid came to help the two of them get up early. Unexpectedly, both of them were dressed neatly, but they were still in the wedding clothes from last night.

The maid didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she could only watch the two people separated on both sides of the screen, changing their clothes calmly, and then she dared to step forward to tidy up their clothes.

"Madam, I will serve tea to the prince and princess later. You..." the maid hesitated, but Fang Zilan's face was expressionless, "I understand."

"Princess said, today is the first day that Madam marries into the palace. You still have to abide by the rules. You can't be caught by outsiders for any mistakes. You don't have to be so serious in the future." The maid seemed to be relieved and broke He thought to himself: "Madam, you are delicate and frail, so you should put yourself first in everything."

Fang Zilan did not comment, but said softly: "Thank you for your consideration, Princess."

The maid who was dressing Fang Zilan on the other side was stunned and reminded softly: "Madam, you have to change your words when you serve tea."

"Change your words?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and the impatient look in her eyes made the maid tremble. She sprinkled rouge on her clothes with a shake of her hand, "Madam, please forgive me, I..."

"Okay, I'll do it myself." Fang Zilan arranged the hem of her clothes indifferently, dipped some water in the silk handkerchief, and turned the rouge into a flower.

Seeing this, the maid breathed a sigh of relief. She had heard that Fang Zilan had the tongues of the maids cut out for gossiping in anger, so she had always felt that it was difficult to serve, and she was afraid that she would be punished accidentally. Unexpectedly...

"What are you doing standing still?" Fang Zilan stood up, but before taking a step, she was caught by the skirt of her skirt and stumbled.

The maids moved to the left and right, and hurriedly supported Fang Zilan, "Madam, be careful."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath and looked down at her dress. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog, she is no exception. She can only go to the countryside and do as the Romans do, and put on Miluo clothes.

But the Miluo woman's dress was not only layered and complicated, making it difficult to put on and take off, but it also tightly wrapped people in it and would restrain her if she made the slightest movement. Now she couldn't even take a single step.

Murong Qing, who heard the sound, came around from the other side of the screen. Seeing that Fang Zilan had a straight face and the maids next to him were silent, he walked over and stretched out his hand, "I'll do it."

Fang Zilan ignored Murong Qing, lifted up her skirt and walked straight towards the door. Several maids behind her could not help but exclaimed. You must know that in their Miluo, no woman has ever dared to walk like this. Who is not polite and walks slowly with small steps? ?

However, the maid didn't wait for a warning and heard Murong Qing say: "Let her go."

"Yes." The maid responded quickly, and then she saw Murong Qing chasing Fang Zilan out, "Sister, wait for me."

Fang Zilan stopped not far away, and Murong Qing caught up with her shortly after. He subconsciously followed her gaze and saw two women in navy blue plain clothes being respectfully greeted by the servants of the house. The main hall was introduced.

"That's..." Murong Qing was stunned and whispered: "Why did the grandma of the mansion come so early?"

"It seems that someone is impatient." Fang Zilan snorted coldly and raised her feet to go to the main hall, but Murong Qing grabbed her sleeve.

"I'll accompany you." The young man was not as tall as Fang Zilan, but there was an undeniable power in his tone.

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