Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1171 Powerful

Mu Chuji said seriously: "I remember my husband once told me that those who are brave and good at fighting are generals, those who strategize are commanders, and those who are prepared for danger in times of peace are prime ministers. I can see some of it in Fang Zilan. The most important point is, She was completely unafraid of death. She had clearly reached her limit that day, but she still didn't take a step back."

"The existence of such a person is the biggest obstacle." Murong Xun withdrew his gaze, "Your Highness, King Qi, what do you want to do in this situation?"

Mu Chuji thought about it for a long time and said word by word: "The faster we attack the city, the better."

Murong Xun did not answer. Mu Chuji only felt invisible pressure hanging over him, making him sweat, but he did not dare to make the slightest sound.

It wasn't until a drop of sweat fell on his forehead that he heard Murong Xun's voice, "Those who have gained the Tao will have many help, but those who have lost the Tao will have few. If you can't fight to the end before Dajing recovers its strength, you will lose." Li Shengxuan I also know that that’s why I sent a hard nail like Fang Zilan to defend Qiluo City. In this case, this nail must be pulled out. "

"Sir, do you think we can't win?" Mu Chuji couldn't help but ask. Murong Xun said quietly: "The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. Dajing is like an elephant. Miluo cannot swallow it, but it will choke easily. His Highness thinks , how to win this battle?"

"Brother Huang means to move the border line northward and expand our territory in Miluo." Mu Chuji replied: "Therefore, as long as we can pose a threat to the capital and force the capital to negotiate with us, If you cede territory and pay tribute, the battle will be considered won.”

"It's not enough to just create a threat. You need to be a sufficient threat to achieve your goal." Murong Xun's expression became a little sharper. "Cut down the flag and kill the commander. Go straight in. Don't take it lightly."

"Yes, sir." Mu Chuji responded: "I personally led the troops to attack the city and vowed to take Fang Zilan's head."

"I'll leave the siege to Jiang Hanze, you stay." Murong Xun's tone was unquestionable, and Mu Chuji was stunned, "Why..."

"Your Highness, do you know what should happen if a person is riding a tiger and is unable to dismount?" After Murong asked, without waiting for Mu Chuji's answer, he said directly: "If you are a lonely and brave person like Fang Zilan, you will risk your life and fight to the death to kill the tiger to survive. So this one Hu, Jiang Hanze can do it, I can do it, but His Highness cannot."

Mu Chuji felt relieved and whispered: "Sir, you are afraid of my imperial brother..." He did not continue. Murong Xun's eyes flashed with worry, but he did not say anything.

Mu Chuji subconsciously blurted out: "Sir, don't worry, as long as I'm here, Jiang Hanze won't dare to complain to the emperor at will, let alone do anything to him."

"Jiang Hanze was taught by me. Now even if my heart is not with me, I still have ways to deal with people, so Your Highness doesn't have to worry." Murong Xun looked calm. Mu Chuji knew he had made a mistake, so he opened his mouth and finally said only A word of farewell.

"Your Highness, please stay." Murong Xun paused for a long time before saying, "How are the injuries on Your Highness's body?"

"I miss you, Mr. Lao. It's no big deal." Mu Chuji smiled slightly and bowed to Murong Xun again. He sighed softly and said, "I hope your highness will take yourself first and don't worry about me." bone."

"Sir, you are joking." The smile on Mu Chuji's face grew brighter and he joked: "If you, sir, are all old bones, wouldn't those people in the court who are full of food and have nothing to do all day long, rot into dregs?"

After he said that, he turned around and left. Murong Xun looked at his back and suddenly felt a little sad.

No matter how absurd and cruel Mu Chuji was, he was very kind to everyone in Prince Zhongzheng's palace. Few people know that Mu Chuji's so-called bohemian surrender of the throne was just to preserve his Qing'er, and even this expedition was all for his own chance of survival.

Mu Churui couldn't resist, so he sent Jiang Hanze to keep an eye on him, so Mu Chuji volunteered for military service and followed the army without hesitation. How could he not know this one by one?

Who would have thought that through his stubborn life, he would end up like today, relying on others and letting others manipulate him?

Fang Lihui ran out as if he remembered something, and saw Fang Lihui and Warners preparing to leave at the entrance of the embassy. He was breathing unevenly while running, and his speech was a little choppy, "Cousin! You guys..."

Fang Liren walked up to him patiently and patted his back, indicating that he could breathe evenly before speaking.

"Are you...really going to Yancheng?" Fang Lihui looked anxious, and Fang Liren smiled lightly, "Yes, it is only fair that Warners left Persia and I left Dajing, both of them were far away from their homeland."

"Cousin!" Fang Lihui raised his voice. He never understood why his cousin was so obsessed with the word fairness.

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui good-naturedly. He held the folding fan tightly in his hands and held back a sentence for a long time, "It's rainy in Yancheng."

"I know." Fang Liren smiled fondly, "Is Lihui worried that my old injury will relapse?"

"No." Fang Lihui turned his head away, looking like an angry child, "Can you and Miss Sashan get used to living in a remote town like Yancheng?"

"Li Hui." Fang Liren called Fang Lihui's name in a low voice, but he tilted his head even more, "It's a long journey, so please take care of yourself, cousin and Miss Sasan."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave when Fang Liren's voice sounded behind him, "Lihui, you will be alone in the Fang family from now on. No one will protect you. You must be more careful and don't fight as you please."

Fang Lihui stopped, and there was a hint of trembling in his tone, "Why do people who are leaving talk such nonsense?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a chuckle, and when he looked up, he saw Fang Zilan leaning against the railing, with an indescribably playful look on his face.

Before Fang Lihui could get angry, Fang Zilan walked up to him, patted his shoulder, and said to Fang Liren: "What do you mean no one is protecting you? Mr. Fang must have forgotten that all my money was invested in the Fang family. All my money was invested in the Fang family. I’m not allowed to take care of your property, okay?”

Hearing this, Fang Lihui visibly froze on the spot. Fang Liren clasped his fists and saluted, with a look of gratitude in his eyes, "So, thank you, Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said, "You're welcome. I wish Mr. Fang and Miss Sashan a smooth trip, and hope they will be safe, happy, and healthy in the future."

The carriage gradually moved away and slowly drove out of people's sight, leaving only a field of smoke and dust.

Fang Lihui gently tapped Fang Zilan's hand on his shoulder with a folding fan, and said helplessly: "Everyone is gone, can Mr. Fang let go?"

Fang Zilan retracted her hands and stood up straight. When Fang Lihui saw that she was no longer on alert, he spoke again: "Master Fang, are you so afraid of me causing trouble?"

She didn't answer, and Fang Lihui continued speaking on his own, "I won't stop you. What you can't keep will eventually be lost. No matter what you do, it will be in vain."

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